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Pet Peeves

With all of these bunny comments, it appears this thread is turning into Pet Peeves, vice Pet Peeves....damn rabbit just won't die.  Er, wait, maybe that's a good thing  ;)
In the imortal words of Elmer Fudd; "Dat dastardly wabbit, I hate dat wabbit!"
My pet peeve is how everyone keeps ruining threads with this stupid rabbit shyte. ::)

Yeah, and my other is not having fun. ;)
von Garvin said:
They don't even taste good, or go well with Ketchup!!!!!!!

Maybe it's the way you are skinning them out? Have you tried sticking them under the rear wheels of your vehicle, revving the engine and popping the clutch? It's like popping a grape seed; they come out clean as a whistle! Tip: save the skins, they make great fluffy slippers!

Shot on the run, served on a bun! Now that’s eating!

Warning: Hunting the bunny with crew served weapons is not allowed. (The holes left in the skin make it hard to make slippers!)

- People who think they are smarter just because they are older
- Having someone totally ruin a generally good day
- Waiting for the number 2 for 45 mintues then watch as three of them come at once (friggin oc transpo :threat:)
- People who chat on their cell phones really REALLY loud
- Parents who can't control their children
- Kids walking around in pants that make them look like they shat themselves
- Those goddamn sensors that beep when you walk out the doors of a store (I work at Shopper's and
I hear those things like a hundred times a shift)
Thank God I have my CFAT in a week, I can't wait to get the hell out of that place.
Cheers :salute:
People who talk to you like you're stupid just because you work in a factory (for now), supervisors and co-workers included.  >:(
Military people (I can forgive Civis) that refer to soldiers as bodies.
My usual response....I first heard it from my Sgts Major...."Bodies go in bags soldiers go in uniform"
  • Urine on the blue rocket's seat +1, +1000 on a MEDICAL unit Ex!!!
  • The general filth of public restrooms - but that's related to the general inconsiderate-ness* of society methinks
  • Over political-correctness, the pendulum has swung TOO far
  • Men who don't respect the urinal-gap and set up right beside me in an otherwise vacant washroom.
  • Spitting in public - in the field, ok, there's dust, bugs, etc, and when you're sick into a kleenex or toilet, but why on the sidewalk?  Or worse yet, running down walls/windows/signs.  Makes me want to vomit.
  • Members of a stereotyped group who perpetuate the stereotype.
  • RAWLCO radio group in Saskatchewan - they own/operate something like 90% of the urban radio stations and only own about 10 CDs
  • Spanking a child is NOT abuse... two paragraph rant removed... I can actually remember the last time I was spanked.  My mom was crying - that was the day I learned what she meant everytime she said, "This hurts me way more than it hurts you."  I still made mistakes, but never that big again.

Hmmm... I think most of mine have been numerous threads, or off-shoots on this site previously...

*Yay!  I invented a new word!

1. People who say they hate stupid people, as if by some divine intervention they have been anointed as the arbiter who decides who is stupid and who isn't. Unless of course the stupid people really are stupid.

2. Slagging officers just because they are officers.

3. Neighours who let their children trample my lawn and garden and then get annoyed when I let my dog pee on their lawn (while gleefully telling them what darlings their little children are).

4. Vacillating imbeciles beyond all endurance.

5. Peeple who wont youse spel chek or correkt grammer in they're posts.

6. KILL the bunnies. They are good eating with a nice light lemon pepper sauce.

rogsco said:
6. KILL the bunnies. They are good eating with a nice light lemon pepper sauce.


people who  KILL the bunnies
rogsco said:
1. People who say they hate stupid people, as if by some divine intervention they have been anointed as the arbiter who decides who is stupid and who isn't. Unless of course the stupid people really are stupid.

1.  I only hate stupid people who really are stupid.

2.  I was annointed as but ONE of MANY such arbiters.

George Wallace said:

My pet peeve is people who think they're smart enough to own wireless technology but don't know  their back side from a hole in the ground.   ;D  If you read my profile you will understand why it's a pet peeve LOL

Ouch, GW  +1 
Pet peeve, people who can not spell and do not use spell check.
People who forward e-mails with a million names befor you can read the message :threat:
medicineman said:
1.  I only hate stupid people who really are stupid.

2.  I was annointed as but ONE of MANY such arbiters.


Agreed. I too was so annointed, weren't we at the same annointment ceremony?

I dont have a pet peeve any more, since the bunny madness is over and done with  :blotto:
mbaker said:
I don't have a pet peeve any more, since the bunny madness is over and done with  :blotto:

You may have killed them off temporarily, but they reproduce rapidly....they WILL come back  ;D