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Pay: Statements, Backpay, Benefits, Deductions (Taxes, T4), Deployed ect... [MERGED]

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MJP said:
Your husband's T4 will go to whatever address his BOR has listed for him.
More accurately, whatever address he has listed in CCPS.

Also to be noted is that even though you get your Pay Statement electronically, those are 2 different settings within CCPS. So it will depend where he has his T4/R1 delivery set at, either "Home" or "Work", and if Home the last address provided to them for that purpose..
MJP said:
Pay statements have been electronic for months now, no more paper copies.  Your husband's T4 will go to whatever address his BOR has listed for him.

I had a major computer meltdown after xmas and I admit I'm not great at printing them out, so they were all wiped clean.  Pretty much just your classic case of everything going wrong at once.  It happens.  :) Grin and bear it!

I did contact his pay clerk here who in turn contacted the clerk that deployed with them.  He has to sign a form the next time he rolls in to change the email account.  They are currently being sent to our old email address.  I guess with all the deployment stuff it never even crossed his mind to change it.  I'm sure I wouldn't have been thinking of it.  Again, just one of those things.  So he will change it eventually and that is good news.  Not much help now, but further down the road it will be nice to see what's up. 

By the way, thanks for all the advice.  I really appreciate the direction.
People in Cold Lake should be getting there T4 soon if they already don't have them. I got mine in the mail today.
Husband got his NB T4 three weeks ago and my NB T4.

My PEI T4 just showed up this week. Guess I'll be doing up both our taxes next week while I'm here in Gagetown on leave. The joy!!
My hubby is Reg Force and still hasn't got his T4! But then we live in Borden where they treat students like children and don't give a damn about the member. We're even having trouble with our move outta here!! Go figure! And then they wonder why so many releases!! : >:(
Then the Pay Office/BOR should be contacted to this effect. They have a listing generated from RMDS which will show where all your T4/R1's have been mailed to, which can in turn enable you to track them down. And IF needed, they now have ( as we are passed 12 Mar) the ability to request reprints.

It is more then likely that the mailing address was not updated in CCPS last time you moved, thus why every year a reminder is sent to advising folks who have moved to ensure their mailing address has been properly changed. Note that this notice is normally sent through RO's/Broadcast Emails by the Pay Office/BOR's.
Thanks All! But reply to the Fin clk's comment, if the clerks here knew what they were doing it would be easy as pie!! Students here must go through proper procedures and channels to get anything done here in Borden or your in trouble. He only has ADMIN on Monday afternoons. And what they tell him is fact, they are never wrong. They told him it was mailed to our address in BORDEN but hasn't come yet.

It may be 12 Mar but to them he has lots of time! He just gets told it's in the mail. I have friends keeping an eye out for it in our last posting. They are my support system, because of the hell we put up with here!
Just go down to a CCRA office with proper ID and they will print off all copies they have of T4 slips for you and stamp & sign them certified.
If that is the service he is receiving, then he should report it through the instructors to have it addressed. The behaviour you describe is not only poor customer service, but would also hinder quality of life aspects of students.
tweetya said:
Thanks All! But reply to the Fin clk's comment, if the clerks here knew what they were doing it would be easy as pie!! Students here must go through proper procedures and channels to get anything done here in Borden or your in trouble. He only has ADMIN on Monday afternoons. And what they tell him is fact, they are never wrong. They told him it was mailed to our address in BORDEN but hasn't come yet.

It may be 12 Mar but to them he has lots of time! He just gets told it's in the mail. I have friends keeping an eye out for it in our last posting. They are my support system, because of the hell we put up with here!

I would suggest you let your husband deal with this, and get some help from his instructors. Most new members of the CF don't have an intimate knowledge with how things work, thus any comments coming from a new member's spouse are even less informed since you have zero experience with how the system works and you're only receiving second hand info from your husband.

So my advice is to cease the complaining and badmouthing of people you've never even met and tell your husband to talk to his instructors, and of course, watch his tone with them too. Military members are people and I know that I start to tune out when someone starts laying into me about things that are out of my control, especially when the person laying into me doesn't know WTF they're talking about.
PO2FinClk said:
Easy one to answer, as per every year in the first week of March, a CANFORGEN (038/06 for last year) will be issued for personnel is situations similar to yours and of R@chel.

Essentially all that will be required is to include a letter issued through Admin Section for a tax filing extension. This letter is in accordance with the provisions of Fairness Legislation allowing you to file your taxes as far as 31 Oct of the year without penalty. Keeping in mind this filing extension is typically aimed at deployed personnel, your school will be in a position to obtain whatever necessary substantiaion required.
CANFORGEN 064/07 realeased to this effect 26 Mar 07. A little later then usual but its' out so if you require an extansion due to deployment circumstances you can now get it from your respective OR's.
Spec pay has always been a touchy area.  Who gets it and why?  And noone really can give a good answer.  Too many times it is used more as a retention mechanism for trades rather that an acknowledgement of their skills.  But with the ongoing war onterror, there has been highlighted a new bunch of soldiers who have traditionally been considered a not-so-bright kind of crew.  That is the combat arms.  When one looks at the task of an infantry MCpl or higher, they routinely conduct their missions while routinley doing other peoples jobs.  And I don't mean doing them because the others can't, more so due to the manning and capabilities of some organisations prevents them from doing it en masse in the field. Some of these are as follows;

Int Op - gathering int while on patrol, especially those with a tactical questioning course;
MSE Op - Cbt arms are always planning and conductiong road moves (combat patrols). selecting the route, organizing the support etc;
Public Affairs - spreading the good of the CF to foreign people and within Canada;
Armoured operations - Inf, Arty and Eng all conduct Armd Ops with their own armd veh;
FCS/Wpns tech - more often than not, these trades are not on a three week op with a rifle company, and the soldiers have to make their guns work however they can;
Medics - more than 50% of casulties are treated by their buddies prior to a medic getting to them;
Signals - everyone is expected to make their radios and other sigs kit work, often without a signaller to assist;
MP - Cbt arms are always the first to take prisoners and on nearly every occasion been responsible for the POW movement back to a secure point; and
Geo tech - cbt arms on patrol are responsible for confirming maps, noting descripencies and forwarding them higher.

The list could go on.  But also take a look at the other things the cbt arms deals with.  High tech wpns, kit and  vehicles.  The advanced courses that are definitley a specialty.  Such as the FAC course, advanced gunnery, advanced anti-armour.  And above all, it takes a specialist person to lead men into combat and have the ability to make on the spot decisons under the most challenging of circumstances.
There will no doubt be many who think that this would be a bad idea, and many who think it would be a good idea.  In retrospect, the normal everyday challenges for a cbt arms soldier (inf, arty, armd and eng) are well above and beyond those given to a soldier 30-50 years ago.  Rather than giving spec pay as a retention tool, it should be given to those whose jobs require special skillsets and unique conditions in which they must be performed.
This was seriously looked at in about 1997-1998, and the word sent back to our occupation was "it would cost too much". 

On a personal interest note, you would have to amplify what you mean by the reference to acting as Int Op in the field.  There's more to being an Int Op than just marking maps and asking somebody a few questions, which is everybody's job. 
Agreed that it is everybodies duty to ask questions.  More in relation to a specific person, item, event for future planning at higher levels.

Hope this helps.
Part of the problem was that it only works if all or most members of an occupation are doing work that could qualify for spec pay bonuses.  If only a small portion of the trade members are doing the extra work that would qualify for spec pay, its not considered valid.

Very much like the problems that could be associated with the implementation of all the time field pay for line units.  And looking at the CFTEP, cbt arms qualifies in all those areas.  Saying that it would cost too much is avery political answer.  Much like how all the big Garrisons don't qualify for PLD as it would cost too much, despite the fact that the big garrsions are in the most expensive parts of the country.  There is nothing wrong with issuing it out to those in the cbt arms with advanced course or other spec courses such as FAC.  It also prompts soldiers to strive for those courses.  That would rule out the possibility of the malingerers benefitting off the work of others.  It is also a recognition that the cbt arms are now required to be the smart and resourceful soldiers that popular opinionleans away from.  Placing a 25 year old in charge of a 3.5 million dollar vehicle reasons that he is not a thud.  There have been many posts in the past about the difference these days between the cbt arms and CSS trades.  it is  not my intent to revisit those, as it just leads to a game of one upmanship.  But defintley, as a soldier gets an advanced course, then spec pay may be warranted.
not sure if they still do it, but I like how the Aussies do/did it, you were paid for the job you do (Armd made more than Inf, Eng more than Armd etc) and I think you also got paid more dependent on trade quals. (Cpl with 2 PCF's got more than Cpl with 1, even if they have the exact amount of TI).
While I can agree whole heartedly that Infantry trg and for that matter all combat arms trg has become far more technical and requires a greater degree of aptitude to apply, have you considered the fact that all other trades have had an exponential growth in their IS and weapon system requirements.  As you can see I have had a few trades worth of experience and will admit some of the most intelligent and insightful people I worked with have been from the Cbt Arms, but the Spec Pay question should be considered for all trades or a better system created completely for the adequate compensation of those with specialized trg.  I don't believe the current system reflects the competency of our troops as a whole and needs to be revisited.