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Pay: Statements, Backpay, Benefits, Deductions (Taxes, T4), Deployed ect... [MERGED]

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Still no T4 here....wonder what the holdup is this year?

Finally got mine today - postmarked yesterday.

Nothing like sending 'em out at the last minute.
Still waiting on mine as well, but am not worried as these things are always worked out by mid March.
Per CRA rules, employers MUST have the T4s out by no later than Feb 28th and file their own employer's return to CRA.... and that includes DND.

While Reg pay is administered by HR Mil, Res pay is managed by the areas.
Sooo - Reg T4s should have been sent out long time ago while the Res ones will often take until the last minute - taking into account the shortage of qualified, competent staff officers to do the job... not an acceptable excuse but, there you have it.

Each area is responsible for reconciling the payroll - This year, LFQA got it out in record time - next year, with TF 3/07 being away, it'l prolly be another story.

And before any Reg F decide to go and ask for a reprint from their BOR/Pay Office, be advised that no re-prints will be entertained prior to 12 Mar 07.

Reason is that although issued on the 28 th for example, reasonable mail delay must be entertained.

Laslty, your BOR's/Pay Offices will also have a listing of a people belonging to them also showing where the T4/R1 was mailed to.
Good info PO2FinClk....

Hopefully the bloody thing will arrive soon so I can get it over and done with.

Here's another question for you PO2FinClk....

I'm starting a course and going to be away by that time and won't be returning until 1 Apr.

In that time I won't be able to file at all, unless my T4 arrives prior to 12 March.

How can I go about getting my T4 if it doesn't arrive prior to my departing?

Last thing I want to do is make the tax man wait.        ;)

RBD, In a pinch, CRA will have on file a copy of all submitted employer (and other sources of income info) tax information and you can call them and get the numbers over the phone.  They will send out a copy as well of what they have.  That way you can at least calculate your tax liability and have it all ready to submit by April 30th. 

For anyone else who are in a ResF  and have been on a Class A and B contract or anyone who has multiple sources of income it is a good idea to check with CRA for the numbers they have on file for your tax liability as quite often there are missed income statements etc.  CRA will always go on the tax information that has been filed by the employer/and other sources of income and not just on what you received in the mail. 
niner domestic said:
RBD, In a pinch, CRA will have on file a copy of all submitted employer ( 

For some reason they don't have copies of your DND T4s.  I tried to go that route to file my 2005 taxes after returning from overseas and the CRA had no record of a T4 from DND.  I had to order a reprint from my pay office.
Personal income tax returns are due by April 30th, as is any amount owing.  Penalties and interest may be charged for late returns or late payments

Also... Given that filing deadline is Feb 28th, the paper copies of the T4s that are sent to CRA will not be readily available for some time.....
Both DH and myself have now received ours as of yesterday.

Should be a great return for us...hehehe
I'm kind of in a jam here.  Hubby deployed earlier this month and I haven't received his T4 yet.  I know he doesn't have to file until he gets back, but I need his numbers to file mine.  That all said, I don't even has his December pay stub... computer melt down.

Should I just contact the pay clerk?  Do you think they can issue it to me?  I have power of Attourney.

Such a pain.
Wait the time as noted above and then go in.

My 0.02 worth

Recce By Death said:
Here's another question for you PO2FinClk....

I'm starting a course and going to be away by that time and won't be returning until 1 Apr.

In that time I won't be able to file at all, unless my T4 arrives prior to 12 March.

How can I go about getting my T4 if it doesn't arrive prior to my departing?

Last thing I want to do is make the tax man wait.        ;)


Easy one to answer, as per every year in the first week of March, a CANFORGEN (038/06 for last year) will be issued for personnel is situations similar to yours and of R@chel.

Essentially all that will be required is to include a letter issued through Admin Section for a tax filing extension. This letter is in accordance with the provisions of Fairness Legislation allowing you to file your taxes as far as 31 Oct of the year without penalty. Keeping in mind this filing extension is typically aimed at deployed personnel, your school will be in a position to obtain whatever necessary substantiaion required.
Got mine this week, wife is excited  ::)

Mind you it helps to get it early so we were able to buy more RRSP to knock me down a tax bracket, so we are getting back $2800  ;D
I don't have dh's yet either.  But we don't get paystubs either they are at the unit.  Perhaps T4 there as well?
simysmom99 said:
I don't have dh's yet either.  But we don't get paystubs either they are at the unit.  Perhaps T4 there as well?
perhaps call?
When I had that issue, I called up CRA and told them of the circumstances. They do have copies of gov't T4's so they gave me the numbers I needed and allowed me to also file my husband's without his signature. He was on deployment rescuing the HMCS Chicoutimi then and there was no timeline as to when they would be back. I also have a POA, so that helped tremendously.

Give CRA a call if the T4 doesn't arrive by the due date. They are more cooperative then many think.
simysmom99 said:
I don't have dh's yet either.  But we don't get paystubs either they are at the unit.  Perhaps T4 there as well?

Pay statements have been electronic for months now, no more paper copies.  Your husband's T4 will go to whatever address his BOR has listed for him.