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Pay: Statements, Backpay, Benefits, Deductions (Taxes, T4), Deployed ect... [MERGED]

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When is it foreseen that this (fulltime FOA or whatever it will be called) will be implemented?
Navy_Blue said:
If the infantry gets spec pay then Stewards and Bos'n will be right there in line too.
Your operational tempo has shot through the roof.  I would be pretty happy getting the tax break and the foreign service pay.

Infantry gets spec pay and the Stewards and Bos'ns line up?  Are you comparing and Infanteer to someone who folds sheets?  Or serves Ungratful navy officers?  Or clips his nails on the bridge?

Sure the infanteer tempo has shot through the roof, but there were always missions going on around the world, now its a hell of a lot more dangerous.

I have seen some naval spec pay trades that do JACK onboard (thats right you ops room types).  A steward/cook works harder than most naval ops trades.  Sure they work during exercises and gulf deployments, but other than that they are spelling each other off watching the same movie in the mess for days on end.....

I have to go with dolphin hunter on this one, being a former naval ops type myself (not spec trade mind you) and indeed watched the same movies for days on end in the mess, even on a gulf trip, perhaps it should be renamed retention pay. And indeed a steward does put in a lot of hours folding napkins and cleaning cabins and getting ready for cocktail parties (at sea anyway) and managing messes (all messes - Army, Navy, Airforce) alongside, Bosuns, very hard working bunch, maybe spec should do a flop.  I know paid for waht you know not what you do. But then thats why Soldier's get foreign service pay the day they leave the country, doin the do from day, sailors from around day 35 on.
Lone Wolf Quagmire said:
When is it foreseen that this (fulltime FOA or whatever it will be called) will be implemented?

It was part of the last budget... which has yet to be blessed by the Senate and passed by the House. I would imagine that once the budget has passed, Treasury Board will need to work out the implementation. In short... don't expect to see it any time soon.
Navy_Blue said:
Oh and please tell me your not going to get field pay full time on Canadian soil???  I can Justify my Sea pay while on ship full time.  Some one rationalize field pay full time for me.
Ok now for my inflamed bit, you can justify sea pay while posted to a ship, go for it, becuase after 7 years on seagoing units I couldn't and still can't, yes duty watches suck, about 1 in 13 at the very best, between base duties and unit duties field soldiers are doing about the same, you get lunch every day, soldiers actually have to go to the field for that comfort, and then have to make it themselves, you get a hot shower every day, a soldier in the field might get a hot shower every week in the field. You have a bed a nice little 6x2 1/2 space that is your world, a soldier gets a bivy bag and an air matress, Coffee is always ready you have a scullery hand to make it for you (and yes I've stood molly) a soldier gets up for a security picket and he's boiling water in a canteen cup to make some horrible instant coffee. So now please justify full time sea pay, even when you're in drydock going home at noon every day or on a lengthy course.

Nemo888 said:
I think infanteers really do deserve spec pay. As a medic have you ever noticed what MOC most of your patients come from?

Enough said.
And you guys thought I was funny...

CDN Aviator said:
And that has to do with "spec pay" how ?

I'm pretty sure i can name alot of bases where medics never see an infanteer

Here is a link to Budget 2007 for those who want to peruse it: http://www.budget.gc.ca/2007/bp/bpc6e.html
You know what would solve this whole issue.
Lets separate the forces back to ARMY, Royal Canadian Navy, and Royal Canadian Air Force.
Each has its own budget, each has its own pay scales.
Then we can stop this petty bickering between trades and elements. I don't have an Army guy telling me I am not worth my pay cause I "ain't hardcore enough" and I should sleep in a hole in the ground when there is a perfecly good hotel across the street. :warstory:
Lone Wolf Quagmire said:
When is it foreseen that this (fulltime FOA or whatever it will be called) will be implemented?

I was told by our clerk that around Dec. we shoould get it, whith back pay from April
Infantry_ said:
I was told by our clerk that around Dec. we shoould get it, whith back pay from April
I suspect he/she probably told you in March rather then December as the federal budget proposal was only tabled in March.

As far as the back pay, I would say possible but wouldn't a nickel on it until it actually happens or is "officially" announced. You have to realise that the implementation of such an allowance will have some significant time challenges associated to it. As other full time enviromental allowances have, this one likely have time incentives which have to be calculated for all pers. That doesn't happen overnight and can be a very lengthy process.

As another mentioned, the senate has not blessed the budget yet. Until such a time no official direction of implementation will be issued, in turn means that anything mentioned about where and when is purely rumint, nothing else. There would be hell to pay if I were to find out one my clerks was spewing such rumours.
I mean Dec of this year is when we were told we would see the pay come, I also saw some kind of Memo maybe CANFORGEN? saying that the pay is set to come soon, when i go to work this afternoon i check to see if i can get a copy
Precisely, the Budget proposal was tabled in March 07 thus the info was not promulgated in December 2006.

Pay Raises and the implementation of Enviromental Allowances are 2 very distinct matters from one another, they nothing to do with each other. One is Federally legislated the other is labour relative with TB approval. The CANFORGEN you mention is 102/07 which does state that any raise would be retro-active to 1 Apr 07, continuous FOA will be addressed specifically and perhaps even (more then likely) on a separate message.
It would be interesting to see how this environmental allowance for the Army is implemented.

And even with this $285 per month for environmental allowances, certain trades will say they deserve more because they work harder in the field....
Its not the rank and file who decide who gets spec pay, enviromental alllowances etc. Its Ottawa and the Treasury Board. They decide who gets what and who does not get it. Deal with it, don't whine about it. Everyone here for the most part picked what element and trade they went to, this petty jealousy over the fact that someone gets more or less is unprofessional and does nothing but cause an un necessary rift between elements.
If they dont like their current trade status (0/1/2) they can always retrade to a higher paying trade?  >:D
Right because every trade will let go of any member that wants to OT.  The infantry will only release 33 this year across the board at all levels.  The arty are letting even less go.  Easier said then done. 