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Paid parking DND property

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jollyjacktar said:
It's bad enough that they want to shaft us, but to say we have to pay "fair market value" for the spot.  Nothing but a tax grab.  From what I am hearing they won't take the money out of your pay each month, but will add the "cost" as a taxable benefit on your T4.  Bloody bollocks. >:(

Does anyone else feel the need to find who is the driving force behind this and kick them in the nads??

The short answer is:  it depends what base you are at, what facility at that base (some bases have dets all over the place - the NCR is a great example)), and a number of other factors.  You are expected to get to work, and pay for that.  The public service are also facing the same issue across Canada.

Right now, in some locations, there are people parking side by side, some paying full commercial rate, others paying a subsidized rate.  That is grossly unfair.

Eye In The Sky said:
Does anyone else feel the need to find who is the driving force behind this and kick them in the nads??

[........points discreetly at PWGSC......]
Eye In The Sky said:
Does anyone else feel the need to find who is the driving force behind this and kick them in the nads??

It's this guy ...


and, maybe, this guy, too


DND, along with Industry Canada and a bunch of minor league departments and agencies have been told to go away and find a 5% saving.

But nothing happens unless these guys agreed:


Little things add up.
No need to point discretely.  You can add the Treasury Board or Bored who dictate that parking is a taxable benefit and say it must be fair market value.  If there was a smiley with the middle finger I would use it to point to those two institutions.
dapaterson said:
The short answer is:  it depends what base you are at, what facility at that base (some bases have dets all over the place - the NCR is a great example)), and a number of other factors.  You are expected to get to work, and pay for that.  The public service are also facing the same issue across Canada.

Right now, in some locations, there are people parking side by side, some paying full commercial rate, others paying a subsidized rate.  That is grossly unfair.

You know what...I work in heavy equipment...12 hr shifts in the winter, sometimes up to 7 days/nights a week and I don't complain. That's all part of beeing in the military! The civies I work with get paid over time and shift diff pay and I don't how's that fair? I'm ready to go risk my ass any day any where for my country....I would think that this should be enough to give me the right to park my car for free on ANY military base...
And this is their answer?  "lets charge people to park their cars on the pavement we bought with their tax dollars!"


Hey, here is a new idea!  How about knocking off the spending on something that is already *wasting* tax dollars! 

Or how about clawing back some of the benefits and expenditures the MPs are getting?

This little piddly stuff is the stuff that really ticks me off.  If it was a NEW parking lot, fine maybe.  But one thats been there for years?


Normally I would agree with you, Edward - but this little project started long before the 5% savings directive was issued.  Long before...
It leaves me with the same angry thoughts I have over CFHAs ridiculously high rates for PMQs that are in some/most cases older than I am, based on "fair market value".


Fuck how about getting rid of some of the money you (TB) are pissing away before you start nickel and diming everyone in the CF.
Parkings are to be privatized... therefore as a tax payer you will no longer be paying for them. It is not a cash grab.
TimBit said:
Parkings are to be privatized... therefore as a tax payer you will no longer be paying for them. It is not a cash grab.

I'm not sure I understand how a parking, on a military base, owned by the government could be privatized?

Hem, the same way that Timmies on base is not public... Maintenance, fees and construction will be turned over to a private business.
TimBit said:
Parkings are to be privatized... therefore as a tax payer you will no longer be paying for them. It is not a cash grab.

PMedMoe said:
I know the DND released something a while ago about charging for parking at bases that were on "premium" sites. 
It is a TB policy that the government does not under-cut local businesses, and to this end anywhere that is a pay-to-park location (NCR, Toronto, etc) is supposed to (by policy) charge a market rate to park on DND property.
They would be undercutting local business if they would let other people than DND employees park in their lots..........As far as I know it's not the case.
MCG said:
It is a TB policy that the government does not under-cut local businesses, and to this end anywhere that is a pay-to-park location (NCR, Toronto, etc) is supposed to (by policy) charge a market rate to park on DND property.

Ok maybe only my organization will be privatizing but in my case that`s what`s gonna happen.
The NCR folks will be hit by this, no doubt there. But they can take public transit too. No PLD so i can see the sting.

Toronto, Vancouver, Halifax, Etc.............public transit + PLD  =  :crybaby:

Its not like places like Petawawa, Dundurn and other various hellholes will suddenly be charging to park your car next to the regimental lines.
A DND parking fee policy like this was announced in the late 1980's when I was on RSS in Sudbury. It seemed as outrageous and stupid then as it does now, 20 years later. We were going to be required to pay for parking at the Armoury, in an area of Sudbury where parking was almost completely free. On top of that, somebody was going to have to collect the money from the five of us who parked there for a full day. A useless, silly idea that would have cost more than it produced. At the time, it died an obscure death after a brief flurry of activity.

And, of course, it's back.  What's next....sideburns?.....eight tracks?.....Pong?

TimBit said:
Hem, the same way that Timmies on base is not public... Maintenance, fees and construction will be turned over to a private business.

Hmmm, interesting. Are you inferring that there will be cuts to the Public Servants and military trades who currently utilize Crown Eqpt to plow out those parking lots?

If the work will be going to private contractors (Care, maint, etc) ... that "loss of work" would indicate 'cuts' to personnel as well. Who needs the PYs when "this part of your job" has disappeared.

Do you have some kind of insider information that PSAC is not yet aware of?? Or are you just speaking outside ...
National Defence and the Canadian Forces: "Parking Administration":
"Parking charges shall be:
■assessed at the market value; and
■waived at defence establishments where no market value can be established"

It's happening with the municipal governments as well. Right now. Only six Civic Centres are affected in Metro Toronto.
eg: Metro Hall ( 2007 ) "Proposed amount of Taxable Benefit": $242.40 per month.
The issue is far from settled. Collective agreements will likely force the city to pick up the costs. That seems to be what other municipalities are doing, from what I was told Monday by a city manager on the phone.

Re: "Canada Revenue Agency Employer Compliance Audit - Parking Access as a Taxable Benefit":
"If you receive your Notice of Reassessment ( from the CRA ), you should hold off taking any action until we provide you with further information following the May11/12 Council meeting."

North York Civic Centre - which is close to the CFRC, and one of the six affected parking lots - is getting dinged for ( 2007 ): $133.32 per month.

"City staff back-taxed for parking":
Story is followed by the usual six pages of nasty comments from the "I pay your salary" types:

National Post:

"Mayor David Miller accused the CRA of changing the rules mid-game, noting that a 1995 audit of the old City of Toronto resulted in a successful appeal by an employee. The CRA then said that “scramble parking” — when there are more employees than spots — is not taxable.
Now it appears that CRA is interpreting the rules to say that scramble parking is a taxable benefit if it is in “fixed, controlled” setting, city staff said."

"He has personally been told he’ll have to pay the tax. “I don’t own a car, haven’t driven one for 24 years and now they want me to pay for parking,” he said. “If you are going to charge me for it, show me my parking spot and show me my car.” "

“I think it’s kind of unfair since I don’t have a car, never have had a car and never will have a car,” said Frost, who lives downtown and walks or takes the TTC to work."

Canada Revenue Agency CRA "Employer provided parking":

"There's no such thing as 'free' parking":

"Did You Know: That employer provided parking may be a taxable benefit to employees?":

Financial Post:
"FREE PARKING: Traditionally, the CRA has viewed company-provided parking as a taxable benefit. The amount of the benefit is based on the fair market value of the parking, less any amount paid to use the space. But if the car is regularly required for business purposes, say to visit customers or suppliers, CRA won't consider parking a taxable benefit. Their test? You must use the car for work purposes three or more days during a five-day work week. Anything less and you don't want to forget to include parking on your tax return."

Air Canada: "Parking a taxable benefit":

Hmmm, interesting. Are you inferring that there will be cuts to the Public Servants and military trades who currently utilize Crown Eqpt to plow out those parking lots?

Lots of DND property is maintained by contractors now. Meaford has its services provided by CBO.  A number of armouries that are distant from bases are plowed out by local contractors. Contracting out has big attractions for the Govt: no pensions or benefits involved.

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