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Paid parking DND property

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or maybe some complained to the reporter and not you.  I am sure that at least one person there that day did complain about having to pay $13 for what they were expecting to be free.
leftovers said:
I can't get that Citizen article out of my mind.
No one complained about the amount, typical soldiers - they sucked it up.
They seemed more 'miffed' about not meeting their timings and not getting medical attention.
The reporter gave the Cf a really bad spin.
Was that deliberate?

Surely the "bad spin" is not the sole fault of the reporters. DND and the CF are shooting themselves in the foot - sometimes on the orders of Treasury Board - by doing things that are, on their face, dumb. It's a bit much to expect a journalist to make a silk purse out of a sow's ear when civilian and military bureaucrats seem hell bent on screwing the troops.
The parking there is retarded. All the times the military parking lot has been full I parked in the other area and got my unit to reimburse me for the price of parking.

Meeting your timings there is important. The CDUs/mental health etc.. are constantly shitting the bed as far as I've seen. I've had my appointments re-booked 3 times.  Which isn't THAT big of a deal except I was only told when I went to sign in, after an hour drive and parking fiasco. Each time.

"Oh but we called you to tell you your appointment was canceled"
Oh ya? Well no one called my cell phone or house number.
"We called your unit orderly room and informed them"
Oh? Hold on a minute.  (Call my unit) Nope, looks like no one called them to tell them my appointment was changed again thanks for lying to my face.
The latest time they tried to pull that "we called your unit" bs they did it to me AND another member of my unit at the same time as we both arrived at the hospital.
the search works again.

New info - the wheels are in motion in the NCR and elsewhere for DND to pay for parking:


Ref:  DAOD 1004-0 and DAOD 1004-1 

The purpose of this notice is to advise the Department of National Defence (DND) extended management team in the NCR on the way forward in implementing the Government of Canada revised parking policy throughout the NCR for all DND personnel.

Treasury Board Secretariat’s position is that the Federal Government is not responsible to provide employee parking and employees are responsible to pay for their commuting cost, including the cost of parking. Public Works and Government Services Canada (PWGSC) has updated its Custodial Parking Policy to reflect this direction for PWGSC parking facilities across Canada. 

July 1, 2010 this revised policy will be implemented.  The following information will be helpful to you during this transition process:

DND will continue to, where available, acquire, administer and fund parking considered as Minimum Operational Requirement (MOR) which is defined as Crown Owned Vehicles, vehicles of shift workers, and limited short term visitor parking where no commercial alternative is available or convenient.

Parking, which is not administered under the MOR, but is located at Crown owned buildings where PWGSC is the custodian, or privately held buildings where PWGSC leases space on DND’s behalf, will be managed and administered by third-party Parking Managers as Occupancy Instruments expire and/or are terminated between the DND and PWGSC.

Additionally Operational Requirement (OR) parking spaces will be acquired where they are essential to fulfill requirements of security, safety, and priority parking for Limited Mobility (where available) or other purposes critical to military operations, outside of MOR.  The OR parking spaces will be managed by Parking Managers with direction from DND as to access control.  All parking other than MOR will be administered by a third-party Parking Manager and provided at the Fair Market Value (FMV) for crown-owned or custodial facilities and at market rate as determined by the landlords/owners for leased facilities.

Automatic payroll deductions will eventually cease, consequently payment arrangements will be made directly with the Parking Managers.

At crown owned facilities, notification of intent to retain or release monthly parking will be required from those currently holding a parking pass.  Once the Parking Managers are identified for specific locations, those intending to retain their parking pass will have first right of refusal and their names will be submitted to the third-party Parking Manager for first consideration.  At leased facilities, arrangements will be between the landlord and the pass holder.

Waiting lists and previous point system for parking will end.

April 1, 2010, DND employees and CF members will be given 90 day notice of the revised parking policy taking effect July 1, 2010.

Looks like ignoring will no longer be an option. 
Note that this is pan-government - all Federal departments are doing the same.  Subsidized parking is not in the mandate of the Federal Government, so it is ceasing.  Ottawa papers will be filled with whining soon, but I say it`s about time.  In certain locations, parking was being provided at 1/3 of the market rate.

In a perfect world, I would like to see the reduced rate be deemed a benefit in the hands of the employees, and see their taxes re-assessed for prior years.

I'm waiting to see how it plays out at the Dockyards.  Last time they mentioned charging for parking the public service was really wound up. 

I remember early 90's when LFAA was at the foot of Citadel Hill we paid for parking that was supposed to be a 24/7 assigned spot.  Everytime there was a special event around the hill area you couldn't get to your parking spots. Went in to do some work, the MP's had the driveway blocked and weren't going to let me in because they claimed my parking wasn't 24/7.  When I finally got them to let me through(after they called their supervisor) my spot was alreay filled by someone else that didn't work there (I was the only one in the building besides the commissionaire). Hopefully that will not happen when they start the charges this time around.

Guess this means I won't get my free parking if posted back to Halifax.  :'(
Waiting lists and previous point system for parking will end.

This change would cause alot of havoc in dockyard/Stad as well with anyone able to purchase a parking space instead of waiting 12/15 years TI.

I have to edit my post after reading DAOD 1004-1. The table: General Parking at Defence Establishment Criteria the last item describes  the majority of the parking in the dockyard. ie: no assigned parking (open lot or “scramble”).

This does not describe if the time in requirement will be affected under a "no charge" parking arrangement.
Wow - had to look.  So from that it appears for the most part the only ones affected are those of us in NCR and recruiting centres.  Can't think of anywhere else off the top as everywhere else I know does not fall in the first category which is the only one charged.

Unless they change to assigned parking spots.

uhoh - wait for it:


DAOD 1004-0, Parking and DAOD 1004-1, Parking Administration were under development from 2006 to 2009. During that process, a number of stakeholders were consulted and their input solicited. These stakeholders included but not limited to: ADM(HR-Civ); Defence Advisory Group on Persons with Disabilities; the Chiefs of Environmental Commands; DFPP (Taxation); DND/ CF LA (Legal); Unions (via UMCC) and PWGSC. This process culminated in the DAODs being published on 17 March 2009. However, with guidelines released from both Treasury Board and PWGSC in January 2010 our current DAOD has been revised and is currently being reviewed prior to publication expected within the next 30 days. This revision aligns the department with this Government of Canada wide initiative.
Bunch of bloody BS IMHO.  Sounds nothing more than a cash grab by PWSG.  I could understand if the land was owned by private concerns, but here in Hfx it's all Pusser land.  They can go screw themselves if they think I'll pay for parking on a first come basis.  I'll park on the public streets and walk in first, as I did prior to getting the TI for a pass.
I'm in Halifax and they are talking about charging us for parking on base...they say it's gonna be an across Canada thing.  Has any of you heard about it? What do you think about that? They're talking about around 80$ a month.
Yeah, I think there was a thread about the changes to parking in Ottawa.  I know the DND released something a while ago about charging for parking at bases that were on "premium" sites.  Halifax would more than likely fall into that category.  I pay $85/month for parking where I work.
Charging people for parking on a base is simple ridiculous, which is exactly why I can see it happening.

This was talked about a few years ago but never happened.

I don't know about anyone else, but I don't feel the need to pay for parking in parking lots my tax dollars paid for.

Just another way for Ottawa to screw the people who serve IMO.

Eye In The Sky said:
Charging people for parking on a base is simple ridiculous, which is exactly why I can see it happening.

This was talked about a few years ago but never happened.

I don't know about anyone else, but I don't feel the need to pay for parking in parking lots my tax dollars paid for.

Just another way for Ottawa to screw the people who serve IMO.


I agree, It feels like since they can't lower our salaries, they're doing all they can to get us somewhere else!!
It's bad enough that they want to shaft us, but to say we have to pay "fair market value" for the spot.  Nothing but a tax grab.  From what I am hearing they won't take the money out of your pay each month, but will add the "cost" as a taxable benefit on your T4.  Bloody bollocks. >:(
Charging for parking is indeed coming, I've seen (but do not have at home) the price list for the NCR area.  The price is based on the market price in the area of the specific building the lot services.  For example, every DND building in the NCR has its own price for parking - the price for parking at Tunney's Pasture is going from $40/month to ~$105/month.  Some buildings/sites do not have monthly charges for parking, since they are in an area for which there is no demand for parking thus there is no market value for it - Shirley's Bay site, for example.
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