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Ontario Politics in 2018

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This is the sort of thing that Ford need some to do more of.


A good plan.
mariomike said:

Mr. Ford vowed to find unnamed “efficiencies,” said it would be “simple” to do, and repeated his empty slogan, “Just watch me.”


Deja vu all over again,


"Mayor Rob Ford will deliver $50-million in "efficiencies" in the way the city is run, he announced without giving any hint as to what the efficiencies will be."


For those who have not had a chance to read it yet,

Ford Nation: Two Brothers, One Vision
by Rob Ford (Author),‎    Doug Ford (Author)
Elliot vs Wynne. No contest.

Wynne versus Ford, Ontario weeps.
Remius said:
So, I'm still ready to give him a bit more time to square away the platform but...


I heard the interview and I agree with that editorial.  It was not a good start.  I was hoping for more substance.

Doug Ford is going to have to be a bit more specific.

on the sex ed thing I really hope they don't make this an issue.  he may not have a choice given who his king maker was but still.

Watched an interview with him where he said that abortion issues and sex ed curriculum are the two bottom rungs of the ladder. Finances at the top.
mariomike said:
Funny youtube video about Homer, but it illustrates the point I was attempting to make. The Simpsons Cartoons have been running as least as long as the Looney Tunes on TV, the medium of the masses.  They are a bit of a humorous window into the soul of the masses. Like I have said, it is only my opinion, but I predict a shift in the general attitude of the populous. Maybe something like when Jack Layton suddenly became a hero and everybody voted NDP. At times like these, Facts don't matter.
recceguy said:
Watched an interview with him where he said that abortion issues and sex ed curriculum are the two bottom rungs of the ladder. Finances at the top.

Well his plan is only supposed to have 5 key points so it's a small ladder.  Finances are good but he needs to get into the details or at least provide better info than he has when asked very basic questions.

Like his Ring of fire plan.  I want to see more of that type of thinking.

Side note (and it will agree a bit with RG's assessment of the media) :  I noticed the CBC and other outlets use terms like "PC Leader Doug Ford plans to scrap sex ed curriculum" but used " Progressive conservatives outline plan for Northern Ontario".  both articles are from the same outlet but there is a subtle difference on how it is presented.  One links ford himself to the plan and the other title excludes him.  Minor but didn't go unnoticed. 

Jed said:
The Simpsons Cartoons have been running as least as long as the Looney Tunes on TV, the medium of the masses.  They are a bit of a humorous window into the soul of the masses.
... At times like these, Facts don't matter.

To paraphrase a post I'd made previously here, some  people's 'thinking' is informed solely by clichés [ie - bumper stickers] and spamming this site from one or two zealot blogs.... obviously I should have included the Simpsons.  ::)

For some  of us, facts matter.  But that is "only my opinion."
Journeyman said:
To paraphrase a post I'd made previously here, some  people's 'thinking' is informed solely by clichés [ie - bumper stickers] and spamming this site from one or two zealot blogs.... obviously I should have included the Simpsons.  ::)

For some  of us, facts matter.  But that is "only my opinion."

Some of us actually share that opinion.
mariomike said:

Mr. Ford vowed to find unnamed “efficiencies,” said it would be “simple” to do, and repeated his empty slogan, “Just watch me.”


Deja vu all over again,

"Just watch me". Wasn't that a Pierre Trudeau one-liner?


"Mayor Rob Ford will deliver $50-million in "efficiencies" in the way the city is run, he announced without giving any hint as to what the efficiencies will be."


For those who have not had a chance to read it yet,

Ford Nation: Two Brothers, One Vision
by Rob Ford (Author),‎    Doug Ford (Author)
Journeyman said:
To paraphrase a post I'd made previously here, some  people's 'thinking' is informed solely by clichés [ie - bumper stickers] and spamming this site from one or two zealot blogs.... obviously I should have included the Simpsons.  ::)

For some  of us, facts matter.  But that is "only my opinion."
Everyone's opinion is allowed.
Facts? Sure, if they are needed to prove a point, but I don't think there's a requirement to validate every single word someone uses.

I prefer posting as if I was having a conversation, not sitting in a reference library full of explanations, foot notes, links and attributions. Yes, those things have a place, I'm not discussing that.

I use 'just my opinion' so there is no confusing the gist of my post. For the same reason we've had  :2c: here from the very start. If I think I need links and things for a technical or similar discussion, I'll go find them. If I write. "This idiot is batshit crazy and I don't like his platform." That is my personal opinion and it doesn't need to be qualified. There is nothing there to prove to anyone. Sometimes, you just don't like someone and how they operate. There's more than one looking at me now (;) ) I don't think it warrants all kinds of attacks, back handed or otherwise, especially knocking people's ignorance on a subject, identifying them personally or generally, through innuendo of being right or left wing freaks, bumper sticker** or otherwise, because someone doesn't agree. Yes, I'm guilty, but there's others here also, and not just a few. I'm trying to move towards personal change, for the better. I stumble lots, that's no secret. It's just too bad some others may feel too superior to try the same thing. :waiting:

Hey, but that just MY opinion. :rofl:

** - The phrase I could care less. When I mentioned it, I wanted to know what defined it. I got one good answer, from PBI and that worked. I now have context to it's use. He used it, he defined it. I'm happy. The other explanation(s) were bumpf.
Pencil Tech said:
"Just watch me". Wasn't that a Pierre Trudeau one-liner?

Somehow, your reply got into my post.  :)

But, I do remember when he said it,

With respect to Facts Matter.  Yes, I agree. Facts Matter greatly. Consequences and Actions matter a lot more.  At some point every individual will have reached a saturation point on the Facts, especially when there are a myriad of difficult to substantiate versions of the Facts.  Some individuals will spiral down the drain in confusion and indecision. Most people will make some sort of decision and get on with it. (Like pick the candidate they want to vote for)

The smarter individuals pick a position, based on the available facts, back it and don't waste time waffling back and forth. At least until a substantiated Critical Fact smacks them in the face.

The ignorant individuals ignore Critical Facts until reality forces itself upon them.  In my personsal opinion, that would be the Leftist Snowflakes who are and hopefully always will be, a minority of the voting population.
Jed said:
With respect to Facts Matter.  Yes, I agree. Facts Matter greatly. Consequences and Actions matter a lot more.  At some point every individual will have reached a saturation point on the Facts, especially when there are a myriad of difficult to substantiate versions of the Facts.  Some individuals will spiral down the drain in confusion and indecision. Most people will make some sort of decision and get on with it. (Like pick the candidate they want to vote for)

The smarter individuals pick a position, based on the available facts, back it and don't waste time waffling back and forth. At least until a substantiated Critical Fact smacks them in the face.

The ignorant individuals ignore Critical Facts until reality forces itself upon them.  In my personsal opinion, that would be the Leftist Snowflakes who are and hopefully always will be, a minority of the voting population.
There are more than enough ignorant people on all sides of the spectrum.
Jed said:
No I am not from ON so it does not affect me personally. I am not cranking it up by merely making an observation about people's reactions and stating my opinion. You would have to remain tone deaf to not see the rising sentiment about the On provincial government. There is no way anyone could find solid facts on this matter. Its more akin to finding intel from arm's length sources.  In my opinion, the silent majority is starting to push back against the Politically Correct crowd and those esteemed leaders who have parked their brains in neutral (Elites) It is obvious to me that the Left is getting more and more militant and activist on what used to be minor issues.

IMO, People are mad as hell and they are not going to take it anymore. Facts are meaningless at this point.

Well, maybe not. I'd like to think that anybody trying to form a government in the Province I live in would base their plans and policies in facts, since I will have to live under that Government. As far as finding solid facts in this matter, here is the link to the Ontario curriculum that people are so worked up about (or at least the part that covers Grades 1 to 8


I've looked through it and I honestly can't find what would make people angry enough to pull their kids out of school.  Here are a few quotes that seem pretty reasonable to me:

THE ONTARIO CURRICULUM, GRADES 1–8  |  Health and Physical Education GRADE 8

Teacher prompt: “How would thinking about your personal limits and making a personal plan influence decisions you may choose to make about sexual activity?”

Student: “Thinking in advance about what I value and what my personal limits are would help me to respond and make decisions that I felt comfortable with in different situations. I would be able to approach a situation with more confidence and stick to what I had planned. I would be less likely to be caught off guard and have to react  without having thought through the options and possible consequences.”

So, it encourages young people to "set personal limits" and to avoid "reacting without thought". Seems fine to me.

Teacher prompt: “By getting questions answered and understanding that questions and
changes are ‘normal’, adolescents will be better equipped to understand themselves, relate
to others, respond to challenges and changes in relationships, and build confidence.
What are some questions that young people might have as changes happen during
puberty and adolescence?”

Student: “Is how I am feeling normal? Why is my body different from everybody else’s?
How do you tell someone you like them? Who can answer my questions about…?”


C1.5 describe the physical changes that occur in males and females at puberty (e.g., growth of body
hair, breast development, changes in voice and body size, production of body odour, skin changes) and
the emotional and social impacts that may result from these changes [PS]

Teacher prompt: “During puberty, the male and female bodies undergo many changes.
Everyone experiences these changes at different rates and at different times. Increases in
weight and body fat are normal. Sometimes it is difficult getting used to the changes that
are happening so quickly. Feelings can be much more intense. What are some of the feelings
you might have as you start to experience changes with puberty?”

Student: “Excitement, happiness, embarrassment, confusion, and fear are some of the
feelings I might have. It is sometimes hard to recognize what I am feeling and why things
feel different

OK, that sounds like what I got in Grade 8.

And, as far as I can see, lots more of the same sort of stuff. I would be happy to have the perverted, dangerous, corrupting parts pointed out to me.

Ohh, wait...that sounded wrong :tsktsk:
With respect to the Health and Physical Education Curriculum.  In the end it boils down to the delivery by the teachers / instructors. I looked through it but I hurt my head as is bounced of the desk when I fell asleep.

When I was going through school, when someone I knew and at another time, I, personally, was pawed up by an 'in the closet, Gay teacher' who was well thought of by most people, not a damn thing was done about the incidents even though they were discreetly brought to the attention of the powers that be.

People have long memories and resentments. Teachers bare a massive amount of responsibility. God bless the good ones.

Jed said:
The ignorant individuals ignore Critical Facts until reality forces itself upon them.  In my personsal opinion, that would be the Leftist Snowflakes who are and hopefully always will be, a minority of the voting population.

One final stab at this, then I'll bow out.

My point wasn't aimed specifically at the left or right, where it seems the further out you go, the more vocal, repetitive, and ill-informed the views become -- neither end of the spectrum has cornered the market.  No, I'm actually denouncing IGNORANCE.

Some people dismiss facts saying they already have an opinion, or live in an echo chamber of confirmation bias where they read only what they already agree with (eg: a blogger who claims to provide insight because he's insightful?  Seriously?).  With that sort of senselessness taking hold and spreading, society is f*cked; look how increasingly divided several communities have already become.  If facts are dismissed out of hand, how can one even attempt a discussion -- Use only upper-case font?  Try to out-stupid them?  Assume that name-calling qualifies as an informed opinion?

Sadly, because such posts do little to actually inform, they serve only as a place to vent while diminishing the overall tone and content of the site.

For a growing number here, I suspect that they simply avoid the Politics threads, leaving the soapbox orators -- at both political ends --to run amok.  I can't say I blame them. 
I wonder what the reaction would be if she used another colour?


Your points are well said
Sadly, I don't post my views as the site is too politically polarized. It's simply easier to read than to post. Sadly, I know it limits discussion and informed thought.  One of the many reasons for this site.

Thank you for calling out the need for discussion.
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