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Occupational and Component Transfers (OT/CT/VOT) During and After BMQ (Merged)

  • Thread starter Thread starter cameron_highlander
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Me its for NCM! So... After my bmq and SQ i can do my demand for infantry?
Nic22Bast said:
Me its for NCM! So... After my bmq and SQ i can do my demand request for infantry?

I fixed that for you. And just in case, be prepared to be happy in the Artillery, no-one likes serving with a soldier who can't shut up about how he wishes he was in another trade.
If you are that against joining the Artillery why did you accept an Artillery contract?  Anyways,  have you contacted the CFRC and asked if you can back out of it and wait for a Infantry position to open up?

You said earlier you are happy to be have a position within the Artillery,  but you aren't even in it yet and it seems like you want out ASAP.

Should really think about this.  Are you going to be wishing you were Infantry all the time and be some what negative towards Artillery?  Are you willing to give Artillery a chance?  If you do go ahead and do your BMQ, etc and find out your request to OT into Infantry is denied,  you have too be willing to be a Gunner for a few years.
Well, you're in now and frankly an OT to infantry won't happen quickly (seeing as they are way overborne) sooooo. 2 Options really. quit now, or embrace your choice, keep your nose clean, excel in everything you do and ask for the OP stream as soon and as often as you can.  Being in a dismounted FOO party is kind of like being in the infantry with PMS. You carry lots, over long distances and really perform as infantry with some really cool tools.

I repeat.. I'm really proud and happy with Arty. Its a prestigious trade.... Who really interest me! It is bad to took is second choice or what? I have no expectation to get a place in infantry after my BMQ... I'm just asking if its possible! I have many friend with the vandoos so... They want me to join the vandoos too. If its possible i will think to that seriously... If its not i will be very happy and proud with arty! Be sure :P
If you can't get into the infantry, try to go into the OP stream within your Arty regt.  You'll eat, sleep and fight with the infantry, you'll basically be an infanteer on steroids.  The arty FOO/FAC teams can bring the most destruction on the battlefield.
Thats really interesting!! Can you tell me more about OP stream?

thank you!
Simply put;  as a FOO Tech or Fire Effects Tech(not sure what the current name is) you are part of a team that is attached to a Infantry sub unit(you will still belong to RCHA).  They plan fire missions and associated coordination required, etc. They can call in artillery fire on targets,  if there is a FAC/JTAC on the team they can also tell aircraft where to drop bombs.  That is a pretty simplified answer,  there are other tasks/duties they can perform as well.  *Info is just what I have seen and heard from Gunners,  plus what I have read on the forum*

These threads will probably be of interest to you.

Not_So_Arty_Newbie said:
Well, you're in now and frankly an OT to infantry won't happen quickly (seeing as they are way overborne) sooooo. 2 Options really. quit now, or embrace your choice

I guess you're not quite familiar with the MOC Reassignment stuff.  Requesting one is also an "option".  It does happen...
Nic22Bast said:
Me its for NCM! So... After my bmq and SQ i can do my demand request for reassignment for infantry?

In accordance with current CF policy/rules/regulations, you can put your request in during your BMQ.  Remember it is a request.

The reg's about this I posted above...QL3 is your trades training course.

Expect to be told during BMQ you aren't allowed to do this, blah blah blah.  That is why I am saying...this is CF policy that you can request it.
I've been in the VOT-U (U: untrained) process for the better part of 1.5 years while on PAT Pl. I have all my paperwork done and is in Ottawa (Since June 2013) waiting on a review board, which I assume is happening In Feb. I assume because all the paperwork has to be in by 14 FEB 2014.
I am now just wondering if anyone would have an idea as to how long does it take to notify me if I was successful or not.
I've been told everything from "we lost your memo, start over" to "you will know by end of summer.....now end of Feb" Been through 2 PSOs and is all very confusing and lots of different info. Any suggestions or help would be great... otherwise I'll just be waiting with fingers crossed. Dont really wanna take one BPSOs advice and "just VR and reapply".

adventure-guide said:
Dont really wanna take one BPSOs advice and "just VR and reapply".

That is the absolutely theeeee WORSE advice for anyone who is serious about having a career with the CF!

You're not the only person who has been given this kind of advice and those that took it, are now paying the price.
DAA said:
That is the absolutely theeeee WORSE advice for anyone who is serious about having a career with the CF!

You're not the only person who has been given this kind of advice and those that took it, are now paying the price.


Very common suggestion. And one that CMP needs to address.
Eye In The Sky said:
Exactly where are you in trg....BMQ complete only?

I have BMQ only... and becuase I have been here so long I have my Driver Wheel 404 and working on ML and MSVS. I am currently infantry as of now but waiting for the switch

I am actually going through the same process. I've been in for 7 years and have seen the process and am now going though it myself.

Your memo is just a formality (It is not important) in the process of an AVOTP. What is important is your AVOTP package and where it is. You can request information on it's location. Since it is Protected B (med doc's) it's imperative you know its location.

As long as everything was filled out properly and the doc's are in Ottawa waiting review you have no issues. The board will meet early 2014 and you will hear back around April-May at the latest. If for whatever reason you are denied from the board you will hear late May.

It is a lengthy process as it is an "annual only" process. So keep in mind your CoC really has nothing to do with this once the paperwork has left your unit. It will only be there duty to inform you of the boards decision.

So in a nutshell, you can ask your clerks or BPSO assistance where your doc's are, and ask your CoC closer to when the board meets to see if a decision was made.
Are you 100% sure this is fact for a MOC Reassignment?  AVOTP and Reassignments aren't the same.

For some reason, folks are using terms like VOT-U (which are part of the as of yet not published DAOD) vice MOC Reassignment.
hello quick question I didnt score high enough for armour on the apptitude test but i was offerd a job a cook. Could i inlist as that then remuster on bmq to armour??, or will my original test results not allow this?.