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Occupational and Component Transfers (OT/CT/VOT) During and After BMQ (Merged)

  • Thread starter Thread starter cameron_highlander
  • Start date Start date
Ahhh, gotcha.  But that's really what happens on the second phase of training.

There are pros and cons to both, really.  The big picture purpose of basic is not to create super soldiers, but to introduce people to life in the CF.  At the end of the day, if someone has not demonstrated themselves to be completely retarded, and they have a grasp of the rank structure, drill, etc they pass basic.

It would almost have to be a cultural shift because to make basic trade-less it could almost be civilianized with contractors.  Before the old timers speak up against that, be aware that St Jean is already not what basic was when you joined because there are not enough Infantry-types to go around.  The ground truth is that we're extremely thin and it's already not anything resembling a battle school.  Every instructor in St Jean is one less at the battleschools.  I haven't been the Course O on a QL3 since 04, but I assure you by that course they are fully immersed in Confirmation Of Combat Knowledge.
Hey guys, I'm fairly new to this site. I recently got a job offer for Vehicle tech. I'm leaving Novemeber 1st for St. Jean and I have had a little change of heart as in what I want to do. So I was wondering if this transfer would be easier in BMQ
I think you should ask this question to your recruiter.

There is NO guaruntee that you will get an MOC reassignment at CFLRS (or at all) and they won't even want to deal it it there IMO.  There is no guaruntee you will get a MOC reassignment (done before you are QL3 qualified) or a Occupation Transfer (after 48 months service and meeting other criteria required).

Call your MCC or File Manager and discuss it with them.  I don't recommend taking a trade to "just get your foot in the door" either.  (For a variety of reasons I won't bore everyone else with).

If you want more info, search for MOC reassignment, Occupation Transfer, CFA0 11-12 and VOT on the forum.

During my BOTC, I asked to change from Combat Eng to Naval Combat Eng but they would not do it there. I had to wait after and submit a VOT request. That was 8 years ago, it's probably different now...

And really, you don't want to get your kit, label it, iron it, put it all nicely to standard in your room and if, by chance you have a quick answer, return it and start all over again.
I would like to steps one would take in asking to remuster.  If someone could direct me to the proper ( if information already exists) spot on the forum it would be greatly appreciated.
chadk said:
I would like to steps one would take in asking to remuster.  If someone could direct me to the proper ( if information already exists) spot on the forum it would be greatly appreciated.

Go look at the other location you posted the same question.
I accpet an offer for artillery. I start my BMQ frebruary 9th! But my first choice was infantry... the trade was close! I want to know if its possible after my BMQ to change my trade for infantry? I know if arty really need people that would be difficult to change... and if infantry is full (r22r) they will not pick me.
But my question still... it is possible to change between my BMQ and my trade instruction??

I would say if you really wanted Infantry, you shouldn't have accepted the other offer. 

That being said, it is possible but it probably won't be easy or quick.
Changing after BMQ doesn't make sense.  Think about this way. 

If they are not accepting infantry candidates for BMQ, what would make you think that they have trade training available for you? 

Do yo think that they will let you sit around in a holding platoon and wait for the next infantry course that may or may not happen?

If you really wanted infantry you should have waited.  It's not all doom and gloom though.  There have been many people who have OT'd to infantry from the artillery, and if you apply for OT when it's open again, you could get it.

Being artillery myself, I say give the arty a fair shake, you might even like it.  You can still specialize and perform infantry type skills while being in the arty.
Maybe because after the BMQ infantry trade will be open?
I'm just asking... i'm really proud and happy to be with arty. But i want to try infantry eventually in my career. I say that now... but maybe i will really like arty and stay there for my all career. Or maybe i will try infantry and will dont like this....
But i need to try if i want to know!

We will see...

what you want to mean eurowing? I'm a frenchy so.... i dont understand some english expression :P
Nic22Bast said:
what you want to mean eurowing? I'm a frenchy so.... i dont understand some english expression :P

He means that infantry generally walk into battle carrying their weapons and gear while tankers and artillery ride into battle on their tanks and gun tractors.

This used to be especially true during my youth when I opted to join the artillery.

Nowadays the infantry is much more mechanised but in Afghanistan they did an awful lot of walking carrying one hundred pounds of gear.
You can REQUEST a MOC Reassignment from Arty to Inf, sure.  You may not GET it though.  So don't plan on it being a 'for sure'.  Keep in mind, there has to be spots open in the trade  you are trying to get reassigned to, you have to meet all the requirements, etc.

Current CF policy (from CFAO 11-12 and the Basic Training List Admin Guide aka BTAGs)

- If you aren't QL3 qualified yet and haven't started the course, you can request a MOC Reassignment (CFA0 11-12); the BTAGs call it a VOR (Voluntary Occupation Reassignment);

- If you are between 25% and 75% complete QL3, you can request a MOC Reassignment/VOR.

Some more stuff here and here.
Thank you for the infos! But i'm only a recruit... Idk what a QL3 or CFAO 11-12 or BTAGS... When i need to ask for MOC reassignment? After my BMQ or before?

all those classes are gonna happen after your BmQ , there basically Soldier Qualification courses , the BMQ is the military qualitication ... I don't think EVERYONE does QL3 , but everyone does BMQ
krimynal said:
I don't think EVERYONE does QL3 , but everyone does BMQ

Everyone does a QL3 course, unless you're an officer, that qualifies you to be in the trade you selected. Officer's have a different system, but they have their own version of a QL3. You're useless in your trade unless you're QL3 qualified as a NCM.
krimynal said:
all those classes are gonna happen after your BmQ , there basically Soldier Qualification courses , the BMQ is the military qualitication ... I don't think EVERYONE does QL3 , but everyone does BMQ

Every NCM(Army, RCAF, RCN) does BMQ
All Army and some purple trades do BMQ-Land 
Every NCM(Army, RCAF, RCN) does a QL3/DP1 course

The Soldier Qualification went through some changes and was renamed to BMQ-Land a few years ago.
