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Occupational and Component Transfers (OT/CT/VOT) During and After BMQ (Merged)

  • Thread starter Thread starter cameron_highlander
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The only other advice from me would be make sure your OT memo and affiliated paperwork are free of grammatical errors.

I know your using a phone to post your messages, and its no big deal on these forums, but make sure it doesn't carry over to the professional side of things.

No offense intended. ;)
Oh my memo was perfect I wasn't going to have any mistakes since it was going to the CO that would have made me look really bad and he probably wouldn't even read it. And no offence taken I am already set for tomorrow and were allowed to use our cellphones
Minimum 4 years in trade before you can even apply for OT. Recruiters will blow smoke up your arse to get you to sign on. I think you were duped.
Dean Thompson said:
Minimum 4 years in trade before you can even apply for OT. Recruiters will blow smoke up your arse to get you to sign on. I think you were duped.

That is not the case if you are not QL3 qualified, in which case it is an MOC Reassignment being sought, IAW CFA0 11-12 Para 6.  CFAO 11-12 Para 8 also has info on this.

Instead of guessing, try looking at the actual CFAOs or applicable official CF policy.


PteLaz,  if you are on a phone, you need to get to a computer and print of copy of CFAO 11-12 or ask for a copy thru your CoC and other applicable regs as laid out in the CFAO, read them and start there.  If you are not QL3 qual'd, your memo should be requesting a MOC Reassignment.  Good luck.
Eye in the Sky is correct in that it would be a Voluntary Occupational Reassignment (VOR) if you are not QL3 qluaified, however before you go through the effort of trying for a VOR, you will need to see if Firefighter is Red Trade. (Right now I don't think it is). If it is then you will have next to no chance to get a VOR. There are no guarantees, even if it is not red, but you will need to submit a Memo, go for a BPSO Interview, see what trades they offer you and then if you are offered a VOR, hope that DMCA 5 can accommodate the request - it does happen sometimes...

When you went to the Recruiting Centre, you signed a form called a CF 93 - one of the clauses there discusses no trade re-assignmment for 4 years and also specifically states that you cannot normally do a VOR. CFRG have gone to great lengths recently to stop the old way of insinuating or even stating that you can switch later after BMQ and take these sorts of allegations very seriously. (Of course this only works if as you read what you sign ;D)

While going into BMQ I chose a combat trade, now i'm thinking a non-combat trade would be much more suitable for me. I was advised I need to wait until my new posting and then submit a memo to remuster once i'm out of BMQ... Have any of you had experiance with this? Do you know if a remuster directly after BMQ is possible, or if it is likely to go through and me be able to switch trades? Or am I kinda stuck with the  one I originally chose from the start? Any advice is appreciated. Thanks.
Just a note:  If you are not trade qualified, it would not be a remuster but a trade re-assignment.
CFAO 11-5

4.    The occupation assigned to a recruit at a CFRC or a CFRC Det is based
on an assessment of aptitudes, level of ability, and preference.
Accordingly, the initially assigned occupation may be changed only where:

    a.  compulsory occupation reassignment is necessary in the interests
          of the Service;

    b.  a recruit has failed the occupation training course for the
          assigned occupation but is recommended by the training agency to
          be suitable for possible reassignment to another occupation;

    c.  a change in medical classification necessitates a change in the
          assigned occupation but does not require release action; or

    d.  a recruit, having sufficient knowledge of the occupation training
          to date and, for substantial reason, requests occupation

CFAO 49-13

5.    CFRETS HQ is the approving authority for the occupation reassignment of
trainees within the provisions of  CFAO 11-15, Home Port Division and will issue
direction concerning occupation reassignments. Normally, reassignments only may
be made to those occupations where a production requirement exists. Reassignments
are promulgated by format message as outlined in A-PM-245-001/FP-001, Military
Personnel Information System, Chapter 7.

I am currently going through basic training but am having doubt's about my chosen trade,  I was just wandering if anyone knows if it's possible to change trades this early on.  Thanks for any feedback.
You can request it, sure.  CFAO 11-12 is what you are looking for, specifically Para 6.  This is for Reg Force.  If you are PRes then you are looking for CFA0 49-11.

Now...if you are only in basic how the fark could you possibly know if you like a trade you've never been exposed to??  

And..NLFD Grinch is correct.  Search!!  
PMedMoe said:
Not to mention, this question is in the wrong forum.

Ha, thanks  :D !

I was asking myself what that thread was doing in that forum ...

Just curious, where are you doing your BMQ and what trade do you actually want now?
My husband has been away for BMQ for the last couple of months.  2 weeks ago he was taken off course and placed in AWT due to a knee injury.  Hopefully his knee will be healed over the next few weeks.  He has been talking about changing from Signals Operator to MP.  When he initially applied he didn't apply to be an MP because he was told he needed a 2 year college diploma.  However, apparently there are some people there who are going in as MP at the rank of Private and a 2 year college diploma was not necessary.

So, my concern is that if they let him change his trade, he will have to spend a long time in PAT after BMQ before the transfer can go through.  He is under this impression that it shouldn't be a problem because he hasn't finished BMQ yet.  Can anyone offer me any insight on this?  Basically, my questions is that if they let him change to MP, will he have to spend a lot of time waiting around before the transfer, or could is it an easy transfer whilst he completes BMQ?  Thanks in advance!
The best advice I can give you is to have him ask his chain of command, because they know a lot more about his case file than we do.

Every situation is different with different factors at different times with different people in charge at different places with different rules, so only those in charge of him right now are going to be able to provide the best answer.
Ok, that makes sense.  I guess it's not one of those things with a quick easy answer..wishful thinking on my part! :)  Thanks Petamocto.
I'm not sure if they've changed it or not. However there were approx 15 MPs between us and our sister platoon (1 year ago).

All of them had previously completed a police foundations course. They were Privates until they completed BMQ at which point they were promoted to Corporal / Leading Seaman.

The minimum requirement listed on the external web is still:

The minimum academic requirement is a
community college diploma in Law and Security
Administration, Police Foundations, or a similar
program from a recognised Community College
or CEGEP. Related employment experience will
also be considered in determining education
Crockett said:
I'm not sure if they've changed it or not. However there were approx 15 MPs between us and our sister platoon (1 year ago).

All of them had previously completed a police foundations course. They were Privates until they completed BMQ at which point they were promoted to Corporal / Leading Seaman.

The minimum requirement listed on the external web is still:

And how do we respect a Cpl who has less time in than the Coffee at Tim Hortons?
George Wallace said:
And how do we respect a Cpl who has less time in than the Coffee at Tim Hortons?

