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NEW US Army Combat Uniform (ACU) debuts monday

  • Thread starter Thread starter MAJOR_Baker
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I have to say IMHO the US Army replacement BDU's look Uber-Gay. Maybe the idea is that they subdue the enemy with laughter rather than fire and maneouver.

Sorry guys, just can't wrap my mind around Starship Troopers. Whats with the Mandarin collar?

;D :dontpanic:
HollywoodHitman said:
Sorry guys, just can't wrap my mind around Starship Troopers. Whats with the Mandarin collar?

Sorry, but I kinda like the idea of pockets on the arms/biceps that you can reach even when you're wearing body armour, and the collar isn't anything new - our old cbt jackets had a button so the corduroy collar could be turned up for warmth (while at the same time covering up/concealing the natural target at the bottom of the throat ...)
Pockets on the arms and collars are a great idea. Not sure why we havent adopted them as I know a few guys who have 'field shirts' which have been *ahem* modified to have additional pockets..........The old combat jacket sucked too, collar or not.
qjdb said:
OK, you guys, just so you ARE aware:

1) I am NOT a cadet.
2) I am a fully commissioned officer in the Canadian Reserves.   I may not be operational, but I still am in the army.   The cadets are the civilians, not me.   I have to answer to the same rules as you, and can get a nice little holiday in Club Ed if I screw up.
3) I did NOT beg, steal or borrow the CADPAT uniform.
4) It was ISSUED to me.
5)   Out here, everyone that I have seen, except people on BMQ, have the CADPAT.
um.. I might be mistaken but I didn't know that CIC officers were commissioned? and if you were that would make you part of the CIC not the reserves...
QORvanweert said:
um.. I might be mistaken but I didn't know that CIC officers were commissioned? and if you were that would make you part of the CIC not the reserves...

CIC Officers are commissioned, their commissioning scrolls are the same.  CIC is part of the Reserves, just not the Primary Reserves.
According to MilitaryMorons.com, It says that the Army turned down a pattern they were working on with Crye for the Greyish ACU. The thing that gets me is that the Crye Cammies (AKA MultiCam) did better than the ACU in camouflage field tests. So why did the Army choose the digital pattern instead? For further reference you can visit, www.multicampattern.com     www.cryeprecision.com     www.militarymorons.com

I've talked to some soldiers...Army Officers, They are looking forward to recieving them, but they are unsure about the colors. I would love to see them in the field...The Officers I talked too are also mad because they will not be able to wear their "MOS Insignia" ,for lack of a better term, on their collars. Maybe they will get a patch for that also.

If I turn my cammies inside out I can have my own set of ACUs. I hope I can get my hands on a set.
Here is a picture I put together showing the camouflage patterns.  It has the new ACU, US Air Force digital tiger stripe, US Navy, as well as standing MARPATs. I am not sure of the lighting conditions. It's just kinda motivating. (The urban MARPAT was a prototype and is not being used by the Marines. It looks cool anyway.)

I have also added stand alone pics of the ACU and US Air Force tiger stripe patterns. The pictures were both taken indoors. The ACU pic shows the difference in color and pattern comparing/contrasting the ACU vs the "Analogs". (Digital vs Analog)

As far as I know there is one pattern for the ACU. It is the lighting conditions that make the photos of the uniforms look different. (outside, indoors, night)

Are there any known photos of the ACU in action? or any test results?
The fella on the left (SFC, I think?) has an awful lot of "stuff" on his uniform. We stick with name tags and rank slip-ons. Is there really an need in the US Army to advertise all of the courses you've taken on your combat uniform? Why not save it for the dress outfit, which allows you to have the gew-gaws in silver and/or brass, highly polished?

Don't take this as a "we Canadians are more modest/sensible/whatever than you" but as an honest question: why are qual badges etc required on combat uniforms?

Wow, those things are @$$ ugly. I love my CADPAT, especially since it doesn't look like that.
S_Baker said:
"MOS Insignia" ,for lack of a better term,

"Marine," not to bust your balls or anything but there is a better term (and the correct one) the "MOS" insignia is "Branch Insignia."   Officers have a "Branch" NCOs and junior enlisted soldiers have MOS'   Just thought I would clear that up. ;)

Thanks for the info, but they are mad about not having the branch/mos insignia
Acorn said:
why are qual badges etc required on combat uniforms?


That's a good question...

As far as I know, The only thing that goes on the ACU is the Name/Service tapes, Rank Insignia, Skill Badges, and Patches (Country/Unit) basically the same stuff that went on the prior uniform. It is a lot of stuff to keep up with. It is more of an issue with pride of your accomplshments and unit. It does hold some historical significance. I don't understand why it would be on the combat uniform. I'm still wondering why the Marines allow the skill badges. You are only allowed to display two in the Marines. I guess that cuts down on the "shiny". I hope some one has a good answer...somewhere.

Anyway back to my thoughts, the huge Velcro patch on the shoulder of the ACU isn't very tactical. My idea about that is, if the Army is going to keep the velcro patch, they would have to have some kind of covering that diplays the camouflage pattern as well as the patch. For instance, Instead of having just the shield or a circle, it would be the same shape as the velcro patch with the Unit patch inside...Maybe that is too much work...Maybe the name tapes should match the cammies too, but I am pretty sure they will fix that problem. Also,there are some very good features that the ACU has...The lower calf pocket is the size of a magazine, that makes for easy reloading in the kneeling. OK, so the rest is "basically" just the same as the MCCUU (Marine Corps Combat Utility Uniform), except fo the collar which is kinda useless because it can be folded up like that anyway. (Don't forget the pen pockets...)

The Army should really look into the colors on the pattern of the ACU. I really don't see those colors doing well anywhere, well maybe excpet for a snow covered environment, or specific urban areas. I just hope that they don't drop functionality for uniqueness. That may cost many soldiers in the future. I don't want that to happen. S/F
I'm a Cadet (AFJROTC). That obviously holds no water here, nor anywhere, and even less still being JROTC. However I'm also an Air Farce brat and live at Luke AFB (Arizona). Ack... I'm being bred to be one of those little holier than thou officers! Better commit suicide now. Anywho...

My step-dad was selected to test the Air Farce uniform (ugly arse tiger stripe things). They're currently a no-go as they tried some new material and the things shrunk to midget size after 3 or 4 washes and dryings (most people said they lost about 4-5 inches on the waist after the 5th wash/dry and air drying didn't delay it too much either.). For the record though, they're really comfortable, I've worn them for all of ten minutes, but they beat the current BDU by miles in comfort. Also, they are for garrison wear, and they were done almost strictly for aesthetics (or that's the way the guy who wrote the article in our local paper made it sound.)

Though belt loops for the pistol belt are a pretty neat idea, but I try and wear it lower whenever I have the need to wear one (only for ALICE gear when I hike.)

I'd imagine patches would change to something similar to the Chair Force style on the test uniforms (dark blue in place of black and a lighter blue in place of OD)

I was doing some research and the Army is thinking about modifying the TO/E for XVIII Corp. and USASOC to continue the wear of black boots. However these are the same people who issue the black beret so that's iffy at best. But I cringe to think of what the Black Hats will do during inspection with suede boots...

Finally, from what I've read and heard there's three color schemes, and if you're off to a cold weather environment they'll issue current equipment until something new is devised, however there's no current plans for that it seems.

PS: The ACU pattern with the blue and all that light stuff looks really similar to some commercial "night-time desert camo" that I've seen on reversible jackets. As for the validity of the night-time crap, that is up for grabs.

Oh yeah... Infantry all the way!

I like the cut of the uniform... ie pocket design, not too sure about the pre-faded look though.  It would be interesting to see it in use, angainst various backgrounds.

The patches and name tapes have got to go.  They stick out like a neon sign.  Defeats the entire purpose of the cam pattern.
I'm sure just like our CADPAT, it's going to take a while for people to get used to.  I remember guys throwing scrim over their Cadpat helmet covers, strictly to hide the "Stupid Look", when they first where issued.

As for the walking billboard patches, I'm sure that they will made similar to ours, in CADPAT/MARPAT and what ever the US Army, USAF call theirs.

I do find it interesting though that this was first released back in June, and I still haven't seen any CNN footage of it in either Afghanistan or Iraq.  Have any of our guys who have been on Athena seen them in theatre?  I've only seen the Marpat.
I noticed the uniform is made with zippers at the front.

IMHO, this is a bad idea.  Zippers are prone to freezing in the winter...breaking under extreme conditions, and other nice little mis-haps we all know and love zippers for.

With buttons, if one falls off, you can just sew a new one back on, where as if the zipper breaks, it's a lot harder to fix..
It's too bad the Army is wasting money on a new combat uniform. The existing camo pattern was fine and the changes that were made on the ACU could have been done on the BDU at far less cost.
tomahawk6 said:
It's too bad the Army is wasting money on a new combat uniform. The existing camo pattern was fine and the changes that were made on the ACU could have been done on the BDU at far less cost.

(chuckle)  Oh, come on ... be a sport ... (I'm pulling your leg, in a good-natured way, okay?)
Once in a while it doesn't hurt to change things ...  especially when there have been so many advances in technology since the last change ...
(for example - I don't know when "Woodland" camo was invented, but ... I'm confident it was a few decades ago ...)

As for design changes - sometimes it's a REAL pain in the butt to try and gradually unbutton something one button at a time ...
(oh, come on now ... I know that you know what I'm talking about ... wink!)
Sure - cars change every year, and look how much we complain about that!
On the other hand, when we get something different every five/ten years (can't think of a good example) the time interval allows us to get tired of the old one, come up with improvements for the new one, and "just do it"!

Anyway - don't get me wrong - I really shouldn't refute your personal (American) viewpoint on the ACU (also American), but ... what the heck - if neighbours can't lean over the fence once in a while and have a friendly chat ... either they need a taller fence, or new neighbours (chuckle!!!)