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Naval Officers Once Again to Wear the Executive Curl

Happy birthday RCN, and congratulations on regaining your curls!

A few observations from across the pond, if I may:

The RN did actually have A/S/Lts, from the 1950s until about 1993. They wore the same rank insignia as S/Lts, just like the RAN.

The first stripe with the curl is nowadays available with the curl pre-made so it just has to be sewn on. It is sewn so that it does not need to be shifted on promotion to Lt: i.e. if you put a S/Lt and Lt's cuffs side by side the curl is in the same place. Promotion to Lt-Cdr takes another 8 years or so, so by then all the lace has to be replaced. If you put a Lt and a Lt-Cdr's cuffs side by the side the bottom stripe is in the same place.

One thing to be careful of if you are ordering lace from the UK is that although the regulations specify 1/2" lace, most naval tailors actually use 9/16" lace as it looks better without being obviously different.

Now all you guys need are some 8-button jackets!
thehuntforredoctober said:
Happy birthday RCN, and congratulations on regaining your curls!

Since we now admit to it being a navy, a nice touch would be to again call it the RCN. 
Dennis Ruhl said:
Since we now admit to it being a navy, a nice touch would be to again call it the RCN.

Right!  You staff it and present it to the Queen for approval.
George Wallace said:
Right!  You staff it and present it to the Queen for approval.

It was called the RCN when it had sailors in the mere hundreds.  Perhaps they could get a 2 for 1 deal with the queen and re-Royal the airforce.
I must say, I'm always amused at how, whenever deciding how to display the insignia for ranks, they always seem to use the one example that gets the least amount of actual wear, outside of mess kits.

I wonder how they're going to deal with the slip-ons for Cdrs and Capt(N)s, what with the curl taking up so much room. Make the slip-on longer, squish the stripes, or some combination thereof?
Dennis Ruhl said:
Since we now admit to it being a navy, a nice touch would be to again call it the RCN.

Why? When most of the sailors serving are proud of what our Navy has accomplished without being Royal any longer. Does that pride not count for something? Sorry but my Navy evolved from the RCN and while the past is important so is the present and the future. The Royal is neither wanted or really is on the radar for the rank and file of most members. Being the RCN will not stop our people from leaving in droves. Worry and address that rather then worry about something as frivilous as a Royal addition. Last I checked our ships were still called Her Majesty's/ Canadian Ship and not the Canadian Naval Ship (CNS) and the Queen has not asked us to stop so guess what everyone is happy with the silent Royal. ::)
I am curious though as to what the SSI looks like and what orders of dress we will wear it on.
CDN Aviator said:
There is no air force to "re-royal".

Then someone should report these frauds whoever they are.


Yes, a name is just a name but if I remember the 1960s correctly admirals heads were rolling because they believed otherwise.  Incidently the statement that a name is just a name proves my point also unless someone believes that a royal title is somehow odious.
Dennis Ruhl said:
Then someone should report these frauds whoever they are.



You know damned well that there is no entity called "Air force" in Canadian law. The ther term is in common usage is neither here nor there. There is no "Canadian Air Force" that you can add the Royal title to. That is a simple fact.
Ex-Dragoon said:
I am curious though as to what the SSI looks like and what orders of dress we will wear it on.

I saw on line, the display board of the presentation given at the announcement on Sunday.  It is a fouled anchor with gun metal, red, silver and gold as the colour of each.  Sorry I cannot find it to post at this time.  Was no indication of how and where the badge is to be worn.  Would appear it will be indicating "days at sea" instead of time posted to a ship.

And, WRT  RCN vs Maritime Command.  I am not in your camp I'm afraid, and I am not alone in this either.  Even if a Rose by any other name would smell just as sweet.  Maritime Command sucks in my opinion.  I notice that even you use the term "Navy" when speaking of the institution.  But I do agree there are big systemic problems facing the Navy today and in the future such as retention and new ships.
jollyjacktar said:
I saw on line, the display board of the presentation given at the announcement on Sunday.  It is a fouled anchor with gun metal, red, silver and gold as the colour of each.  Sorry I cannot find it to post at this time.  Was no indication of how and where the badge is to be worn.  Would appear it will be indicating "days at sea" instead of time posted to a ship.

And, WRT  RCN vs Maritime Command.  I am not in your camp I'm afraid, and I am not alone in this either.  Even if a Rose by any other name would smell just as sweet.  Maritime Command sucks in my opinion.  I notice that even you use the term "Navy" when speaking of the institution.  But I do agree there are big systemic problems facing the Navy today and in the future such as retention and new ships.

Not everyone is jolly but I feel there are better solutions and more outstanding problems out there for the Navy then reintroducing Royal to our name.

Thanks for the description of the SSI, I will have to take a look before our Freedom of the City parade tomorrow.

It would seem that we will have to wait until the official CANFORGEN is out ... therefore I guess that I will have to wait to wear them.
jollyjacktar said:
I saw on line, the display board of the presentation given at the announcement on Sunday.
Here it is: http://www.forces.gc.ca/site/gal/photos-eng.asp?id=232&WT.svl=potd

The Sea Service Insignia will be a metallic cloth badge (for service dress tunic) and metal pin (for service dress short-sleeved shirt and high-collared white tunic) produced in four colours (gun metal, brass, silver, and gold) each representing time spent at sea - the first level will be one year (365 days) with periodicity for higher levels to be established.  Note that the SSI was created to recognize 'time spent at sea' and not time posted to a sea-going unit.
If they do the SSI by "days at sea" rather than sea time as defined by posting to a sea-going unit, isn't that going to be an adminstrative nightmare?

I say scrap the whole thing ... a sailor is a sailor.

And does anyone really think that some Air Force guy is going to want to stick crap on his uniform because he was sailing on a ship fixing Sea Kings?
Otis said:
If they do the SSI by "days at sea" rather than sea time as defined by posting to a sea-going unit, isn't that going to be an adminstrative nightmare?

I say scrap the whole thing ... a sailor is a sailor.

And does anyone really think that some Air Force guy is going to want to stick crap on his uniform because he was sailing on a ship fixing Sea Kings?

When I read it today, and I'm paraphrasing:

... days at sea is defined as any period of 8 hours or longer ...

So it looks like its actually sailing time not time at the wall.