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Navy guys want the converged CADPAT raingear (From: Naval Officers to Wear the Executive Curl)

  • Thread starter Thread starter jollyjacktar
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NavyShooter said:
I'm an abnormal sailor in that I've been issued a lot of the kit talked about above....

From the "rubber" rain gear I was issued in Cornwallis where we painted the seams with silicon to seal it.

To the Yellow Canary suits on a half dozen ships, and a couple of hemispheres.

To the US Army rubber rain jacket from the mid '90s that was the "cat's meow" at the time (you didn't need to seal the seams!!! that was pre-done!)

I have the current nylon-ish green rain-gear with my green kit, and was delighted at the temporary issue of a set of the new Gore-tex gear when I went to Bisley in '08 (borrowed from the Airforce and had to return it....)

I now have a grey stealth-suit that goes nicely under green gear.

I've tried a lot of different options out, and of the various issued pieces of gear, in various bits of weather from North Atlantic, to Mediterranian to Baltic, to Persian Gulf, to Gagetown, Pet, the UK, and various spots in between, the universality that I've noted between EVERY one of these pieces of gear, was that at some point, I got wet.

No matter how "good" the rain gear was, I got wet.

In '09 in Bisley, my preffered "rain" gear was my Stealth suit upper, over a wicking fiber shirt, under my combats, with the body armour on top to act as a nice warm vest, my tac-vest riding on top of that, and when I had the opportunity to stand up off the firing point, I'd put a rain jacket over top just to help keep some of the heat in.

I got soaked.  To the bone.  To the point that I have a photo of me pouring the water out of my shooting log book.  Except for my upper body.  My core stayed dry, so I stayed warm.  The wicking fiber drew a bit of the wet up from my pants, but not much.

I accept the fact that when the rain comes, the only parts of me that I want to keep dry are the lenses of my glasses, and keep the heat into my upper body a bit.

Having been issued all that kit, none of it has kept me "dry".  Over the years, it's progressively gotten better at keeping me "less wet", but never dry.

Should the Navy invest in some new rain gear?  Sure.  When we have some money it'd be a fine idea.

In the meantime, I've got my stealth suit handy.  Thank-you RCR Kit-shop!


.....and under it all, your skin is still "water tight".    ;D
The chief reason we have had sub-standard gear in all elements for so many years is that although everybody knows the failings and everybody has been complaining for years, few people have actually bothered to submit a UCR on the stuff.  The wheels of bureaucracy turn slowly, but they're even slower when there's no grease!

Fire retardancy is not an issue in replacing the navy's canary suits.  Just about anything would be more fire retardant than the rubberized nylon we use now.  In fact, the ant-static properties of the AF kit would be very useful in the Navy, as fueling parties normally wear rain gear as protection from their periodic marine distillate baths.

The reason the Navy doesn't get any of the CADPAT stuff is because they chose not to participate (i.e. help fund) the various projects that produced it.

However, to the best of my knowledge, new rain gear is part of the overall review of naval clothing that is now ongoing.
I'm surprised that new raingear wasn't in the NCD project. How much does it rain inside the ship? >:D

Shouldn't anyone that is outside of the ship in foul weather be wearing a floater suit any way?
Not really, Tango,

First of all, you do get rainy days without rough seas, so "flotation" would not be a concern.

Second of all, it does rain in summer too you know! I would not wear the floater jacket to work on deck above 15 degrees celsius, as you would sweat like a pig. 
We hopefully the Navy can get you guys something better than what you have now.  Maybe the SSI is eating up funds that could have been used better?
Pusser said:
However, to the best of my knowledge, new rain gear is part of the overall review of naval clothing that is now ongoing.

Somewhere in the cobwebs of my mind I believe  I have heard this has/is being looked at as well.  However, with the length of process one might chalk it up to some of the other great misconceptions of western society.  "The check is in the mail.  I'll respect you in the morning.  There is a Santa Claus.  And lastly, Christmas is coming."

Yes, we all have bitched about the canary suit for years.  But, it does do what it is supposed to after a fashion.  Keep the water out.  Perhaps that is enough to slow change down if UCRs have been submitted.  I could have done with my old NCD jacket without the nifty new pockets on the sleeve for a while if the money could have gone towards decent rain gear if money is an issue.
JJT I can confirm that as of last summer the new rain gear was in the trial phase and distributed to a few personnel in the fleet for trials. I have seen the new rain gear and tried it on. Its just the same as the Army/Air stuff only plain black... Be patient it is coming my old friend!
NICE rainsuit.

2-in-1 Naval Wind Raingear (NWR)

Waterproof, static dissipative suit (2 pc) navy blue / black in color for wear as a walking out dress in hot weather and during cool, low relative humidity conditions. It will have thermal dissipative characteristics to be wearable from +10 to +25C.

No photos of said item at site and there doesn't seem to have been any updates in over a year.  If memory serves there was a thread on here last year about NICE.
Pusser said:
However, to the best of my knowledge, new rain gear is part of the overall review of naval clothing that is now ongoing.
I was issued a navy blue rain suit in early '07 as part of the trial.  The suits we were issued were 'Canadianized' versions of the RAN rain gear.  We submitted our impressions/comments in the summer of '07.  Many switched back to the canary suits ASAP as they're more waterproof and durable.  Waterproof cold weather gloves...now that would be something!
I thought gloves were in the works as well.  It matters not a lot to me.  My seagoing days are done.  However, even without the NICE project, we're still miles ahead of where we were when I joined.  Does anyone remember the old kapok weather jackets that would make you sink like a stone?  There were warm though.
Tango18A said:
Camouflage is intended to mask the wearers presence, not to hide his sloppiness. We all know tomato sauce is hard to get out of anything, but the issue of Cadpat Raingear doesn't solve this dilemma.

Really closing your eyes as to the nature of shipboard work there.
Tango18A said:
In Edmonton I can't get a CADAPT ICE Parka issued to me

You can have mine.  Most aircrew that I know take all their relish and throw it all in a bag in the closet.
cobbler said:
Really closing your eyes as to the nature of shipboard work there.

So how is the Cadpat Raingear going to help you on ship then??

Zoomie said:
You can have mine.  Most aircrew that I know take all their relish and throw it all in a bag in the closet.

Hence why I said that Cadpat is under utilized by Aircrews.
I think the title of the thread is misleading...
I doubt that any sailor really want to walk around the Dockyard wearing Cadpat raingear over the NCD but the design of the jacket itself would be better than the canari.
Tango18A said:
...Hence why I said that Cadpat is under utilized by non-tac hel Aircrews.

There, T18A, fixed it for you!  ;)

Tango18A said:
Hence why I said that Cadpat is under utilized by Aircrews.

It is certainly not under utilized by ground crews and support personel.......even non-tac hel ones.
CDN Aviator said:
It is certainly not under utilized by operational ground crews and support personel.......even non-tac hel ones.

There, fixed it for you too, CA!  Man, what is it with you guys tonight?  LOL