Surprise GoC funding to provide (solesourced) vehicles to restored AT/Mortar platoons via UOR. Option set:
A- current LAV 6.0 stocks drawn down to have turrets replaced ( in scenario GDLS-C has taken the initiative and designed tailor made turrets for each of Mortar and AT/DF with weapon system(s), sensors, FCS of choice ready to integrate in the same basket footprint)
B- LAV 6.0 fleet is left alone new ACSV variants created, one a traditional mortar carrier with a CARDOM in the back, the other
C- Mortar converted 6.0 / AT new ACSV (or vice versa)
What I'm seeking to understand- desirability of turreted systems vs non in each role, measured against the tradeoff of fewer total vehicles
Option D- ignore and buy surplus Brads, place a CV90 order, etc. not an option.