I'll believe it when I see it.
Though if the numbers are already there, especially, already there in a form that won't reveal anything that shouldn't be, how much work is it to dump it on the web?The more you demand transparency and public reporting the more you demand bureaucratic staff to do that work. There needs to be a balance.
It's not just "dump it on the web". Vendors have concerns about their cost information being made available. There can be national security concerns in revealing certain vendors.Though if the numbers are already there, especially, already there in a form that won't reveal anything that shouldn't be, how much work is it to dump it on the web?
To be clear, I'm not advocating we don't export products; I'm just not a fan of exporting non-value-added products.
I don't know the industries. Maybe there are good reasons why we ship raw products, but it just strikes me as part of sitting back on our historic 'hewers of wood and drawers of water' mentality. Adding value to a product is jobs and profit.
Being able to hit something does not equate to having control of something by ground force, or most importantly being able to defend something or someone.
The return to American sea power would also give needed shape to Trump’s quasi-isolationist foreign policy while mitigating its worst impulses. It was the renowned naval strategist Alfred Thayer Mahan who pointed out why naval power suits a democratic nation better than land power, which inevitably pulls towards tyranny. Navies have a limited capacity to extend coercive force inland, making them, as Robert Kaplan has put it, “no menace to liberty.” If Trump’s goal is to avoid foreign wars while maintaining a muscular posture abroad, a Navy-forward national security doctrine would serve him well.
Levine expands on this idea in his paper, arguing for an end to big wars with ill-defined or unattainable goals in favor of smaller operations with clear objectives and exit plans. Isolationism is not a strategy; power must be deployed. But the watchword in all things is discretion, which above all requires a judicious use of military force. The Navy-Marine Corps team, being inherently mobile and flexible, should be America’s primary force in hard-hitting but brief interventions that advance the national interest—that is to say, most military actions abroad. The Army and Air Force, which require an immense footprint when deployed, are wired to enlarge and extend military operations as a rule, and thus should only be used in major, congressionally-declared wars. This one insight, if adopted and taken to its logical conclusion, would inspire a radical readjustment of military doctrine, budgets, and procurement plans inside the Department of Defense. Trump would be wise to push it.
Crap MP like them don’t form the Board. And anyway, the Board takes its direction from the PM….so like I noted earlier, if the PM wants something to go, TB will make it happen.Think that one through before suggesting it. Do you really want Boissonnault, Guilbeault and the like deciding on your equipment for the next 20 years. I would have thought you had learnt your lesson when we bought helicopters.
Chretien's 2002 March madness Challengers purchase enters the conversation.Crap MP like them don’t form the Board. And anyway, the Board takes its direction from the PM….so like I noted earlier, if the PM wants something to go, TB will make it happen.
Chretien's 2002 March 31st (day of) madness Challengers purchase enters the conversation.
We Don need dat.Chretien's 2002 March madness Challengers purchase enters the conversation.
Au contraire!We Don need dat.
How's the odds on us Firming up the two extra P-8 options? Throw in some Hercs to keep Lockmart happy.Au contraire!
How else will PM Carney flash down to the Bahamas to meet his close friend Justin at the Aga Khan’s Caribbean retreat?
Anyone up for bets on which Bombardier biz jets we buy next month? Challenger 650s? Global 7000s?
Before we all get a wet dream out of this lets remember Canada has a recruiting and retention problem.Better yet, make it an extra 20 P-8s.
And buying less kit doesn't solve that.Before we all get a wet dream out of this lets remember Canada has a recruiting and retention problem.
What retention problem? Among the lowest release rates in NATO?Before we all get a wet dream out of this lets remember Canada has a recruiting and retention problem.
What retention problem? Among the lowest release rates in NATO?
The retention problem may be that we keep too many...
If we have the lowest release rates I can't imagine how bad it is in other services.
Last I saw about 8%. The CAF needs to invest in the personnel production system so it is able to surge and to sustain the current demand without being reliant on augmentation from the fleet / field force to do so.
The biggest retention issue is keeping the wrong people far too long.
I’ll check around (the BeltwayHow's the odds on us Firming up the two extra P-8 options? Throw in some Hercs to keep Lockmart happy.
I'm 100% on board with this but will throw in a small caveat.Last I saw about 8%. The CAF needs to invest in the personnel production system so it is able to surge and to sustain the current demand without being reliant on augmentation from the fleet / field force to do so.
The biggest retention issue is keeping the wrong people far too long.
Last I saw about 8%. The CAF needs to invest in the personnel production system so it is able to surge and to sustain the current demand without being reliant on augmentation from the fleet / field force to do so.
The biggest retention issue is keeping the wrong people far too long.