Mr. Staples,
I've followed you and your organisation for a short while, reading over various views, "reports" and opinions.
I'm curious.. Have you or any other member of your "Think Tank" had any OPERATIONAL experience in the military? How about the Foreign Services?
How about any ex-MO-LITIA who happend to muster at least 3 weekends in a row...
Has anybody ever been a Street cop???
Does anybody linked to the "Polaris Inst." have any connection, whatsoever, present..or past.. with ANY International or Domestic Security or Stability Issue?
Outside of the movies, do you have any idea how a real world military works, or even how real world baddies work?
Knowing exactly who did what.. serves no greater purpose in the grand scheme of things. At least for now.
As has been said before, by those who KNOW a few things.. our "High-Speed" community is MORE vulnerable to privacy and security issues, than other "similar" units.
You don't really need to know.. accept it, move along.. nothing to see here.
What kind of info do you want anyway? Do you want a body count? Why would you need such information?
Our guys put thier lives on the line, they put thier families aside.. to do a dangerous and demanding job..
They don't do this for $$$.. <trust me> They don't do it to be "cool".. They don't do it because they're sadistic killers..
They do it, because unlike a perfect NDP, socialist, fuzzy wuzzy dream world.. there are bad people with guns.. who want to make other people suffer.
These "bad men".. they don't listen to well when we put on our Canadian charm. "Eh.. like.. why don't you guys talk it over..Eh?" They don't want to "talk about it"
They want <insert whatever>, and they don't care how they get it.
See.. they know, that you CAN win an argument with a bullet.. <Shocking I know, but it's true.. and no focus group or social study program will convince them there's a "better way">
What they do listen to sometimes.. is someone with a BIGGER Gun. Even then, sometimes our guys, as much as they detest it.. have to actually SHOOT at the bad men. (In order to protect the other, good men, women and children.. ect"
Why are they doing this, because they follow the will of the People (Gov).. and the People (Gov), want world peace and stability.
This is a good thing.. The problem is.. that sometimes peace DOES come from the barrel of a gun.
Now, thanks to people like you.. Canadians don't seem to understand that anymore, because Canadians are safe, and cozy.. and protected. They have no idea on what goes on in the world, how others can use violence to meet their goals. They are unable, or unwilling to see that more often or not, VIOLENCE is the only effective tool to stop such people.
In Canada.. you call the police to stop crime..
They use thier tools.. violence.. or the threat of violence.
Without those tools.. you, Mr.Staples.. would not be safe.
It is the THREAT of violence, followed, when neccesary by the EXAMPLE of APPLIED violence.. that helps deter those who might seek to harm you, while stoping those who have already or are in the act of doing harm.
Be thankfull for .. and support those who make it possible, and try to bring such stability to others in this world.