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JTF2 & AFG (merged)

Pegcity said:
I thought our media was prohibited from reporting on the actions of JTF2?

Anything they can get from Access to Information is fair game. 99% of it is classified though, so they can't get that stuff with AtI.
Pegcity said:
I thought our media was prohibited from reporting on the actions of JTF2?
Not at all. The "freeedom of the press" outcry would be horrific.

The unit has Public Affairs staff who produce/vet media reports that are promulgated, but by and large, CSOR, 427 SOAS, and CJIRU are the more public faces of CANSOFCOM.
1)  Statement By The Director Of Staff For The Strategic Joint Staff:
Rear-Admiral Robert Davidson, Director of Staff for the Strategic Joint Staff, Canadian Forces, issued the following statement today:

“The members of the Canadian Forces have been operating in the very complex Afghan theatre for almost a decade. Whenever CF members have been alleged not to have met our high standards of conduct, we have moved quickly to investigate and, where appropriate, lay charges.

The Canadian Forces National Investigation Service (CFNIS) conducts investigations when allegations of either a service or criminal offence are made. As with other police services, the CFNIS investigators must respect the rights of the individuals when conducting their investigations. As well, there may be requirements for operational security. Thus, it would not be the norm for such investigations to be advertised to the public. However, the CFNIS, like any other police service, does announce when charges are laid as a result of an investigation, and the resulting trial is normally open to the public.

These principles apply equally to the two investigations and the Board of Inquiry being reported. The initial investigation, known as “Sand Trap 1” looked at allegations pertaining to a member of the CF and to related responses of the Canadian Special Operations Forces chain of command. The investigation resulted in no charges being laid. However, it identified other matters that warranted a second investigation, known as “Sand Trap 2”, which is ongoing. As well, a board of inquiry was convened to examine administrative policies, procedures and accountability.

Any speculation about these matters while investigative processes are ongoing is unhelpful and may taint the environment in which the investigation is taking place. As such, we cannot comment further on this matter. We ask that the independent investigation process be respected while it follows its course.”

2)  A speculative moment, from Peter Worthington via QMI Media:
.... Speculation runs rampant from unacceptable treatment of prisoners to smuggling drugs — all without much in the way of details.

The original 2008 investigation was titled “Sand Trap I,” with no charges laid, but a report written by Chief of Defence Staff, Gen. Walter Natynczyk that led to a wider investigation called “Sand Trap II,” with more allegations and broader implications. One assumes it is still on-going.

The trouble with our secretive commando force that proponents like to hint is as good as — or better than — Britain’s SAS, or the U.S. Delta Force, Rangers, Green Berets, etc., is there’s no way the public can ever know.

There’s a heck of a lot of “wannabe” in secret commandos — and JTF2 members adapt to the colouring with gusto.

Maybe they are as good as their quiet publicity implies. Maybe not. They are presented as highly trained, physically and mentally fit guys who shun publicity and whose purpose in Afghanistan is to go behind the enemy lines and kill high-ranking al-Qaida and/or Taliban leaders.

That’s a valid role — but no one knows how effective it is, has been, or ever will be.

Canadian regimental soldiers in Afghanistan have mixed feeling about JTF2. For soldiers (and they are soldiers, despite not mixing with regimental units), they play the secrecy role, but hardly blend unnoticed into the surroundings. JTF2 (Joint Task Force 2 — there is no JTF1) members are distinguished in camp, often by beards, wearing dark non-uniform clothes, sunglasses and ear pieces. Sort of Men in Black without the humour.

They won’t allow photos taken of themselves, won’t talk to strangers, and regimental soldiers tend to resent them.


One can applaud the idea of an elite commando force, but a secret army within the army is anathema to democracy. And ultra-secrecy seems a formula for potential corruption and abuse — which is what the present investigation into JTF2 is all about.
Remember a couple years ago when all the media coverage about the CF and CF in Afghanistan was generating good will towards us (the CF us), and there were a few warnings that the "backlash" will come;

The backlash is on full court press.
We've just filed this story below on cbc.ca, radio and TV. More on the National tonight.
It's about JTF2 and two CFNIS investigations called Sand Trap, investigating allegations of wrongdoing in Afghanistan.
Some allegations were investigated, with no charges.  Other investigations are still ongoing.
shared here, from my perspective, for conversation purposes:

There are calls for public oversight of an elite military unit amid allegations that Canadian soldiers were involved in improper killings of Afghans.

Federal politicians and a former member of the military are making the calls in light of a series of closed-door investigations in Ottawa that have been looking into the explosive claims involving the covert unit, Joint Task Force 2.

The allegations included claims that members of JTF2 witnessed American soldiers killing an unarmed man, and, in a separate incident, that a member of JTF2 killed a man who was surrendering.

Earlier this year, CBC News reported that the first probe - named Sandtrap - looked into the allegations that a Canadian was involved in the 2006 shooting death of an Afghan who had his hands up in the act of surrender. That probe ended without any charges.

Read more: http://www.cbc.ca/canada/story/2010/12/01/canada-jtf2-investigation.html#ixzz16tsF4VN5
It never ceases to amaze me how some segments of our polite society think a war should be waged....... ::)


That's about all that needs to be said about this.... Ahh the Communist Broadcasting Corporation what a waste of money
Did he have his hands up or was he preparing for a double handed judo chop?
"communist broadcasting corporation"  that's awesome!

this is the allegation that is still being investigated:

"The allegations included claims that members of JTF2 witnessed American soldiers killing an unarmed man."  (full stop.  copy and past error earlier. that included erroneous info.)
There's also a BOI underway into the conduct command and control of Canadian special forces troops in Afghanistan, and here at home.
General Gosselin's in charge.  Military docs show the BOI has interviewed more than 100 witnesses so far.

Grimaldus said:
Did he have his hands up or was he preparing for a double handed judo chop?

How many bombers have walked up to their target with their hands up?
There is a problem with the oversight of secret operations and agencies. While I have no objection to oversight, per se, the acts and proceedings and outcomes of all such oversight ought to be as secret as the operations and agencies involved. There is, already, far too much public 'knowledge' of some agencies and operations - 'knowledge' which is very incomplete and, therefore, useless to the public.

Did some JTF2 members do some things wrong? Almost certainly. Is there a system in place to discover and rectify problems? I sincerely hope so. Is it anyone's business, except for a very few, properly cleared insiders? No.

Edit: typos
The funny thing is there are HUNDREDS of BOIs conducted overseas for a thousand different reasons only reason this one is "Important" is the it has CANSOF on it so it must be cool. As for Command and Control did it ever occur to the media that CANSOFCOM initiated the inquiry themselves to make sure everything was being done above board?.... Hmmm you know just a new perspective many commands do that from time to time making sure that everything is smooth and legal.
Time for CBC  to hand out their Christmas bonuses, which means they need to score points and suck another chunk of cash from the taxpayer for their welfare corporation.

"If the story doesn't exist, we'll invent it."
So the first probe ended without any charges, therefore there was either nothing done wrong or no evidence, yet it's still mentioned? What happened to innocent until proven guilty? Now you're running a story about JTF2 individuals reporting that ANOTHER country did something wrong.... Shouldn't the person that reported it be patted on the back for reporting a possible violation of LoAC?

I remember when Sandtrap first came out in the media, I heard that the Assaulters will report everything that might be a little bit fishy as a way to C-Y-A. If they didn't, and something hit the media, the unit would be stood down so fast your head would spin.

Cudmore, you are also incorrect in your posting here by linking Sandtrap 1 and Sandtrap 2 as both ongoing investigations. As I stated above, ST1 which involved JTF2 operators was concluded with no charges, AKA innocent.

So what an investigation. Glad to see it. More should be done. Maybe some BOI's should look into some leaderships incompetence...everyone talks about it....yet they are still around.
PuckChaser said:
So the first probe ended without any charges, therefore there was either nothing done wrong or no evidence, yet it's still mentioned? What happened to innocent until proven guilty? Now you're running a story about JTF2 individuals reporting that ANOTHER country did something wrong.... Shouldn't the person that reported it be patted on the back for reporting a possible violation of LoAC?

I remember when Sandtrap first came out in the media, I heard that the Assaulters will report everything that might be a little bit fishy as a way to C-Y-A. If they didn't, and something hit the media, the unit would be stood down so fast your head would spin.

Cudmore, you are also incorrect in your posting here by linking Sandtrap 1 and Sandtrap 2 as both ongoing investigations. As I stated above, ST1 which involved JTF2 Assaulters was concluded with no charges, AKA innocent.

There fixed something for you, They have Assaulters another group has Operators with the media looking at this we can at least strive for accuracy so when they write stuff they can get it right to.
So?  CBC was upstaged by Julian Assange.  Does CBC now have to outdo WikiLeaks?  Who is vying for the Donald Brittain Award for Best Social/Political Documentary Program at the next Gemini Awards?
BulletMagnet said:
There fixed something for you, They have Assaulters another group has Operators with the media looking at this we can at least strive for accuracy so when they write stuff they can get it right to.

Thanks! Got them confused in my head.
No worries mate just making sure that at least we here get things right to influence those elsewhere to it right  ;D