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Individual Meal Pack (IMP) [Merged]

IMP's F***** rock!! They're the best. My dad was inthe rangers a while back, and we got em when I was in cadets too... I loved em all except ham and lemon sauce? or somethin like that, it was ham and somethin... but if I was roughin it in the bush, food is food, it's not a matter of it tasting good or not, it's filling your stomach so you don't feel hungry... That's the way I look at it. Salisbury steak is one of my favs :D
It may not seem that way as you're starting out, but once you've begun eating with other Forces, you will soon agree that the Canadian Armed Forces is one of the best fed armies in the world. :cdn:
Fry said:
IMP's F***** rock!! They're the best. My dad was inthe rangers a while back, and we got em when I was in cadets too... I loved em all except ham and lemon sauce? or somethin like that, it was ham and somethin... but if I was roughin it in the bush, food is food, it's not a matter of it tasting good or not, it's filling your stomach so you don't feel hungry... That's the way I look at it. Salisbury steak is one of my favs :D

Wait until you have had to eat them 3 meals a day for over a month.......
tannerthehammer said:
I hear the Mac and Cheese isn't the greatest...

It's all a matter of personal preference... as far as I'm concerned, the macaroni and cheese kicks booty. That's the joy, you can just trade meals you don't like with somone who does like it... always great when you find somone in a section who enjoys ham steak ;)
While I find the salmon filet to be my favourite (you can actually see what it's made of), one of my DS from BMQ said something that stuck with me.

"If it tastes bad, it's because we haven't been working you hard enough."

Granted, a lot of that is BMQ rhetoric combined with meat of questionable origin, but the point is, after a long time outdoors, any meal is a welcome one.
All I have to say is...

Scrambled Eggs and Salsa is an awful IMP!  ???
-If it doesn't taste good, you haven't been working hard enough-

That's exactly what I was referring to in my previous post. Whether they taste good or not, it's food with nutrients, and it's meant to fill your gut. Even the ham steak tastes good after a while.
Dont eat IMP Bread unless you have to...instead save it and use it as a building material to build that fort in the back yard, you can use porridge as mortar (people who were on the Roche Lake EX. in Kamloops back in 2002 will know what im talkin about)     ;D

also the Fruitcake...I mean Cherry Pie doesnt make to good of a frisbee

On a serious note, the IMP Bread is designed to stay in you for about a week (you know, soldiers cant always eat regularly) So they give you fresh rations every once and a while to suddenly get everything going again

I prefer the Wieners & Beans and Chicken Catch-i-torey but I bet almost everyone else likes these choices as well

P.S. Mod's please help with spelling of Chicken Catch-i-torey
The next time you are on an extended operation and consume every last ounce of your ration short of the desiccant package, I believe you will change your tune on the edibility of the Canadian IMP.   ;)

Having said that, I firmly believe the '04 Baked Chocolate Dessert should be issued with an auto-injector of Insulin.
"The next time you are on an extended operation and consume every last ounce of your ration short of the desiccant package, I believe you will change your tune on the edibility of the Canadian IMP."

-Yup.  Food is fuel.
Oh boy. When I was in air cadets, we had IMPS on all the excercises, and yes for the most part they are really good, but for the love of god and everything holy...BURN THE CHERRY DESSERT!  It's brownish/red...it looks like flattened clay..and when you taste it, you'll have the texture of crap flavoured sand sliding down your throat...crumbling.

No, don't.  Give them to me.  I like'em.  Especially when I can get some Jalapeno Cheese spread out of an MRE, and spread it on my IMP Baked Cherry Dessert.

Honestly, some of you guys just don't know what fine dining really is.
Sgt. Papke said:
I prefer the Wieners & Beans and Chicken Catch-i-torey but I bet almost everyone else likes these choices as well

P.S. Mod's please help with spelling of Chicken Catch-i-torey

I'm no mod, but I think it's cacciatore. That stuff is good.
Agreed with your statement about the Baked Chocolate Tom, eating a few of those will turn you into a diabetic.. jesus.
about the cherry pie thingys, yeah they taste terrible (I'd rather eat a rubber boot), but it's fuel, and has nutrients you need... I'd say if you're on a mission or roughing it somewhere in the bush, the last thing you'd be worried about is eating a gourmet dinner, lol.
Fry said:
about the cherry pie thingys, yeah they taste terrible (I'd rather eat a rubber boot), but it's fuel, and has nutrients you need... I'd say if you're on a mission or roughing it somewhere in the bush, the last thing you'd be worried about is eating a gourmet dinner, lol.

You are still young...you'll learn  ::)
I would rather have a packet of baked cherry desert tucked into the front of my Tacvest than some fruit cocktail waiting to leak all over me. Besides I like the taste, though am still waiting for them to start putting Cliff bars in some of the meals.

Gunnerlove said:
I would rather have a packet of baked cherry desert tucked into the front of my Tacvest than some fruit cocktail waiting to leak all over me

The Baked Cherry Dessert is also good for when you don't wanna completely eat it; you can take little bits here and there since it's a baked dessert (and not some liquid oddity.)
my favorite IMP is the salmon filet nature.... its very good and doesnt look nasty like all the other stuff.

I also like the new chemical stuff we use now for heating.  very convenient.
The new Salmon Fillet tastes horrible, ewwww, i LOVED the old ones (03's) but the 04's taste bad, they aren't made by the same people. IMP's rock, no matter what, if you do get some shit IMP trade it with the FNG they don't know the difference and so the cycle continues... ;D
Quick story, I once ate only Salmon Fillet for a four day Ex, friend(s) were cooking them and they arranged for me to get one every meal, when I got back all I could taste was Salmon... FOR A WEEK!!!! anything I ate tasted like Salmon...good times good times...