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Individual Meal Pack (IMP) [Merged]

And always remember the little pack with the bread is NOT I repeat NOT a spice packet for the bread!!!!
Franks and Beans.. yumm... I don‘t like the Ravioli.. too salty.. The Cacciatore was awesome as long as it was hot. Fruit cocktail was THE desert to have (always came with the salmon) and the grape drink is my fav (pixie sticks in a bag!!)

I dunno about you Kurrgan, but I‘ve manage to actually down a few ham steaks. They start out repulsive, but you end up not noticing it after a while. But I‘m totally with you on the bake cherry piece of wax.. what on earth went into that thing I‘ll never know..
Mine is the Saman, I absolutely love the bread, Alot of people don‘t eat or like their bread so I take them off their hands, I usually get like 5-10 breads per meal because no one eats theirs.
i‘d have to say the breakfasts are the worst ones...nothing like waking up and opening a nice bag of ****. but there are some good ones. the salmon, mac n cheese SAUCE (not cheese), spagitthi,ravioli....proably some more that are not coming to mind.

and yeah who ever doesnt eat there bread toss her this way. the spoon makes for a good knife to.
The Baked cherry isn‘t that bad. It isn‘t the best thing out there, but I‘ll eat it if I have it.
One time I accidently put the baked cherry pie in the heater bag instead of my entree. Mind you I didn‘t notice this until after the 12 minute cooking time. I pulled it out anxiously awaiting my Meat Ravioli, and then realised what i had done. I figured what the **** maybe heat would make the cherry pie more desirable. Nope.
I gotta say I was the only guy in my troop who loved Baked Cherry. :evil:
Ham Omelettes were a good money maker. There was always someone willing to pay you $5 to eat a Ham Omelette cold and then drink the juice.
Paul I wish I‘d know you back when I was in. I could have made some easy beer drinking money. ham omlette was one of my favourites (ok not really but I did like them). One of the few that was actually edible (almost) cold. Just shove it inside the straps in your helmet liner (old steel type liner) and let body heat thaw it out on ATC.

Hey there are worse rations out there. Don‘t get me started on the first versions of IMPs or worse IRPs (bulky heavy canned crap). :p
Originally posted by Danjanou:
[qb]Hey there are worse rations out there. Don‘t get me started on the first versions of IMPs . :p [/qb]
My first taste of IMPs was in 1985. Whoever came up with the bright idea of putting a tube of butter in there should have gotten a smack upside the head. The stuff was rancid and we were told never to eat it, I think it may have even been an official memo.

I pocketed a lot of cash eating cold Ham Omelettes. :D

Corned Beef Hash was one of my favourites. The original Cherry Cake was good but later they all seemed to be burnt and didn‘t taste so hot. I always liked the bag of MSG encrusted stuffing too.

If any of you has ever gotten the chance to sit down and eat everything in an IMP fully prepared I‘m sure you will agree they are quite filling.
You know what makes em real good. Bring a bottle og HP Sauce, Worschester Sauce, BBQ Sauce or Currie Powder into the feild and put some of that on it. Man, it takes away the bad taste and IMP Flavour. OOOOO and a pepper shaker. Gourmet Food. OOOH Yeah!
Paul, you mean the old Puritan corn beef hash from the IRPs?

For the youngsters out there that was the IRP version of ham omelette, and again for some strange reason it was one of my favourites. Hey maybe my old RSM was right I am crazy.

Funny thing is you can get the Puritan stuff in most stores these days. I stock up on a few cans when for when the wife‘s not home and I‘m too lazy to cook. Heat it on the stove and eat right out of the can just like the good ole days.

On exchanges with Yanks I noticed that their biggest thrill about IMPs over their MREs was the packaging. They couldn‘t get over the brand names like Freddy Chef and Tasters Choice on our stuff.

I guess it sounds (and tastes?) better than:

Meal 1 Beans with Franks, Individual for the consumption of, NATO stock # 1290876564

in a plain brown or green packet. :eek:
Originally posted by Danjanou:
[qb] Paul, you mean the old Puritan corn beef hash from the IRPs? [/qb]
I‘ve never eaten IRPs, the one I‘m talking about was an IMP breakfast Freddy Chef I believe. Basically corned beef with little tiny cubes of potato in it. I am a big fan of corned beef so that may be why I liked it so much. :)
Tales from the Argyll Officer Corp:

"Man, if you guys think you have it tough, you should try the Officer IMPs.

For example, the BBQ and honey garlic ribs always seem undercooked and the sauce is so thick that everything sticks to your fingers. Not good for our after dinner chess competitions in HQ you know, good man.

Than there‘s the sirloin steak, which is often quite tough. I could barely eat it if it wasn‘t for the hint of mint and the creamy mash potatos and cranberries it is served with. Thank God for the new silver cuttlery we now use.

And, did I mention the problem we‘ve had with the post-dinner tea? D@mn-it man, the new CADPAT issue porcelin tea-cups and saucers tend to nick during transport in my Iltis, which ruins the whole tea experience. And, to add insult to injury, the new AfterEight chocolates are not as good as the scones we had imported from England.

Blymee, why have we become so uncivilised!"
Favourite IMP eh? Sausages and Hasbrowns for b-fast, Lunch/Supper I‘d have to say Salmon Fillets.... ummm.... and for dessert... I‘ve only had the pineapples! oh well.. The Shepards Pie is cat food with potato chunks!! *gack*
Take the bread... Carve it out and fill it with the spicy apple dessert, heat if you can then you have your very own personal apple pie. It‘s not bad.
Mmmm... Baked Cherry Dessert - that stuff‘s great if you need an extra trauma plate for body armour... Although on occasion I actually don‘t mind it.

I love the salmon filet in the gold foil - my PL WO joked that it‘s packed that way because it‘s for officers and Snr NCOs only... Tortellini is pretty good too, basically Chef Boyardee-esque, and the Cannelloni in Rose Sauce is edible.

I hate all the breakfasts except for Sausages and Hash Browns, the omelettes are disgusting... I mainly cross my fingers for fruit cocktail at least.

I don‘t head out to fight the Granovians without a bottle of tabasco sauce in my webbing, because it makes pretty much anything taste better... I‘ve heard rumours of it being available in a bottle small enough to fit in the butt of a C7 or even the pistol grip (with tape over it, I‘d imagine)... but have never seen same...