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Individual Meal Pack (IMP) [Merged]

My preference is Sausage & Hash Browns and any Pasta ones (Lasagna, Beef Ravioli).

Never had anything with Ham Steak in it, never want to!
Well, we march on our stomachs, so it pays to have good, hot, and tasty IMP‘s. I must be a freak when I say that I actually do enjoy most of the IMP‘s, so long as there is no ham steak or mushrooms involved, I‘m happy with it.

In my unit we almost always get heater bags and I make a point to save some for me and my fireteam buddy when none are issued. There is always time to heat your meal, just eat the dessert first while your meal cooks, and save the gum for afterwards. Like it‘s been said: I tear down my IMP‘s to save on space, just keep the meal and dessert, the odd snack, and toss the rest because you never have time to use it all.

Anyways, the worst dessert has to be the pitted cherries, those things give me the sh*ts like you wouldn‘t believe. I avoid them at all costs.

As for my personal favorite IMP‘s?
-Chicken and Rice
-Mac and cheese
-Spagetti and Meatball, mmm mmm good. ;)

****, thinking about food has made me hungry.

How could I forget?

Canelloni w/ Rosee sauce is by far the best IMP ever.
Anything with veal is avoided by me at all costs. It gave me food poisoning on one ex. Scared the crap out of some Hussars who thought their hide was clear. Amazing how someone heaving their guts can stir things up. :p
The old cabbage rolls weren‘t bad. The ham steak is not too bad for lunch, the eggs with salsa is good.
Tired of the bread.... bring back the crackers.
My favorite IMP is a warmed up one, with more then 1 minute to eat it... :warstory:

It doesn‘t matter how its heated.... :evil:

I‘ve eaten plenty of MRE‘s, they also have their good points, mmmm...pound cake, but nobody in the world beats our IMPs for good ole Army field food, just wish it didn‘t come in such bulky packaging. The amount of garbage 24 hrs of IMPs produce when you break them down as Doug described is incredable
As far as the strangest thing I have eaten since joining, well that happened on my first course. Oh no it was a warm actually cooked meal. It looked like an undercooked hamburger. Turned out to be a Bologna burger (grilled), and you could get cheese on it for some sick twisted reason. It wasn‘t actually all that bad...mmmmmm Grilled Cape Breton Roundsteak on a bun..
Favorite Meal: Sausage and Browns
Idea for Enhancing your BCD(baked cherry bullet stopper) tear open bag, fill with rum, boil, eat, drink juice, enjoy your sleep ;)
Nothing to do with the quality of the meal itself, but my favourite part of every meal is the wrapper the bread comes in.

When you‘re cold and wet, tired and hungry, lonely and horny - all you need to do to cheer up is pull out the bread package in your IMP, and read the instructions --- "Do not eat packet". (i.e. the silica packet in the bread wrapper)

Don‘t know what it is about that line, but I laugh my a$$ off every time. Maybe the image in my head of the evolutionary leftover that may actually try to eat it.
I wouldn‘t be surprised if someone actually ate that preserver stuff, from seeing some of the quality of the troops.

Heck, even I ate it one time. Of course, I was eight and bit of a dumbass (I smartened up enough to pass the aptitude test) and didn‘t read the warning labels...
It‘s kind of sad that they have to put a warning.. It means that someone has at one point tried to eat the dessicant from their IMP...
But I laugh anyways.. :)

As for worst meal I‘ve had in the CF.. It‘s not an IMP, but from the weekend menu at the mess during my basic. The hamburgers tasted, quite literally, like ****. (at least, it tasted like **** smells, I haven‘t any personal experience with the taste ;) )
Needless to say my buddies were rather content that they had opted for the hot-dogs that day, after my observation of the taste.

But that‘s mess food, which is entirley another can of worms.
Nothing to do with the quality of the meal itself, but my favourite part of every meal is the wrapper the bread comes in.

When you‘re cold and wet, tired and hungry, lonely and horny - all you need to do to cheer up is pull out the bread package in your IMP...
I saw your post going an entirely different way, there, frankly. Thank God I was wrong. :o
There‘s just no getting some people‘s minds out of the gutter :D .

Now I have another reason to laugh when I see it.

Or maybe another use....... :eek:
Favourite IMP! You gotta be kiddin me!??!

Mix the blueberry dessert with the granola cereal -- it‘s a yummy breakfast treat.
I don‘t think you got quite all the IMPs... And each year has different menu. :)
yeah its mostly the 2001 menu, i was going off a ripped up comment card i found
Chiclets were the best part. Everything else was edible but preference was based upon a sliding scale of how hungry I was and how long I‘d been eating IMPs. Ham Omelettes were a good money maker. There was always someone willing to pay you $5 to eat a Ham Omelette cold and then drink the juice. :D
Green Pepper Beef is bar none the best I‘ve ever had. It tastes like it came from a restaurant. Mind you a really crappy restaurant. But its better then tasting like it came out of a nuclear waste disposal unit. :fifty: :gunner:
Do they still have macaroni cheese and peas? That was soooooooooooooo horrid.
Negative. But the Army hasn‘t taken the hint that NO ONE LIKES HAMSTEAK!! CHANGING THE FUGGIN SAUCE THAT SURROUNDS THAT PINK PIECE OF CRAP ISN‘T GOING TO CHANGE PEOPLE OPINION OF IT!!! They‘ve tried 3 Sauces so far. Pineapple, Rasin and Mustard. Now I thought Mustard and Ham would be good. So I tried it. But alas it was worse then the first two. Instand gag reflex as soon as I took the first bite and I puked all over a tree. So if whomever designs them meals for the CF reads this. Take a hint...NO MORE HAMSTEAK!! Oh and when I‘m having breakfast in Civvy life, and I have an omlette, I never think to myself..."Hey, this omlette would go really good with a jar of salsa smothering it." There‘s another hint. Oh, and when parts of BRAND NEW meals from 2002 have a big lime green label on them that say Honey Not For Human Consumption, its a little disconcerting. I mean what is it in there for? Killing Winnie the Pooh when he wanders into your BIV site and steals a meal from someone‘s Butt Pack? I dunno, maybe I‘m asking too much. Oh, one more thing. Can anyone tell me what Apple Compote is? Cause it sure doesn‘t taste like apple sause. I won‘t even get into eatting that piece of leather known as teh Baked Cherry Dessert. Thats the end of my rant. :fifty: :gunner: