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Government Falls! The 2006 election thread



By God I did not pay for a space weapons safety course and install a satellite based weapons platform safe in my basement and register my Orbital Plasma Cannon with the CSFC to have those Liberal bastards take away my right to hunt from outer space!  Total "Big Brother".  I don't even know where I live anymore. :crybaby:
Quote says it all.

"He'll push for an international treaty at the United Nations to prohibit the use of weapons in space -- an idea Canada failed to rally support for two years ago. "


So for Monday January 23rd here is what I predict

a Conservative Majority

Toronto 4  Ottawa  3  Final
I watched PM Paul Martin squirm before the questions of voters on the CBC National tonight.  My impression was that he was very uncomfortable, spoke in a disjointed manner, and had trouble answering some of the more thoughtful questions posed by the panel selected by CBC.  Peter Mansbridge did a great job of trying to keep him on track and forcing him to give complete answers.  At one point he said he approved the military ad that all are raving about and which is still playing in Quebec, and then at another point he denied that he had approved it.  He was completely radical about banning all handguns and unfortunately the question on that issue was quite weak and not followed up very well.  I sure won't be voting for Mr. Martin's bunch.


I have to agree with you about Dithers' radical agenda.  Consider the following:

-calls for a complete ban on handguns; says over 500,000 handguns are "waiting to be stolen"
-calls for parliament to drop the Not Withstanding Clause, thereby having no democratic oversight over the appointed Supreme Court
-during the the debates said something to the effect of "the government should take money from the well off and give it to those who need it".  If this doesn't sound like something from Marx, I don't know what does.
-claims property rights would "bring back child labour"

There are other examples, but I can't think of them at the moment.  Using these examples, I've started to realise that the Librano$ are far more radical than the NDP!

Either that, or Dithers is completely off his rocker!
The whole "Weapons in Space" is another FIBeral boogeyman that they've dreamed up to deflect the Darwin Award winners attention and make them vote for the LIEberals.
The only ones ever expressing an interest in stealing any of my many firearms were Kim Campbell, Jean Chretien and now Paul Martin (and their various minions).  Gary Breitkreuz has some useful information on theft of firearms in Canada that refutes the claims of the Libranos:


January 10, 2006 For Immediate Release

“It’s time to make criminals pay a heavy price for stealing guns,” says Breitkreuz.

Yorkton – Today, Garry Breitkreuz, MP for Yorkton-Melville, released an academic analysis on the number of ‘crime guns’ stolen from law-abiding gun owners that brings into question claims by the Mayor of Toronto and data recently released by the Toronto Police Services. “According to Professor Mauser’s analysis the number of legal firearms stolen from law-abiding gun owners ranges between 2 and 16 percent - not 48 percent as claimed by Mayor Miller and reported in the media,” revealed Breitkreuz.

Professor Gary Mauser, Ph.D., of Simon Fraser University, reported the following results based on his analysis of the following published data (see link to his full report at the bottom of this page):

  1. Toronto Police Services Board report dated January 22, 2004: 16 (9%) of the 183 firearms (11 registered and 5 reported stolen) came from lawful Canadian owners.
2. Toronto Police Service report dated December 1, 2005: 35 (16%) of the 214 handguns were stolen from law-abiding Canadian owners.
3. Peel Regional Police, Project Gun Runner report dated December 21, 1994: 14% of firearms used in crime in Toronto had been registered at some point in the past.
4. Toronto Police Services Annual Report for 2000: 2% of the firearms came from Canadian owners.
5. Statistics Canada Homicide Report for 2004: 16% of the firearms used in homicide were in the registry.

But, criminals will steal guns from anyone and anywhere including the police and the military. Professor Mauser noted in his analysis that published reports typically do not identify the number of firearms used in crime that were reported stolen from the police and the military. However, thanks to the Access to Information Act, a few numbers have been uncovered:

  • On July 4, 2002, an RCMP report listed 409 firearms reported lost by or stolen from the Canadian Forces including: 218 Lee Enfield Rifles, 17 Browning 9mm pistols, an FN Browning .50 calibre Heavy Machine Gun, an AK47, an FN Browning Canadian C9 Service Light Machine Gun 5.56mm, a Colt AR15A2 .223 calibre, etc.
• On September 3, 2003, the RCMP reported 16 handguns and 1 shotgun stolen, 2 handguns and 1 shotgun lost; and 88 more firearms being traced by the RCMP armourers. 

Neither the RCMP nor the Canadian Firearms Centre collects information on the number of firearms stolen or missing from other police forces in Canada. The police are not yet required to register their guns and the Department of National Defence is totally exempt from the registration requirements of the Firearms Act.

“Law-abiding gun owners, who have had their homes and businesses invaded and their safely stored firearms stolen, are victims of a crime wave instigated by a decade of Liberal mollycoddling of violent criminals. Now, the Liberals want to victimize these law-abiding citizens again by banning their guns. It’s time to make criminals pay a heavy price for stealing guns, and that’s exactly what a Conservative government intends to do,” vowed Breitkreuz.

Professor Mauser’s Analysis:
I read the report and it isn't useful at all.  Both the sides of the firearms control debate both display zelotry.  Statistics are completely useless without reference to the methodology used in the analysis, and I for one question any statistic that comes from Brietkreuz-Mauser as much as I question those that come from Cukier-Rathjen, as thier personal feelings on the issue render their status of unbiased observer questionable at best.

On the topic, however, of the election it is interesting to ponder as to wheter this is a crack in what has been an admirably disciplined communications plan on the part of the Tories.  We haven't heard anything from the Conservative members that displayed an afliction of "foot-in-mouth" disease during the last general election.  I would argue that the one thing that would ensure that Harper snatches defeat from the jaws of victory is backbenchers making press releases that are outside of the current communications plan. 
As Election Day comes closer, I find it interesting to watch the death throes of a PM who was once touted as the Next Liberal Dynasty. I remember the stature he had as Finance Minister, and the love-in that occurred in the lead up to his take-over as PM. What a fall he has taken. He now looks like a desperate man trying to cling to his post, powerless to stop the constant blunders, mis-steps, scandals, and parade of skeletons from his and his predecessors reign.

It's like watching a mighty elephant fall to a hundred spears and arrows.
Caesar said:
As Election Day comes closer, I find it interesting to watch the death throes of a PM who was once touted as the Next Liberal Dynasty. I remember the stature he had as Finance Minister, and the love-in that occurred in the lead up to his take-over as PM. What a fall he has taken. He now looks like a desperate man trying to cling to his post, powerless to stop the constant blunders, mis-steps, scandals, and parade of skeletons from his and his predecessors reign.

It's like watching a mighty elephant fall to a hundred spears and arrows.

Amazing when you really stop and look at the record. Paul Martin's only responseto the financial crisis gripping Canada in the early 1990's was to increase taxes and use Enron like accounting to suck money from EI, the military, healthcare etc. to "balance the books". Now I might not know too much about accounting, but this process of taxation and cooking the books isn't dramatic, different, origional or, in the end, very smart. So where exactly did his reputation and stature come from?
I hijacked this link from another thread, so I can't take credit for finding it.  Though this thread's folks may appreciate it if they didn't see it on the other:


Thanks Dennis,

Apparently the BC Liberals have read the wind and don’t like to be committed to a plank by someone else.  This is good news.

PUBLICATION:  The StarPhoenix (Saskatoon)
DATE:  2006.01.14
BYLINE:  Betty Ann Adam
SOURCE:  The StarPhoenix
ILLUSTRATION: Photo: (Irwin) Cotler


Cotler misstated handgun ban support: adviser


Ontario is the only province that has endorsed a Liberal proposal to ban
handguns, an adviser to federal Justice Minister Irwin Cotler said

Cotler said last weekend in Saskatoon that support for the Liberal
proposal is "not just in Ontario." He mentioned Manitoba, British
Columbia, Nova Scotia and Quebec, saying some provinces would buy in and
others would not.

But Cotler did not intend to give the impression other provinces support
the plan, said Leigh Lampert.

Lampert said Cotler was talking about a bill to amend the Criminal Code
that was tabled before the government fell in November.

"Coming out of the federal, provincial, territorial meeting in
Whitehorse in November (Cotler) talked regularly about the three-prong
strategy to combat gun violence and that was tougher laws and penalties,
increase in the effectiveness of enforcement and what he's called
recently the hope and opportunities package.

"When he was speaking with the reporters in the scrum on Saturday, when
he said he had the support of other provinces, it's only Ontario that's
supported the actual ban, but the other provinces he mentioned have
publicly supported the three-prong strategy to combat gun violence,"
Lampert said.

The ministers in Yellowknife talked at length about mandatory minimum
penalties, but they did not discuss banning handguns, Lampert said.

"If he left the impression he has commitment from each of those
provinces, that they're 100 per cent supportive, that's the not the
message he intended. It's Ontario that requested the handgun ban," he

The British Columbia government does not support the Liberal handgun ban
proposal, said Mike Morton, press secretary for British Columbia Premier
Gordon Campbell.

The Manitoba government is not commenting on any proposals or promises
made by any of the parties during the election campaign, said
spokesperson Peter Dalla-Vicenza.

The handgun ban proposal was not part of the November meeting of federal
and provincial justice ministers, he said. The Manitoba government is
not in favour of the gun registry, Dalla-Vicenza said.

Nova Scotia also is not commenting on election promises, said Richard
Perry, spokesperson for the Justice Department in that province.

"I take issue with the fact he claimed a bunch of provinces support it
when they don't," said Eric Lerhe, a Nova Scotia target shooter who owns
three handguns, two rifles and a shotgun. "It's a crazy idea," he said.

Conservative Party of Canada, Federal Election Platform: http://www.conservative.ca/media/20060113-Platform.pdf
The British Columbia government does not support the Liberal handgun ban
proposal, said Mike Morton, press secretary for British Columbia Premier
Gordon Campbell.

:cheers: :)
Lol, I wonder if the Palestinians know about this....  ::)
He said the Liberals would also establish the Canada Centre for Peace and Democracy in the Middle East. Martin said it would be based in the region and would help Palestinians in building a state founded on democracy, the rule of law, strong public administration and good governance.

I found this little jem here http://angrygwn.mu.nu/archives/151705.php


One of the most retarded moves the liberals ever made was allowing inmates to vote. But what the hey? This all caring and politically correct Canada, right? So maybe Inmates I mean socially misguided people have rights too  :P
As demonstrated in the other threads, criminals have more rights in Canada than anyone else, especially their victims.
I'm just happy that I live in Anne McLellan's riding; watch for me doing the happy-dance in front of her campaign office when she's fired next week!  :dontpanic:

mo-litia said:
I'm just happy that I live in Anne McLellan's riding; watch for me doing the happy-dance in front of her campaign office when she's fired next week!  :dontpanic:
Post video clip of said dance into this thread....please!!  :)