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Government Falls! The 2006 election thread

Liberal mouthpiece John Duffy on Mike Duffy's show just stated that that ad was not a Liberal party ad and he has no idea how it got included with the rest.  Despite the fact that it was released with the rest, has the Liberal logo, was on the Liberal website and makes up an even dozen.  Tory gremlins I guess or Chretien moles.

It may be a while before you get that apology Brad.
Kirkhill said:
Liberal mouthpiece John Duffy on Mike Duffy's show just stated that that ad was not a Liberal party ad

That's not what I heard. I had watched that earlier. It's ongoing. In fact, I just watched (CTV - 2020hrs).  Mike Duffy exploded on John Duffy on his intimidation tactics. Apparently, during a break, he had asked Mike Duffy not to bring the subject up again. After the debate, Mike Duffy asked the question again ( who came up with this idea). When John Duffy answered with his own question (words to the effect - Why do people wish to continue with this issue when we just finished this debate ...), .Mike Duffy exploded, went at him ref to Party integrity etc etc. Nice !!
Check out Mike Duffy lacing into Librano puke John Duffy here:


Enjoy!  ;D

BTW: as of 2140 Mountain Time, it was difficult to access this file because the website is experiencing high traffic apparently...
That Liberal Ad is absolutely disgusting. Even if it wasn't released, the fact it was even conceived is quite simply shocking. In my mind, whatever points the Liberals have earned with their defence priorities in the past few months has just been washed away. The Conservatives may have a mixed up, inane defence platform, but at least they don't see us as fasicst thugs.
I saw Ujhal Dosanhj on TV saying that these ads were approved by the PM himself, including this disgusting POS.

And that was BEFORE they pulled that ad!

Edit: Here's another link to Mike Duffy ripping John Duffy a new one


I am literally shaking as I'm typing. These links belong in an entirely separate thread, with the title "LIBERALS ATTEMPT TO DISHONOUR CANADIAN MILITARY".

I have a new found respect for Mike Duffy. I have lost any respect for the Liberal Party of Canada.

How DARE they attempt to paint members of the Canadian Military as instruments of evil.

I DARE any Liberal party supporter to attempt to explain this libelous crap.

This has crossed the line.
Perhaps the Conservatives ought to role out the film tape of Trudeau in 1970 making his statements about troops with helmets and guns on the street along with his famous "Just watch me" lines. Play that to a drum beat over and over.
Brad Sallows said:
Interesting.  The Liberals apparently believe that the thought of Canadian soldiers with guns in our cities should create a negative impression.

The LPC and its membership have, until such time as an unreserved public and official apology is extended on behalf of all LPC members and supporters to all past, present, and future Canadian service personnel, earned my everlasting contempt.

I find it interesting that I can't find mention of this on either the ctv or cbc websites...perhaps I'm blind?
Perhaps the reply in this thread from yesterday; Re: Government Falls! The 2006 election thread
« Reply #178 on: Yesterday at 19:32:29 », would be the place to start.  It has the link.  There are even more links to video on CTV site and other sites referring to it within this thread and the thread on Defence in the 2006 Election.  Perhaps Liberal supporters are in denial and can't find any reference to the Liberal Attack Ads, but others not of the Liberal persuasion have no problems finding them.
Conservative now have ammo and are firing back.  http://www.ctv.ca/servlet/ArticleNews/story/CTVNews/20060111/attackads_react_060111/20060111?s_name=election2006

"Essentially what the Liberal party attempts to do in this advertisement, is to suggest a government led by Stephen Harper … could be a threat to democracy, and would use Canadian troops, who have always been stationed in our cities, to protect democracy and to provide support or citizens in times of need -- that somehow a Conservative government would use Canadian troops to impose something like martial law.

More video links of 11 Jan 06 news conferences with Jason Kenney, Gordon O'Connor, and Monte Solberg, can be found on that page.
George Wallace said:
Perhaps the reply in this thread from yesterday; Re: Government Falls! The 2006 election thread
« Reply #178 on: Yesterday at 19:32:29 », would be the place to start.  It has the link.  There are even more links to video on CTV site and other sites referring to it within this thread and the thread on Defence in the 2006 Election.  Perhaps Liberal supporters are in denial and can't find any reference to the Liberal Attack Ads, but others not of the Liberal persuasion have no problems finding them.

I'm voting Conservative and found no mention of any of this on the main page and links from the main page; didn't look at the specific election coverage.

I see CTV now has mention of the 'attack ads' and military as as the lead story; wasn't that way this morning - not a mention at all on the main page. Glad to see the press is running with it.


Incidentally George, do you know anyone here who is voting Liberal?  You seem to be drawing some interesting conclusions. ;)
Kirkhill said:
Liberal mouthpiece John Duffy on Mike Duffy's show just stated that that ad was not a Liberal party ad and he has no idea how it got included with the rest. 

Last I heard it was still running in french. 

I live near the Kapyong barracks in Winnipeg and I feel far safer when platoons used to jog by vs the roving gangs of thugs down town.

Hell River Heights near where they were stationed had one of the lowest crime rates in the city.

Stephen Harper actually announced he wants to increase military presence in our cities. 

Canadian cities. 

Soldiers with guns. 

In our cities. 

In Canada. 

We did not make this up.

- committee to re-elect
Paul Martin, 2006


Not advocating activism on the part of any readers here but:

This is the company according to the CBC that handles Liberal Campaign advertising is Bensimon-Bryne: www.bensimonbryne.com.  Thier clients include Reebok, Molson, Hyundai, the Ontario Provincal Goverment and the CFL.

The phone numbers and email for Brian Bensimon (president) as well as Peter Bryne (chief creative officer) can be found on the site as well as the firms Toronto mailing address.

I personally will be letting my disgust in reference to the portrayal of Canadian soldiers in the light of an Argentine Junta known to both directors of the firm as well as the firms clients.
Liberal Slam ad - Soldiers with Weapons -in our cities, I know it might be a shock that we  as soldiers might have weapons. This ad is totally right out of 'er no matter if it wasn't released - to me it seems that their trying hard to slam the conservatives and yet appeal to the Left side of the house as well - maybe they should sort themselves out and realize that the CF isn't going away, ever, as much as people have tried to make it go away. Coincedentally in a red colour as well.... I wonder if the Liberals know where we're collectively operating in the world, and what it is that we do and are trained to do.
Spartan said:
Liberal Slam ad - Soldiers with Weapons -in our cities, I know it might be a shock that we  as soldiers might have weapons. This ad is totally right out of 'er no matter if it wasn't released - to me it seems that their trying hard to slam the conservatives and yet appeal to the Left side of the house as well - maybe they should sort themselves out and realize that the CF isn't going away, ever, as much as people have tried to make it go away. Coincedentally in a red colour as well.... I wonder if the Liberals know where we're collectively operating in the world, and what it is that we do and are trained to do.

In Gwynne Dyer's old WAR miniseries, or perhaps it was the related book (or both) there was a nice story of a Marine or GI who came back from a tour in Vietnam.  He settled in back home and decided to go hunting with a friend; as they were about to leave his parents' house, his mom said "you boys be careful with those shotguns, now."  He said in his interview, and I paraphrase,: "it was at that point it was made obvious to me that she had absolutely no idea what I had gone to Vietnam to do, what kind of training had been instilled in me, or any inkling of what I had experienced over there." 

So it is with, apparently, the Liberals.
xFusilier can you direct me via link to the CBC saying this ad company made up the un aired ad.
Ridings...with soldiers...with Liberal MPs...

MP's family shouldn't be registered to vote here
Ariss residents prohibited from doing so by federal Elections Act

GUELPH (Jan 11, 2006)

Ken Morgan's curiosity was piqued the moment he spotted two voter cards tucked in the mail at Conservative Brent Barr's campaign office in Guelph.

They were for Kevin and Gillian Chamberlain, son and daughter-in-law of Liberal MP Brenda Chamberlain. Both live outside the Guelph riding, but the address on the cards was clearly for Barr's campaign office on Speedvale Avenue.
"I read the names and my eyebrows kind of raised," said Morgan, the Conservative campaign manager.
"I thought, 'Why would they be sent here?' "

They were sent there because in 2004, Chamberlain used that same office to run her federal election campaign. Unless Elections Canada is informed of a change in address, it doesn't update its records.
The MP said some of her family reported the Speedvale Avenue office as their address to Elections Canada, which allowed them to vote in Guelph.

That, according to the Elections Act, is against the rules.

Chamberlain also readily admits her family -- who like her live outside the Guelph riding in the Ariss area -- have always voted in Guelph.
Before the electoral boundaries were redrawn in 2004, the riding was called Guelph-Wellington and included Ariss.

The MP said her family was told years ago by a former returning officer that they should vote in the city.
But Chamberlain says if anyone in her family broke the rules by voting in the riding of Guelph in 2004, it's not her place to do anything about it.
"We don't police it. I'm not an employee of Elections Canada," Chamberlain said.

"If (Elections Canada) made an error, then that is their error. It's totally a matter for Elections Canada."
Anne Budra, current local returning officer for Elections Canada, suggested there was nothing wrong with the MP's family registering to vote by using a campaign office as their mailing address or voting in the city, outside their own riding.

Budra compared that right to winning the Masters tournament in golf.
"It's the same as when you're a golfer, when you have won the Green Jacket, you're automatically allowed to play in the next game," Budra said.
The Elections Act says only MPs and those who live with them, as well as students, inmates and military personnel are allowed to vote in a riding where they don't reside.
Chamberlain said neither her son nor daughter-in-law have lived with her since before the last election.

Elections Canada wasn't aware of the issue in Guelph until contacted by the Mercury, spokesperson Réjean Grenier said.
He said last night he filed a report and passed it on to his superiors.
It is also against the rules to use a non-permanent address when registering to vote. "You can't use a non-residence. It has to be where you live," Grenier said.

Chamberlain insists her family was "told to vote in Guelph" by former returning officer Jeff Kane in 1997. He no longer lives in Ontario and couldn't be reached last night for comment.
Up until the 2004 election, Chamberlain lived in the former riding of Guelph-Wellington. With redistribution, two new ridings were created -- Guelph, and Wellington-Halton Hills.
Residents of Ariss, like Chamberlain and her family, are in the riding of Wellington-Halton Hills.

When the boundaries changed, Chamberlain said, no one contacted her to say her family couldn't vote in Guelph.
"I have nothing to do with it and neither do the kids. They voted that way before and they believed they were able to do so again," she said.
Chamberlain, who won by almost 10,000 votes in 2004, is covered by the exemption that lets MPs vote either where they reside, in the riding they represent, or in Ottawa.

When asked if she knew it is against the rules for non-resident family members to vote in Guelph when they don't live here, Chamberlain said: "I have not thought about it, let's put it that way. We were told to vote in Guelph, so we go and vote in Guelph."

The exemption for incumbents --but not other candidates -- means the Green's Mike Nagy, who lives in Rockwood, and the Christian Heritage Party's Peter Ellis, who lives in Fergus, can't vote for themselves in the Guelph riding.


..one would think that this Anne Budra, "the current local returning officer for Elections Canada", shouldn't be suggesting that this is alright.
