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Gays in U.S. military (merged)

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tomahawk6 said:
The policy is "dont ask dont tell". Very simple. No one will ask you and you arent supposed to tell anyone.

    But he obviously thought that, at his rank and with his TI, there was a need for legal officers and his immediate chain of command to know. So the line is even fuzzier, as it looks like you can tell some people, just not others.

ArmyVern said:
Jobs should be based on job performance. Period.

  I'm with you, but I fear it will never be that simple.
benny88 said:
    But he obviously thought that, at his rank and with his TI, there was a need for legal officers and his immediate chain of command to know.

He stated that they knew about his case, not that they had prior knowledge. If he was being investigated, his CoC and lawyers would have known.
tomahawk6 said:
The policy is "dont ask dont tell". Very simple. No one will ask you and you arent supposed to tell anyone. Violate the policy and you are done.

There must be more news then, because I can't see where he told anyone.

So straight couples who practice anal sex can be discharged as well?  I know you can get kicked out for adultery.
time expired said:
Micheal O
To your first point,No I am merely repeating the facts as I saw
them.I didn't make this story up.Secondly homosexuality in the
military seems to be the underlying subject of this thread and my
post seems to have some relevance if you feel not then feel
free to ignore it.

OK. I agree with your post - what happened to your subordinate was NOT on. In your case, it was the victim who ended up released.

But, just as you stated "homosexuals are not always the victims in the military" ... likewise are they also "NOT always the perpatrators of sexual harassment".

That's why policy based on "performance" vice sexual preferance is my preferred option.

Sexually harass someone (guy or gal)? We have zero tolerance for that; it's "poor performance" and should be dealt with as such - as it more properly should have been in your cited incident. Suspect it saved someone in your CoC a huge investigation by SIU (as was required back then) and thus they brushed away the actual problem instead of correcting it - 'twas much easier on them administratively. Your incident however occured as a direct result of an error by your CoC in their failure to investigate a sexual harrassment matter - it wasn't caused by anyone's personal preference.

Good performers (guys, gals, LBGTs) (even your victim) ... then carry on doing your job.
In my opinion "don't ask, don't tell" is about as clear as it gets. Yes job performance, is what decisions should be based on. But that policy allows gays in, so it should be no problem. I think they are just he worried he may be in a compromising position on camera in uniform therefore on the international stage... Well it just wouldn't look good.
In my opinion, "Don't ask, don't tell" is a very crappy policy.  Under it, homosexuals can join the military; however, they cannot admit to it.  Either something is prohibited or it isn't.  It's akin to saying "It ain't illegal if you don't get caught".  In fact, it's exactly like that. 

(Mods: please excuse my use of "ain't".  Its use is more for dramatic effect as opposed to my inability to use proper English).
Rinker said:
I think they are just he worried he may be in a compromising position on camera in uniform therefore on the international stage... Well it just wouldn't look good.

WHAT!!....oh, that's right, I forgot, no straight people would ever get caught "compromising"..... ::)
Midnight Rambler said:
(Mods: please excuse my use of "ain't".  Its use is more for dramatic effect as opposed to my inability to use proper English).

Excused as requested, but just this once. Subsequent language excuse requests will only be considered when accompanied by proof of ability to use English properly.
Bruce Monkhouse said:
WHAT!!....oh, that's right, I forgot, no straight people would ever get caught "compromising"..... ::)

What happens in Vegas, stays in Vagas...........Opps!

Post Tailgate.
Rinker said:
I think they are just he worried he may be in a compromising position on camera in uniform therefore on the international stage... Well it just wouldn't look good.

Bruce Monkhouse said:
WHAT!!....oh, that's right, I forgot, no straight people would ever get caught "compromising"..... ::)
George Wallace said:
What happens in Vegas, stays in Vagas...........Opps!

For example (to broaden the definition of "compromising" or "making one/the organization look bad" just a bit)...
Loachman said:
Excused as requested, but just this once. Subsequent language excuse requests will only be considered when accompanied by proof of ability to use English properly.
I didn't think you were allowed to ask.  I'm certainly not going to tell.  (Though I do on occasion use a dieresis over the second of two adjacent vowels to indicate separate pronunciation, such as in naïve and coöperate.  "Just because".)
Midnight Rambler said:
(Though I do on occasion use a dieresis over the second of two adjacent vowels to indicate separate pronunciation, such as in naïve and coöperate.  "Just because".)

This is the internet, and that sort of pedantic nonsense up with which we will not put.

18yrs of highly decorated service...and this is the thankyou you get??  Kicked out of a job you love, and your obviously very good at, just because your sexual orientation isn't the same as someone else's??

You gotta' love the "Land of the free"....as long as your the right race, gender, age, sexual orientation, etc.  Nothing like spending your life protecting freedom, then getting kicked out of the service because you don't have the "freedom" to be yourself...even if you are professional and competent.

This sounds like the guy deserved better.  Shame.
Michael O'Leary said:
This is the internet, and that sort of pedantic nonsense up with which we will not put.
Of course, to be less awkward, you could have said "...that sort of pedantic nonsense will not be tolerated." ;D
CBH99 said:
You gotta' love the "Land of the free"....as long as your the right race, gender, age, sexual orientation, etc.  Nothing like spending your life protecting freedom, then getting kicked out of the service because you don't have the "freedom" to be yourself...even if you are professional and competent.

MOD POST: Knock it off,..this is your freebie. If all you want are cheap shots at our friends to the south than "book it" and join "rabble.ca"
Just a slight aside, and not quite topic. Why are all those conscientious objectors going AWOL and coming here, instead of going to fight? Can't they just have a publicized soiree at a gay establishment and then openly declare their choice? Get the boot, problem solved. There's got to be more to the policy than just admitting your gay to get fired, otherwise I think a lot more might be doing it instead of going AWOL.

I'm also wondering why the Obamites aren't all over this and demanding the policy be changed.

Dunno, Just wonderin'.
recceguy said:
Just a slight aside, and not quite topic. Why are all those conscientious objectors going AWOL and coming here, instead of going to fight? Can't they just have a publicized soiree at a gay establishment and then openly declare their choice? Get the boot, problem solved. There's got to be more to the policy than just admitting your gay to get fired, otherwise I think a lot more might be doing it instead of going AWOL.

I'm also wondering why the Obamites aren't all over this and demanding the policy be changed.

Dunno, Just wonderin'.

Didn't work on M.A.S.H
I can see and agree with both sides. I have many friends in the US Army, USMC, and US Air Force and many would not feel comfortable and it may effect morale. The US Armed Forces has a heavy Christian influence love it or hate it. Many times their leadership quotes from the bible openly and uses the God theme.

I am a conservative Christian myself but am happy to be waiting for a job offer from the Canadian Army and glad we have the Don't Worry, Don't Care policy towards gays. We are more open and accepting in Canada. I mean I know someone with a mole on there back that was seen as not medically fit to serve because of it. They are more strict there what can you do?

We have come further and should be proud of it but I don't think we should tell them how to run there Armed Forces.

Just my  :2c:
