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Freedom Convoy protests [Split from All things 2019-nCoV]

So no. I don’t support the occupiers. Time to get the eff out.

Yes. Usually it's necessary for something to break before it gets fixed, though. Let the protest go on until the political left in Canada comes around to the same view as the political right.
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Yes. Usually it's necessary for something to break before it gets fixed, though. Let the protest go on until the political left in Canada comes around to the same view as the political right.

That's not the right way either. That is holding hostage.
It absolutely is. The fastest way to get a developing problem fixed is to let it break right now instead of trying to prop it up. It's also a lot easier on the people who would do the propping.
Biggest problem is even the army does not have the heavy wrecker fleet to pull this many trucks off the street.
The image of armed troops on the Hill , will feed all the nations with human rights issues Canada speaks out against ammo to tell us to mind our business because we used the army to put down a protest just like they do.
Tough call for the army to figure this out if called upon.
Ummmm, you mean none of these?

But fuel deprives them of heat.
Some of those folks are dedicated enough to remain there to get hypothermia. If one of them dies, in an Ottawa winter, because OPS refused to let them fuel their trucks for heat I have a feeling the lawsuit settlement will dwarf the SLAPP-esque lawsuit asks from the "inconvienced" downtown residents.

So for the pro "fire people who aren't vaccinated" crowd: What office environment public health effect are you trying to achieve with a virus that has mutated to render the vaccine useless against preventing transmission? Please note that to make such a public health order, a government has to justify why it's a reasonable suspension of charter rights, not the individual's problem to justify why they need those rights.

3 provinces are already looking to remove most or all public health measures. Dr. Tam has stated vaccine mandates need review. Ontario is in the review process and stated they're basically useless post-Delta. If you're still cheering for vax-passes, at this point you're denying the overwhelming science that's available.
Bill Blair vilifying the protestors. In all fairness they’ve overstayed their welcome but to vilify them all is …. I’ve got no words.

Maybe they deserve it but the way the narrative is going you’d think the cops were going into battle with Nazis - real Nazis - not the new phony ones.

He is right - it needs to end now.
Some of those folks are dedicated enough to remain there to get hypothermia. If one of them dies, in an Ottawa winter, because OPS refused to let them fuel their trucks for heat I have a feeling the lawsuit settlement will dwarf the SLAPP-esque lawsuit asks from the "inconvienced" downtown residents.
That’s called a self inflicted injury. And a stupid one.
Some of those folks are dedicated enough to remain there to get hypothermia. If one of them dies, in an Ottawa winter, because OPS refused to let them fuel their trucks for heat I have a feeling the lawsuit settlement will dwarf the SLAPP-esque lawsuit asks from the "inconvienced" downtown residents.
These people can up and leave and go somewhere warm. Heck, they can do that and return after.

Freedom of movement isn't being restricted for people, just vehicles and fuel.
So for the pro "fire people who aren't vaccinated" crowd: What office environment public health effect are you trying to achieve with a virus that has mutated to render the vaccine useless against preventing transmission? Please note that to make such a public health order, a government has to justify why it's a reasonable suspension of charter rights, not the individual's problem to justify why they need those rights.
Even if that's the case, occupying a city isn't going to lead to changes. This is a provincial issue btw, so they are occupying the wrong city.
3 provinces are already looking to remove most or all public health measures. Dr. Tam has stated vaccine mandates need review. Ontario is in the review process and stated they're basically useless post-Delta. If you're still cheering for vax-passes, at this point you're denying the overwhelming science that's available.
Even if that's the case, occupying a city isn't going to lead to changes. This is also a provincial issue btw, so they are occupying the wrong city.
Some of those folks are dedicated enough to remain there to get hypothermia. If one of them dies, in an Ottawa winter, because OPS refused to let them fuel their trucks for heat I have a feeling the lawsuit settlement will dwarf the SLAPP-esque lawsuit asks from the "inconvienced" downtown residents.

So for the pro "fire people who aren't vaccinated" crowd: What office environment public health effect are you trying to achieve with a virus that has mutated to render the vaccine useless against preventing transmission? Please note that to make such a public health order, a government has to justify why it's a reasonable suspension of charter rights, not the individual's problem to justify why they need those rights.

3 provinces are already looking to remove most or all public health measures. Dr. Tam has stated vaccine mandates need review. Ontario is in the review process and stated they're basically useless post-Delta. If you're still cheering for vax-passes, at this point you're denying the overwhelming science that's available.
That’s called a self inflicted injury. And a stupid one.
I wonder if we could use that legal argument against folks who are shot by police? Or they should have denied Teresa Spence her bone broth or any supplies while she was on hunger strike at Parliament Hill?
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“No one is above the law”

Mark Medecino - a federal government minister.

Tell that to the citizens of Winnipeg. Or those communities that had their churches burnt down.

I guess we’ll see arrests any day now….
Or some of you have chosen to lose your jobs and livelihood but is a sacrifice that YOU were willing to make.
OK this made me mad. I did not choose to layoff people, I had too. I did not close my doors I was told to! I was ordered to check everyone coming for their medical records, oh its a nice QR code now. I didn't want to have 400 people lose their jobs I had too. Plus more to come. Oh guess it was a choice but not a real one.

I have watched my kids schooling go to shit. My marriage on rocky grounds. The choice of laying off people! I so beyond upset with the protected government and civil service workers who in most part have had the least impact of this pandemic. My wife being an RN on the "frontline" will even acknowledge this fact.

I have spend the capital of an almost 80 year old business to stay afloat. Hundreds of employees lives changed.

And yes I am mad.
I wonder if we could use that legal argument against folks who are shot by police? Or they should have denied Teresa Spence her bone broth or any supplies while she was on hunger strike at Parliament Hill?
Are these protestors being denied food? No? Okay, bye.
The rhetoric coming out of Ottawa is not healthy - it’s inflammatory.

For those that live in Ottawa I empathize with you but vilifying and the level of rhetoric is beyond my understanding.

I guess the old adage “never let a crisis go to waste’ is true here
... This isn't a political issue(Federal or Provincial). No government is forced to talk to protestors ...
I'm with Humphrey Bogart on this one -- if someone saying they represent a group says "we stay until governments do x", then I'd say the political meter is well above zero.
I'm with Humphrey Bogart on this one -- if someone saying they represent a group says "we stay until governments do x", then I'd say the political meter is well above zero.
If 90 percent of the population (not saying its that much, but for sake of argument) wants course A) but 10 percent of the population decides to show up and occupy a city center for gods knows how long, does the government need to course correct for that 10 percent?

I would say no.

What next, NDP voters showing up in trucks demanding Universal basic income? does the government need to meet with them and meet them halfway?

No, politics by protest should not be given a shred of legitimacy.
Bang on re: unhealthy -- has been all through the lead up to the Ottawa protests, in fact.
Thank you. Instead of sending out a rep to negotiate a way out it seems that vilifying is the way out.

Should the convoy leave? Hell yes.
One of the WPS Constables attended the protest here - he was very impressed with the local convoys behaviour

This is a monster of all three levels of government. The lax enforcement of law and order have lead to this. From municipal government telling police not to interfere with violent protests to the federal politicians who tacitly support “activists”. OPP officers refusing to dismantle a rail barricade. It all contributes to a “we can do whatever we want” attitude

One question - if it was Calgary inundated with this protest would Ottawa react in the same way?
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Thank you. Instead of sending out a rep to negotiate a way out it seems that vilifying is the way out.

Should the convoy leave? Hell yes.
One of the WPS Constables attended the protest here - he was very impressed with the local convoys behaviour
How do negotiations go?

Protestors: Remove all mandates


Protestors: Remove some mandates


Protestors: Remove select mandates


Protestors: Why wont you negotiate?

FedGov:Because we ran on things like mandates and got 5,556,629 Canadians supporting us, another 3,036,348 supporting the NDP who are also pro mandates, compared to you 14k truckers sitting outside at the height of your protest and 250-1000 sitting there now.
How do negotiations go?

Protestors: Remove all mandates


Protestors: Remove some mandates


Protestors: Remove select mandates


Protestors: Why wont you negotiate?

FedGov:Because we ran on things like mandates and got 5,556,629 Canadians supporting us, another 3,036,348 supporting the NDP who are also pro mandates, compared to you 14k truckers sitting outside at the height of your protest and 250-1000 sitting there now.
There are about 40 million people in Canada, should those 5.5-8.5 million have that much say?

If we are going to play the silly game, lets get completely silly.