Because, after assessment, there's a lot of "fluff" on the Reg F course not needed by the average Reservist.
This does speak to a much larger problem: today's corruption of the Reserves into a "Reg F lite" organization, with thousands upon thousands of Reservists employed on a continuing full-time basis, performign ongoing, continuing tasks related to the Defence of Canada. That is the role (and legal definition) of the Regular Force.
A Reserve is held back and committed to decisively defeat the enemy - and once committed is a new reserve is rebuilt.
Today, we have the Air Reserve committed and unable to surge to provide aditional augmentation. That Reserve is spent.
The Nav Res has ongoing defence of Canada tasks in manning the MCDVs. That represents over 10% of their paid strength (or about 15% of their paid trained strength). Throw in management of the formation plus twenty odd NRDs and there is a very limted surge capability remaining - particularly in key leadership ranks (*), which have over 50% of their pers on full-time service.
The Army Reserve has about 1/3 of its paid strength on full-time Service; at key leadership ranks close to 50% are on full-time service.
The commitment of the Reserves was made on an ad hoc, piecemeal basis, without an overriding national plan, meaning low-priority tasks are being performed at the expense of higher priority activities. We have no plan to reconstitute a reserve, leaving the CF without any significant surge capability.
It's time for a long, hard look at how we are abusing the spirit and letter of the law vis a vis Reg and Res F. It's time to be honest: if we need permanent full-time personnel to perform a function, that is the role of the Regular Force - and if we lack the reg F PYs to perform a task, we either get out of the business, drop a lower priority item, or go to government to get priorities. No more "Reg F on 85% of the pay" - unless we move to a different Reg F paradigm, with sliding pay scales depending on post-ability (if that's a word) and deployability.
But right now, we've broken things badly - and no one wants to 'fess up, or try fixing the mess.
(*) For these purposes, MS/MCPL through CPO2/MWO, and Lt(N)/Capt and LCdr/Maj