The 33CBG commander visited us on our last weekend of PLQ earlier in the month, and one of the things he talked about were these new territorial defence battalions. When describing it, he said that the one here in Ottawa would likely comprise 30ish class B reservists from the GGFG and CHofO, and would be supplemented by about a hundred people on class A to train for contingencies. It seems almost exclusively civil disaster type stuff. He was describing it to us, and told us it would pretty much exclusively be unarmed work- say, helping Ottawa police do roadblocks or traffic control, etc etc.
Those of us on the course were talking about it later, and the consensus is that there is little to no interest at our level to sign up for this if it's going to take us from our regiments on some of the Thursday nights. If they need us that bad, they'll call up the regiments proper on aid to the civil power, but as is very few of us are willing to sacrifice any potential infantry specific training to train for aid to the civil power. I've got no problem working if the unit itself is called up, but if it's as been described, few of us are interested in taking time out of regimental duties and training for this when they go looking for class A volunteers... I'm sure a number of people will be interested in the class B work, though.
Now, it's possible I was mistaken in how I interpreted the talk we got... If we do train for armed domestic response to security threats and such, that's entirely different- but a lot of that could be incorporated into our normal infantry training anyway.