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Divining the right role, capabilities, structure, and Regimental System for Canada's Army Reserves

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captainj said:
Couldn't agree more it was like pulling teeth just to get kit and I DAGGED Green. It is really difficult as a individual augmentee from outside the area basically you are on your own at times.

(Rhetorical question)
The Air and Naval Reserves seem to be able to do it.  Why can't the Army? 
Good Point

Perhaps they are sailors and airman/women first. The Regimental system has some great vertues but...........................................

I wonder how many Reserve augmentees from the L Eddys, Seaforths 48th etc were offered a Ortona cocktail a few days ago.
captainj said:
Perhaps they are sailors and airman/women first.

And that has what to do with how their supported by their Reg F support base?

captainj said:
I wonder how many Reserve augmentees from the L Eddys, Seaforths 48th etc were offered a Ortona cocktail a few days ago.

The answer may surprise you. 
To the first I would suggest it has more to do with training by that I mean the Navy/Airforce crses are more in line with their Reg Force counterparts.

To the second I assume the non RCR types had in a little drink as well. If this is the case I say great we have come a long way. I have been to Pachino Day celebrations where 48th and Hast PER were excluded. This is not a exclusive RCR battle in point of fact the brunt of the fighting was taken by the other two unit of the 1 Bde 1 Cdn Div. I guess I am being a little argumentative for fun now.

captainj said:
To the first I would suggest it has more to do with training by that I mean the Navy/Airforce crses are more in line with their Reg Force counterparts.

They are indeed.  However they are subject to the same DAG machinations as the army, yet they deploy more often and in proportionally greater ratio than we do.  So, how do they do it?

captainj said:
I guess I am being a little argumentative for fun now.

Not a good idea with a guy watching "Patton" between posts.  ;D

Patton I am waiting until my wife goes to sleep so I can watch Sex in The City ha ha ha...............................

Then I will watch my number one movie "The Hill" or "Tune of Glory" but Patton I don't know a little too American for me and a little too anti Brit in general.
Winnipeg, the government just spent a load of money on Shilo so that 2VP could move there! So are they really thinking of spending more money to move them back or is this going to be a mystery battalion. Or maybe some form of Pres formation.
My guess is if you think along the lines of the 10/90 Bns you'd be in the ballpark.
I just love how they close all these bases and then want to open more.  Do you think they'll just rent a big office/warehouse in most cases?  Also, Victoria and Vancouver?  Aren't they close enough to share?  ???
Also from the story:

...the Conservative strategy calls for the regular force "footprint" to be increased across the country. A Northern Sovereignty Support Centre will be established in Goose Bay, N.L., and the 439 Combat Support Squadron at Canadian Forces Base Bagotville, Que., will be expanded and redesignated as an "expeditionary" unit to better support domestic and international operations [with only Griffon helicopters? Maybe they will get some of the new Chinooks - MC]. In particular, the squadron would support deployments of the military's rapid-reaction Disaster Assistance Response Team...

This is clearly an effort to fulfill the Conservatives' campaign pledges to base regular Army "rapid reaction" battalions in Goose Bay and Bagotville (as well as Trenton and Comox). These units would hardly be the same thing and I have no idea how effectual this basing would be in military terms.

Given the headline for the story, perhaps the Liberals should start re-running that attack ad from the last federal election campaign:

Military wants more troops in cities

And it's not the military who want this, it's the Conservatives.

You mean - Chilliwack will open again?? Wahoo.. once a month I visit google earth and cry..... (whimper, gnash teeth, curse you Chretien...)
You and me both, Jack.  At least you were spared pain of the farewell parade and move of the regiment.
Redleafjumper's efforts were for Prince George, not Prince Rupert. 

And a minor correction:  TDBG full-time Res F personnel would be on class B, not class C service.

On these new units in the cities: I recommend everybody watch and shoot and don't get your hopes up too much. Don't start thinking that you're going to see new units stood up with new bases opening and all that. The "city" battle groups will look very much like the reserve units we have now, along with their RSS reg force personne. For example, the Ottawa BG may look a little something like this:

BG HQ - GGFG or CHofO CO plus HQ staff from several units (including RSS)
A Coy - GGFG
B Coy - CHofO
C Coy - GGFG
Arty Bty - 30 Fd Regt
Engr Sqn - 3 FES
Recce Sqn - R de Hull (maybe OPCOM from 34 Bde)
CSS Coy - 28 Svc Bn/28 Med Coy

Nothing really new here in terms of organization. However, command relationships will be formalized and this BG will be given specific tasks to train and prepare for in sp of domestic ops.

Hope this helps.

Again, one of the questions is.....are these 'new troops', or are we going to rob them from existing units. What I've seen in Ottawa, is that the Bn will have a full time cadre, and pull it's troops from existing local units for approx 3 FTX per year or so. So.........do we have a new capability here, or just another HQ? It's almost like being in the Berlin Bunker at the end of the war - lots and lots of little pins on the map, but none of them mean anything anymore.

The implementation of this plan begs a whole pile of CSS questions (usually the ones that are most often forgotten until the last instant) - where do they get their 'offices/base', where do they get their 1st & 2nd line maint, their Health Services, what about PMQ's or kitchen? Since, I'm assuming, these folks would live off the local economy, we'll pay a fortune in PLD etc.

What about equipment? Do dilute the already almost non-existent resources even further? Will trucks magically appear?

I have no problem with the concept in broad terms, but I think that in the current status of the CF, implementing it will not be easy to say the least.
The Director of Armour spoke at our mess dinner in December.  He mentioned the TDBG and said something to the effect that existing reserve units would supply the bulk of the troops when the emergency happens.  It would be a metter of Canada Command taking over and tasking the troops.  Of course he said this at a mess dinner so I may be a little foggy on details  ;D.
Yep, I vaguely remember a mess dinner where I got told at the last minute that I had to introduce the Guest Speaker, while I was already tanked....forgot his name and said he was "Somebody who had done some interesting things in lots of interesting places"....CO, HCol and his wife didn't seem too impressed - go figure  :blotto:

I know the plan is to pull the troops in for training and as needed - but then all these things are, is another HQ - why bother having all the different Regiments with their HQ's....perhaps this is the first innocent looking step towards amalgamation......
dapaterson said:
Redleafjumper's efforts were for Prince George, not Prince Rupert. 
Thanks for the correction.  I should have done a search prior to posting in order to refresh my recollections.
PMedMoe said:
I just love how they close all these bases and then want to open more.  Do you think they'll just rent a big office/warehouse in most cases?  Also, Victoria and Vancouver?  Aren't they close enough to share?  ???

Although Victoria and Vancouver look close on a map, there is a lot of water and an hour and a half ferry ride between the two.