You and I frequently diverge a bit (not far, but a bit) on some issues but on this one I'm in violent agreement with you particularly because I'm of the view that the reserves should own significant stocks and varieties of deployable equipment so that it can grow the force beyond what the equipment of the Reg F currently allows.
There is no way on God's green earth that the reserves can manage any level of equipment holdings unless there is an existing chain of maintainers and supply (don't like the term material management- why does the CAF replace a perfectly useable two syllable word with a seven syllable compound) folks who can, firstly ensure that equipment is kept serviceable under ordinary peacetime conditions; secondly train the force in those skills; and third, make the force fully sustainable in an emergency by the addition of many more of the same and also the transport, food services, finances, etc etc services).
This is why in my model Res F I have two manoeuvre brigades, one combat support brigade and two combat service support brigades (rather than ten dinky undermanned infantry brigades) and, quite frankly if we could expand the reserves beyond its current numbers, the first thing that I would add is yet another combat service support element (to facilitate theatre level sustainment) before any others.