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Denial of Access to MIR By Unit

ModlrMike said:
Really? You can't hurt yourself when you're at home after work? How about while at work, not on PT?

That is what phones are for.... or a smoke signal.
Their partner should know who to call if its serious.

If your troops are that incompetent, it might not be a troop issue, you may need to loosen the chain and let them fail. We are trained as adults, treat your troops like it.
upandatom said:
That is what phones are for.... or a smoke signal.
Their partner should know who to call if its serious.

If your troops are that incompetent, it might not be a troop issue, you may need to loosen the chain and let them fail. We are trained as adults, treat your troops like it.

Not sure that's relevant here; the OP was describing the CoC requiring their approval to go to sick parade and the reason why, with threat of charges if they didn't have come back with an MEL.

Informing your CoC ahead of time or after arrival that you've reported to sick parade is best practice, but the MIRs do have the sign in/out forms for a reason, so it can be verified if required.

There are lots of good reasons to go by the MIR that won't result in an MEL or sick days, and really it's none of their business anyway why you went.

I would tend to agree the best way to get this sorted is to let the MIR CoC deal with it, if your supervisors won't.  If the Pl Comd or whoever thinks someone is abusing the system, this is not the way to handle it; that's the responsibility of the base surgeon & co.
Navy_Pete said:
If the Pl Comd or whoever thinks someone is abusing the system, this is not the way to handle it; that's the responsibility of the base surgeon & co.

firstly, thanks to everyone for their input, I am slowly building a very strong case to take to my CoC regarding this issue.  Also, to clarify (and to stop the bashing of sigs hahaha), I am not posted to the sigs regiment here in Kingston.  I am in a tri-service unit with a very inexperienced and new CoC (excluding the Maj and my Capt who have significant experience) which might help explain the stupidity of this new policy.

As previously mentioned I am going to pick and choose VERY carefully when and where and how I bring this issue up to avoid (as someone already mentioned) painting a target on my back or making the situation worse.  That being said, I will not be releasing any of my medical information to my CoC (if I need to attend the MIR in the near future) seeing as I have TONS of references now explicitly stating they do not have the right to know those things.

After poking at my CoC today regarding the issue, they are now saying that they just need the "basics" about why you are going; whatever that means.  To be honest, however, at this point I am now beginning to think they don't have the right to know anything other than "I am sick/injured and will be at the MIR."

Once again thanks for the help from everyone.  Army.ca rocks!
wonknu said:
After poking at my CoC today regarding the issue, they are now saying that they just need the "basics" about why you are going; whatever that means.  To be honest, however, at this point I am now beginning to think they don't have the right to know anything other than "I am sick/injured and will be at the MIR."

They don't even need to know "I'm sick" or "I'm injured," all they are entitled to is "I'm going to the MIR and I'll bring a chit (with or without MELs) when I'm back."
ballz said:
They don't even need to know "I'm sick" or "I'm injured," all they are entitled to is "I'm going to the MIR and I'll bring a chit (with or without MELs) when I'm back."

Even that is changing it seems; where I am posted, they don't give out "time chits" anymore, as they referred to them.  I was told if anyone in my CofC questioned where I was, to direct them to call the BHosp reception and they would tell them when I arrived/when I left. 
Eye In The Sky said:
Even that is changing it seems; where I am posted, they don't give out "time chits" anymore, as they referred to them.  I was told if anyone in my CofC questioned where I was, to direct them to call the BHosp reception and they would tell them when I arrived/when I left.

Well that just sounds like pure laziness / incompetence, and gives the CoC more reason to not have any faith in the medical system. IMO, the net between the medical system and the CoC is a broken and unreadable one, which is not good for anyone involved, but that's a topic for another thread.

All that aside, I do believe members should be entitled to confidentiality WRT their medical issues.
Time to use hockey lingo: Tell them you're going for an upper or lower body injury. Problem solved?
PuckChaser said:
Time to use hockey lingo: Tell them you're going for an upper or lower body injury. Problem solved?

Don't forget, its always an UNDISCLOSED upper / lower body injury.  ;)

cupper said:
Don't forget, its always an UNDISCLOSED upper / lower body injury.  ;)

My bad, I guess I'll be relegated to the Asst Coach billet and not talk to the media.
ballz said:
They don't even need to know "I'm sick" or "I'm injured," all they are entitled to is "I'm going to the MIR and I'll bring a chit (with or without MELs) when I'm back."

True, but as has been said before its best to be upfront. One of my MWOs has cancer and he's very open about it. I have Rheumatoid Arthritis and I think the cleaners might even know that.

Hamish Seggie said:
True, but as has been said before its best to be upfront. One of my MWOs has cancer and he's very open about it. I have Rheumatoid Arthritis and I think the cleaners might even know that.

I agree Jim but would it be the same if you had, let's say, HIV?  Is that a disease you want to be open with everyone about.  Some illnesses have Stigmas attached to them which is why the CoC is on a strict need to know basis.

RoyalDrew said:
I agree Jim but would it be the same if you had, let's say, HIV?  Is that a disease you want to be open with everyone about.  Some illnesses have Stigmas attached to them which is why the CoC is on a strict need to know basis.

Yes, of course there are some things you would not want made public. It's very much an individual's choice.
It's also medical ethics and common courtesy to maintain confidentiality of medical information.
Old Sweat said:
It's also medical ethics and common courtesy to maintain confidentiality of medical information.

I have a friend who was working in a clinic. No names, no pack drill (no names mentioned) but some senior folk reported in with....a variety of afflictions.
Hamish Seggie said:
I have a friend who was working in a clinic. No names, no pack drill (no names mentioned) but some senior folk reported in with....a variety of afflictions.

Stuff happens and such is life!
3 years back I was diagnosed with colon cancer and made the choice to inform my unit of it, and to make light of it as a copping tool. all that happened was, I became the but of all jokes. >:D
I am personally very open about medical issues, family issues, work issues, etc. I very rarely have anything to hide and I don't care if people know my business. But that is my choice. As soon  as someone starts using that against me, I will give them the minimum information required by regulation. I can stand at attention and yes sir, no sir with the best of them.
Hello Pte,

One of my colleagues has made me aware of your post. I have not had a chance to read all the replies here, but if this is happening on your unit, please be aware it is 100% unacceptable. Your medical information is completely confidential.

I am currently the acting base surgeon at CFB Kingston. Please email me over DWAN to discuss this.

Capt Wilson


EDIT:  Just changed the email thingy.