Cheers for posting up the two CANFORGENs, Sheep Dog network connection isn't playing nicely today.
CFHS Group Inst 5020-20 is a little lengthy, but the appropriate section follows:
Disclosure to Commanding Officers
26. In accordance with the Privacy Act, and subject to legislated exceptions, no specific diagnosis or course of treatment will normally be disclosed to, or discussed with the CO. In accordance with Reference G
(CANFORGEN 039/08), medical personnel must provide COs with detailed MELs but "specific information such as diagnosis and detailed treatment should not be disclosed". Since there is generally no Command requirement to know the name of a specific consultant or treatment facility providing care to a CAF member, medical staff should therefore withhold the name if it would reveal the patient's diagnosis (for example the name of an in-patient addiction treatment facility).
27. Examples of personal information which CANNOT be disclosed:
a.Specific clinical findings relating to the disease / injury, specific clinical findings (such as signs and symptoms), diagnosis, course of treatment (e.g. names of drugs prescribed/details of surgery, details of emergency treatment, if any), results of tests;
b.Specific details regarding why an individual has been referred to a specialist;
c.The name of the specific institution or treatment facility/clinic or of a specific clinician/specialist if it would reveal the specific diagnosis;
d.Cause of injury where disclosure would unavoidably reveal the diagnosis; or
e.Course of medical care where the disclosure itself would unavoidably reveal a diagnosis even if the specific disease or condition is never mentioned.
Disclosure Related to MELs
28. To assist the CO in dealing effectively with a CAF member who may present with health problems (physical and/or mental health) or psychosocial conditions, the Health Care Provider (HCP), may present to the CO:
a.The CAF member’s medical employment limitations (MELs);
b.Anticipated absences from the workplace; and
c.Where possible, a prognosis (chance of recovery).
29. Any medical employment limitations that have been assigned to a CAF member because of a health problem or psychosocial condition, as well as the prognosis of that condition (where possible), will be fully described and explained to the CAF member’s CO by the member’s HCP.
Note: Actual copies of a CAF member's health record should not be provided without written consent.
I agree that just ditching a 0730 PT timing without notifying anyone wouldn't be wise. However, I would notify somone in the CoC ahead of time that "I'm going to the MIR" to prevent the issues that Sheep Dog AT has mentioned. I once ended up standing at attention in front of a BCPO being read the riot act for not informing my CoC that I was going to the MIR, but bearing in mind the effort that the CoC was exerting to find out my medical condition, I noted the gist of the message for future reference and chalked up the blast I got as being the CoC being bent out of shape because the MO and I (and eventually the Base Surgeon) refused to disclose the nature of the condition being treated.