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CP-140 Aurora

It came up in conversation today has a CP-140 Aurora ever fired a Harpoon or any anti shipping missile or can they have the capability?

Chief Stoker said:
It came up in conversation today has a CP-140 Aurora ever fired a Harpoon or any anti shipping missile or can they have the capability?


The Wings originally had the spots to take the mounts like the P-3, but we have never had the fire control system nor the weapons.  My understanding was we had the mounts but because we never put them on as the Wings aged they became impossible to fit; however, that could be lore.
We had a bird flying around with the mounts on the wings recently here in ZX. 

We have them and they fit, that's all I know.
We *could* do it but it would take willpower and funding. 

So.  No, it won't likely happen.  :blotto:  (IMO mostly because of the second requirement...)
I keep hoping Block 4 and it's shitty self-defence suite gets shelved in favour of a new aircraft.

We could buy 4 planes and that would solve the LRP manning issues.
Bombardier isn't ready to provide the replacement yet. It's not an election year.
Dolphin_Hunter said:
I keep hoping Block 4 and it's shitty self-defence suite gets shelved in favour of a new aircraft.

We could buy 4 planes and that would solve the LRP manning issues.

Self-defence...just in time to arrive after the sustained overland stuff.  :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:
Eye In The Sky said:
Self-defence...just in time to arrive after the sustained overland stuff.  :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

The technical term is "operational capability cross-phased procurement."  ;)

Good2Golf said:
The technical term is "operational capability cross-phased procurement."  ;)


Weird because those words don't even make the acronym T.O.O.-L.A.T.E.  >:D
Eye In The Sky said:
Weird because those words don't even make the acronym T.O.O.-L.A.T.E.  >:D

Well, as I've always jokingly said, just sacrifice one airframe + crew and that'll perk people's attention.

Or am I being cynical?
200+ million was announced back in 2013-14ish for 6 LAIRCMs.  The thought at the time among some of us was it would be sooner than later and then realised it was Block 4 item.


"January 2014
Initial Operational Capability for Block III is achieved. Block III involves the upgrade to three key features:

beyond-line-of-sight satellite communication
link 16 datalink, a military tactical data exchange network used by NATO countries
self defence system"

Call me a cynic, but I foresee something like this happening.  6 planes with self-defence, 6 different planes with BLOS.

Surely the systems will also be unnecessarily complicated, which is a theme we seem to enjoy.  We don't enjoy a simple user interface, we need tabs and a great deal of Firefox windows.  The thicker and more complicated the checklist, the better.  Then we will give our aircrew members minimal training and expect them to be experts.  It'll be a shit job so it'll be assigned to the Acoustic seats, because no one above the rank of WO knows what we do anyway. 

Perhaps army.ca before the morning coffee was a bad idea.

If the unconfirmed (from an official announcement of some kind) stories are true that have been going around since the summer, the fleet is going to be getting upgraded to the NP2000 props and some kind of engine upgrade.  I've heard the prototype one will be complete sometime around December.  New prop, replace the valve housing with an electronic version, and upgraded T56.  This will extend endurance in the 2-3 hour range I'm told.  Basically the same prop the Hawkeyes are using.


Eye In The Sky said:
If the unconfirmed (from an official announcement of some kind) stories are true that have been going around since the summer, the fleet is going to be getting upgraded to the NP2000 props and some kind of engine upgrade.  I've heard the prototype one will be complete sometime around December.  New prop, replace the valve housing with an electronic version, and upgraded T56.  This will extend endurance in the 2-3 hour range I'm told.  Basically the same prop the Hawkeyes are using.


*Longer* missions?!  :P
Eye In The Sky said:
Which equals another project...a bigger Stanley Cup.  :-X

...attached to an open GP chute.  Problem solved!  :nod: