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Component Transfer ( CT ) - Reserve to Regular

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Take a read of the info at the links in the PM I sent you, specifically the CT Pres --> Reg Force.  At the very top, don't neglect to click on the Work Flow button, it will show you the flowcharted process.
At the bottom, there is a link to CF MIL PERS INSTR 03/09 - CF CT and CT Career Programs

The info found at links should answer your questions and if not, then I'd suggest you or someone from your CofC will have to ask the questions to the OPI (D Mil C 7-5), for official answers.
justmyalias said:
Went to the Ottawa BPSO.  Was informed that they do not handle Res-Reg CT's.  Was referred to...
Res PSO, which handles remusters & releases within the reserve ONLY.  They understandly (but this time sympathetically) explained that they don't have that info either.  They were equally puzzled why I was referred to them when they obviously don't handle res-reg CT's.

For clarity for follow-on readers, D Mil C 7-5 is the org that handles PRes-RegF CTs.  PSOs, Reg or Res, do not handle PRes -- Reg Force CTs.

To get to DIN DGMC (Director General Military Careers) CT PRes-RegF page, go to the DIN search and type in Component Transfer Online Application Form.

It works, I just did it.  You can also search the DIN using Component Transfer and get links to the Mil Pers Instr and DAODs that apply to CTs.

*Note - it appears that DAOD 5002-3 hasn't been updated with the current process being used at D Mil C (specifically, the DAOD states CTs shall be processed at CFRCs, vice the CT application going directly to D Mil C IAW the DGMC CT site info).  The DAOD was issued 2005-06-17, the DGMC CT page is current as of 2011-09-13.
I'm going to apply for a component transfer once I complete basic training this summer.
I plan to switch from Army to Navy, Reserves to Regular force, and NCO to Officer through ROTP. I originally applied for ROTP right off the bat, but due to the large competition, wasn't selected. A kindly LT at my recruiting center advised me to join the reserves to get some experience and try again.
I hope that I do make it into ROTP this year via component transfer. If that turns out to be so, would I do basic training again but at St. Jean? Or  would there be certain aspects I wouldn't be made to do over, and just do the officer-related training - leadership courses, etc?
The recruiter said gain some experience, not do basic training and then apply again. Doing a component transfer isn't easy street into a ROTP position, and you'll likely be doing basic all over again because you will have next to no time in the CF.
AshleyK said:
A kindly LT at my recruiting center advised me to join the reserves to get some experience and try again.

Sounds familiar...

The money question is: What year of university do you think you'll be in when you merit and are finally accepted into the program?
The recruiter said gain some experience, not do basic training and then apply again. Doing a component transfer isn't easy street into a ROTP position, and you'll likely be doing basic all over again because you will have next to no time in the CF.

By the time I do reapply for ROTP, I will have just over seven months in by then, including basic training and working Thursday nights at my local armory. Although I don't know if that would be considered long enough or not.

M2A said:
Sounds familiar...

The money question is: What year of university do you think you'll be in when you merit and are finally accepted into the program?

If things go well, I should be halfway through my second year (out of four) if I do get accepted.
Does anyone have the explanation of the ETP message? i.e. what para's 1a-6a mean?
I can pick out most information but when it states: F. 13 Dec 11  then I am not sure what to make of that date

Any outline or explanation of an ETP would be very helpful

Get your hands on a copy of the BTAGs v5.15 (Basic Trg List Admin Guide)....it breaks it down.  I'd fire you a link but am at home.  Should be able to get it on the DIN using the crappy search engine even.

ETP is Enrolment and Training Plan msg....outlines 'this is what you are now that you CTd, and this is where you are going for trg" more or less.

If no one replies back, fire me a PM and I'll shoot the format to you tomorrow first thing.
Correction to my last. 

ETP Instr stands for Enrolment Or Transfer And Posting Instruction.

Its referred to in the BTAGs, but is explained in:  Military Human Resources Record Procedures (MHRRP), Chapter 11, Annex B, Appendix 1 (57 page pdf doc.  57 pages?)

To find it on the awesome DIN search engine, I typed in ETP Instruction format.

stretch said:
Does anyone have the explanation of the ETP message? i.e. what para's 1a-6a mean?

On the DIN, go to the CMP Website ( cmp-cpm.forces.mil.ca ), right side under Order and Directives, look at A-PM-245 and then have a look at Chap 11, Anx B, App 1.  It will explain everything.....
So I emailed dmil c last night to check on a status after ten long months for MSE op. Apparently they have no positions for me this years so I guess I'm off on tasking's until April at least.
My younger brother is in the same predicament. He's had his CT into MP for over a year, and has not even gotten on an MPAC yet. As for our Attrition rates slowing down... perhaps across the board it's looking that way, but for the detachments around my area ( 1 MP Regt ) it seems we are always undermanned.  At the field platoon however, we seem to be at full strength, something that this area hasn't seen in years.

We have lost a quite a few qualified MP's over the last few years to civillian police forces however, and other bases I've visited on tasking or otherwise seem to be feeling it. The trade may be green, but since it is a trade with such a transferrable skill set, I can see that "green" status not lasting for long...  I could always be wrong though, especially with the defense budget cuts and an uncertain economy, people may be more inclined to sign on past the VIE.

As for my brother, he's currently switched his CT/OT over to MSE Op in the hopes of eventually transferring over to MP. He understands that he will probably at the minimum have to serve out his VIE as an MSE and realises that he may never even get the chance to OT again. Best hopes for him, and the rest of you trying to get in trade. Don't let it get you down, keep on persevering if this is the route you really want to go.

For those of you that want to do policing as a career, please take note that life as an MP can be exciting, rewarding and busy. Even on the "busy" bases though you probably will not see the call volume you would working as a civillian police officer. Of course, with us being MILITARY Police, you could also one day find yourself in a field pl, and sooner in your career than you could guess. When I transferred from Res Sig Op to Reg MP in 2010, I thought my days in combats driving around big green vehicles were over... I was incredibly wrong :)  Don't let that discourage you though, because as always the grass isn't always greener on the other side. Both the Mp side and the mP side have there PITA moments a long with some really "good go's".

From one member who CT'd to others out there, good luck!
          I submitted my CT back in September for 00238 GEO TECH. When I submitted my CT, our unit had not done the BFT / AFT (Annual Fitness Test) and I assume that this is the root of the problem. I did complete the BFT with my unit at the end of September. I got an automated response to my e-mail which stated that I have "been deemed ineligible" because I "do not meet the minimum Fitness Test standard". Now I'm assuming this is again because of the BFT as I had not done it for the year when I submitted the CT. That being said, the problem I'm face with right now is that I'm not sure where to go from here. I have completed the Fitness Test and I have a copy of the AFT/BFT paper as proof.

In the e-mail it said "Plse resubmit your application once this matter has been rectified to our generic mailbox at +D MIL C 7 CT@CMP DMCA@Ottawa-Hull."
The problem is, I have no idea what this means. I'm guessing that it has to do with having a DIN account, which as a reservist with only a year and a few months in, don't have. I've tried to call the recruiting centre for the last 3 or 4 weeks, but I have yet to even get through to a recruiter in general, let along the CT Coordinator. I've left over 5 messages over the past 3 or 4 weeks, and E-mailed the CT Coordinator, but have yet to receive a response, which is why I've come here.

If anyone has any idea where to go from here, or the process to rectify this, it would be greatly appreciated.
CFRCs have nothing to do with CTs.  D Mil C (Director Military Careers, part of CMP [Chief of Military Personnel] Org is responsible for all CTs PRes->Reg Force.

First question...you say you got an email stating "been deemed inelgible", etc.  What email address did that come from?

The "+D Mil C...." is the Display name for a Forces email account that D Mil C staff use.  It will also have a SMTP "XXX.XXX@forces.gc.ca" email address for it as well, that you can email from your civie email.

My suggestion is you go to your Unit Orderly Room and ask to see the Chief Clerk, or the Unit Trg WO/RSS WO, or whoever does this kind of stuff in your unit.  Have a printed copy of the email you received from them, a copy of the CT application, and a copy of your EXPRES test.  Of course, follow whatever SOPs exist  for your unit to see these ppl in your CofC.  If you call or drop in on a non-trg day, you should be able to go to the OR yourself.  If you do, on the next Trg night, make sure you let your immediate superior know what is going on.  If I was your Trg NCO, I'd likely call the Capt at D Mil C 7 - CT or send a quick email to ease getting the info input asap.  Thats me though.

Explain to them in plain, simple terms what the deal is, and ask them for assistance in getting this new information to D Mil C 7-CT. 

UFI...D Mil C 7 is a position indicator within D Mil C.  There is a Capt and some others who look after all CTs.

PTE ******:

As per Para 3.1 of Ref, we are unable to accept your Component Transfer application at this time as your file has been deemed ineligible.  You do not meet the minimum Fitness Test standard for 00238 GEO TECH.  Your application is now closed until your MPRR has been updated indicating that you meet the minimum requirements for your selected occupation. 

Plse resubmit your application once this matter has been rectified to our generic mailbox at +D MIL C 7 CT@CMP DMCA@Ottawa-Hull.

Thank you!"

E-Mail was from **********@forces.gc.ca
Ok, in light of this, you need to have your Orderly Room update your MPRR info to show your valid PT test.

Once your MPRR is updated...you resubmit your CT application.

I'd remove the @forces email address you included in your post above though. 

Eye In The Sky said:
Ok, in light of this, you need to have your Orderly Room update your MPRR info to show your valid PT test.

Once your MPRR is updated...you resubmit your CT application.

I'd remove the @forces email address you included in your post above though.
Thanks for the great information,
I believe that my MPRR has already been updated, a week or two ago we got a copy of our AFT sheet saying that we did pass, so I'm guessing that they are now giving us a copy, they have finished the paperwork and added it to our MPRR, I will see if I can double check tonight tho. I sent off an e-mail to the DMILC with the same information, but how do I go about resubmitting the CT, using the E-Mail adress I mentioned above, or resubmitting it like I did the first time using the DWAN website?

And if appropriate, how would I go about contacting the Capt at D Mil C 7 - CT?
dh101 said:
I believe that my MPRR has already been updated, a week or two ago we got a copy of our AFT sheet saying that we did pass, so I'm guessing that they are now giving us a copy, they have finished the paperwork and added it to our MPRR

No.  You need to verify to be sure, or you will resubmit and get the same result.

I sent off an e-mail to the DMILC with the same information, but how do I go about resubmitting the CT, using the E-Mail adress I mentioned above, or resubmitting it like I did the first time using the DWAN website?

And if appropriate, how would I go about contacting the Capt at D Mil C 7 - CT?

I think the yellow text below answers your question.  ;)  Don't be scared to trust your eyes, seems to me you are making this harder than it has to be.  Relax.

Yes, the "@forces.gc.ca" email address you had up earlier is the SMTP email address you can resubmit to from a civie email address.  You do not need to contact the Capt directly, which is why they have this magical generic email account (imagine said Capt getting emails from CT applicants directly...all day long, week after week. She would probably fall down some stairs on purpose).

dh101 said:

PTE ******:

As per Para 3.1 of Ref, we are unable to accept your Component Transfer application at this time as your file has been deemed ineligible.  You do not meet the minimum Fitness Test standard for 00238 GEO TECH.  Your application is now closed until your MPRR has been updated indicating that you meet the minimum requirements for your selected occupation. 

Plse resubmit your application once this matter has been rectified to our generic mailbox at +D MIL C 7 CT@CMP DMCA@Ottawa-Hull.

Thank you!"

E-Mail was from **********@forces.gc.ca

Veriy tonight that your MPRR has been updated.  If so...resubmit.  In that order. 
Alright, thank-you very much, one last question. Any idea how to "Resubmit" my application to the e-mail address. Do I just send an E-mail stating that I'm looking to resubmit with the trade I was interested in, when I did it originally, there was a Form with all kinds of questions that I submitted online using a DWAN account.