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Component Transfer ( CT ) - Reserve to Regular

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I don't know if this is in the right thread. I am currently Pres Infantry and am in the process of doing a CT to reg force Infantry. I was just wondering if it is possible to be denied a CT? I've searched everywhere and it doesn't seem as though this question has been asked before. And if it is possible please offer reasons why it would be denied. Nothing has changed in my life since I got in to the reserves 4 months ago, I just decided that I want to serve my country full time! Any thoughts or educated answers would be greatly appreciated!

Component transfers are typicaly designed for trained soldiers to move from the Reserve side of the house to the Reg side of the house.  If you have only been in the Reserve for 4 months then you are not fully trained and they may tell you that you do not have enough TI.
I believe in cases like that, even if you have done the reserve BMQ, they will just send you to St Jean for the reg version, as you don't have enough time in to really justify "skipping ahead" of your peers.
I don't want to skip ahead, just want to go through all my training just like a regular recruit. My question is nothings changed as far as my application goes, I got in 4 months ago no problems, is there any chance that they might say no to my CT? If that is a possibility what would the reasons be? I did all my application components 4 months ago (physical, medical, CFAT, reliability check, etc) and had no issues getting in to the reserves.
Ummm - what was it that you did not understand about our & esp my answer.

A component transfer insinuates that you have marketable skills that can be transfered immediately to a unit.  As a new recruit with only 4 months under your belt, you don't have any such skills - military skills.

The paperwork that was used to get you in the Reserve should still be available and the recruiting centre should be able to get your enrollment processed fairly quickly though
Since we are asking questions...

Would it be worth the 13 weeks to redo BMQ? I'm already set on redoing SQ and obviously trades training must be done, but will the 13 weeks teach me more then what I could simply gain through some basic review? Drill can always be sharper, and I haven't done CBRN in a while...but my C7 drills are good and I've moved beyond what they teach at basic.

I've been told that no matter what, I must have more class B days and go straight to SQ/BIQ, or just start over again. I don't want to spend 3+ months getting jacked because I was in the reserves, all while re-doing the same old stuff like polishing boots which are not even standard mk III's due to medical problems, and learning how to take apart a C7.

I have no problems going back to the start, if there is good reason to do so. They seem to think that it's a good idea for DP1 and 2 reservists to start fresh, or sit in an office and do class B for a total of 56 days. It kind of seems like a check in the box sort of thing to me. Get jacked, or do jack..tough call. Input anyone?
popnfresh,.... you appear to have already come to the conclusion that doing the BMQ + SQ is a waste of time.
Who am I to tell you different?
If the recruiting people and yor career mangler feel you & the CF would be better served by your doing it over again - you should be asking questions of them... not us.
Hello all,
I am just wondering if you are making a CT from reserves to regular force, rotp to be specific, if there are conflicts in regards to TI?
UMMM have you made any effort to search the subject on this site.... it's that little button "search" on the toolbar?

That plus all the 166 previous posts on this thread
geo said:
popnfresh,.... you appear to have already come to the conclusion that doing the BMQ + SQ is a waste of time.
Who am I to tell you different?
If the recruiting people and yor career mangler feel you & the CF would be better served by your doing it over again - you should be asking questions of them... not us.

Well I for sure want to redo SQ, it was a great course. I can certainly see what I could gain from "starting fresh" but I just don't know how the instructors will treat me as I already have technically done the course, and have picked up some things (e.g. boots - which im medically allowed to have) that will make me stand out, which is a bad thing in BMQ. Roger on all other points, I guess I just want to hear how an instructor type would deal with a person in my situation...e.g. am I going to be the course scapegoat, or will I be allowed to truly "start fresh".

Cheers and thanks in advance.
popnfresh said:
Well I for sure want to redo SQ, it was a great course. I can certainly see what I could gain from "starting fresh" but I just don't know how the instructors will treat me as I already have technically done the course, and have picked up some things (e.g. boots - which im medically allowed to have) that will make me stand out, which is a bad thing in BMQ. Roger on all other points, I guess I just want to hear how an instructor type would deal with a person in my situation...e.g. am I going to be the course scapegoat, or will I be allowed to truly "start fresh".

Cheers and thanks in advance.

You should be able to do a fresh start unless you open your mouth. Be the greyman.
popnfresh said:
Well I for sure want to redo SQ, it was a great course. I can certainly see what I could gain from "starting fresh" but I just don't know how the instructors will treat me as I already have technically done the course, and have picked up some things (e.g. boots - which im medically allowed to have) that will make me stand out, which is a bad thing in BMQ. Roger on all other points, I guess I just want to hear how an instructor type would deal with a person in my situation...e.g. am I going to be the course scapegoat, or will I be allowed to truly "start fresh".

Cheers and thanks in advance.

I disagree with being the greyman, if that means you are not performing to your best ability.  If you have previous experience it should help you, and make you better able to help others.  And its only that you did SQ before, not that you completed the Ranger course down south.  Don't make a mountain out of a molehill over a simple course.  I have taught many courses with people that were in a situation like your, up to and including Sgt's that OTd and were Cpl's on a QL3 course before.  Its not that big of a deal.  You still go thru the same stuff as everyone else.

NEVER underperform to stay 'grey'.
Eye In The Sky said:
I disagree with being the greyman, if that means you are not performing to your best ability.  If you have previous experience it should help you, and make you better able to help others.  And its only that you did SQ before, not that you completed the Ranger course down south.  Don't make a mountain out of a molehill over a simple course.  I have taught many courses with people that were in a situation like your, up to and including Sgt's that OTd and were Cpl's on a QL3 course before.  Its not that big of a deal.  You still go thru the same stuff as everyone else.

NEVER underperform to stay 'grey'.

I agree completely, if you have certain abilities, use them to help the others on your course. On the same token, if you forget something, seek the advice of a peer that is strong on the subject.
PuckChaser said:
I agree completely, if you have certain abilities, use them to help the others on your course. On the same token, if you forget something, seek the advice of a peer that is strong on the subject.

Also, don't brag about knowing something already, or having done it before. Nothing grinds a staff's teeth like "Well, when I was in the Res, I learned it this way..."

Personally, I've never been able to do the greyman thing. My mouths too big, and I'm too sarcastic. Always good upper-body at the end of the course, though
So I've talked to alot of people, and I think I may just go back to basic and start from the ground up. I have a few questions though...

Can I hand back my DEU's, as I wouldn't be entitled to them anymore? (Read I don't really want them until everyone else gets them; haven't even used the ones I have) Will I be forced to turn in my current kit, and draw a new set upon arrival at St. Jean? (That would be nice too)

Also, say an individual had several SMP driver quals, and finds himself back in basic, are these revoked, and if not, can the course staff make me utilize these skills even though I would no longer even be BMQ qual'd.

I've found conflicting answers to all this, appreciate any clarification.

popnfresh said:
So I've talked to alot of people, and I think I may just go back to basic and start from the ground up. I have a few questions though...

Can I hand back my DEU's, as I wouldn't be entitled to them anymore? (Read I don't really want them until everyone else gets them; haven't even used the ones I have) Will I be forced to turn in my current kit, and draw a new set upon arrival at St. Jean? (That would be nice too)

Also, say an individual had several SMP driver quals, and finds himself back in basic, are these revoked, and if not, can the course staff make me utilize these skills even though I would no longer even be BMQ qual'd.

I've found conflicting answers to all this, appreciate any clarification.


You have been issued DEUs and you keep them. 

As for all of your Kit, ask the CFRC.  You may keep it all and you may turn it all in, and be reissued again in St Jean.  That is a decision that is made by them. 

Dvr Qualifications have no bearing on BMQ or SQ.  The CFRC will tell you what qualifications you have.  You will have everything listed on your Message.  Everything will be on that message; your rank, your qualifications, your pay level, everything.
If your going from Res to Regs Im pretty sure that you hand in your gear back  to the unit. I dont think this is whats done in the regs when you go from unit to unit.

And don't be a greyman, but don't be the overbearing asshole know-it-all. Just use what you know to make yourself noticed but at the same time be a team player or you'll get reamed 7 ways from Sunday. This comes from several friends who were in Cadets / Reserves that have gone through Basic.
RTaylor said:
If your going from Res to Regs Im pretty sure that you hand in your gear back  to the unit. I dont think this is whats done in the regs when you go from unit to unit.

Depends. Any kit you had on Temporary Issue from your unit get's returned. Depending on what your scale of issue is for your new trade, you may or may not keep equipment from your permanent clothing docs.

IE, Res Army to Reg Army, same trade, same entitlement, therefore, keep kit (generally).

Res Army to Reg AF, you give back your army entitlement, get your AF stuff.

I imagine, though, that going to St-Jean to do basic, they'll just get you to hand everything in and get a new scale of issue.
RTaylor said:
If your going from Res to Regs Im pretty sure that you hand in your gear back  to the unit. I dont think this is whats done in the regs when you go from unit to unit.

And don't be a greyman, but don't be the overbearing asshole know-it-all. Just use what you know to make yourself noticed but at the same time be a team player or you'll get reamed 7 ways from Sunday. This comes from several friends who were in Cadets / Reserves that have gone through Basic.


You think this is what is done when one transfers from one unit to another in the Regs?  Are you for real?

You keep your Kit if you transfer between one unit to another in the Regs, and the Reserves.  Sometimes, you will keep your kit if you transfer between the Regs and the Reserves, or vise versa.  You will have to ask the CFRC (in this case) or the Release Section if one is leaving the Regs for the Reserves.  As Beadwindow has pointed out, you will have to turn in any Temporary Issued Kit. 

You will have everything explained by the CFRC and during your Outclearance of your former Unit.

RTaylor if you don't know anything don't post.