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Component Transfer ( CT ) - Reserve to Regular

  • Thread starter Thread starter fusilier
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I'm looking into transfering from Reserve to Reg Force MPO.  My situation is, the MP trade does not recognize the MP Reserve Phase 3. Therefore I will have to retake that. As well, I must take language training as I'm only fluent in English, and know a bit of another language that is not French. I have been in the forces going on 3 years and for the last 5 months have been filling a Reg Force Captains position.

My question relates to Pay and Rank retention.
Rank - I have completed all my DP1 quals and am currently completing the first of my DP2's. I am functioning in a Captains position. Now I've read over the CFAO's with regards to accrediting time etc. But ultimately will this issue have to be dealt by bargaining with the CFRC Board?

Pay - Related to the question above, Again with accredited time does this relate to the Reg Force payscale I will be given? Or rather when doing a CT is payscale determined soley on the amount of time you've been in the forces (excluding occupation, spec pay, etc.)

Any help's appreciated
Generally what will happen is they will calculate your class A and Class B time and grant you an equivalent salary range.  An example was an infantry MCpl that transfered through ROTP.  Her total class b time and class A time as well as her current rate of pay and rank would have given her CPL IPC 4.  She's OCdt making essentially what's equivalent to that.

Now your case might be different.

Bargaining?  For MPO.  Doubtful.  MPO positions are rarer than Sar techs these days.  If you get it take it.

Hopes this helps.
I started my CT process in January from Pres Combat Engineer to Reg force Combat engineer...  My paper work is sitting at HQ (CFRC said HQ assuming Ottawa) waiting for the selection board to convene for placement and offer or something along those lines...  The board sits later this month. I was just wondering if anyone would be able to give me a general time line of when I can expect to get an offer, as I need to figure out what to do with all my stuff and my apartment... I was told I may not get the offer until the middle of April by a MCpl at unit who CT'd from reg to the Pres. , I was just wondering if those with experience in the process going from Pres to Reg think the same.

As for worrying about courses ask your CoC if they can keep you listed for courses, as my CO is keeping me slotted for courses this summer just in case I don't get my offer until later.

As of now I'm an NCM in the reserves but I am considering a commission while I'm in university BUT I want to go Reg Force NCM once I'm done university...Is it possible to go from Officer to NCM with a CT?

Also, when you are filling out your CT or an application to the Reg Force can you apply for both NCM and Officer positions simply buy submitting both as your choices?  Or can you only select one or the other?

... all you have to do is resign your commission...............
but I am not sure why you would want to.

... you can always contact the local CFRC if you have any question.
An officer who wishes to transfer as a non-commissioned member (NCM) to another component or sub-component shall apply in writing to resign their commission.


If I understand, you want to go from NCM (Res) to Officer (Res) while in Uni to NCM (Reg) after graduation? Do you plan on sticking to the same trade while transferring?
ark said:

If I understand, you want to go from NCM (Res) to Officer (Res) while in Uni to NCM (Reg) after graduation? Do you plan on sticking to the same trade while transferring?

Well Im reserve Arty NCM right now but I may want to go Arty officer in the reserves while in university and then go Reg NCM military police once done university....
just know this... if you resign your commission, the chances of you ever commissioning again are slim to none. Just a word of advice.... I don't understand why you would want to do that either... but... I wouldn't do it. I went from NCM ---> Officer its not really something that you take lightly. Think about it more. My advice is against it... but that's just me.
MedTech said:
just know this... if you resign your commission, the chances of you ever commissioning again are slim to none. Just a word of advice.... I don't understand why you would want to do that either... but... I wouldn't do it. I went from NCM ---> Officer its not really something that you take lightly. Think about it more. My advice is against it... but that's just me.

I'm with MedTech on this one.  For the record, I never was an Officer - I remained an NCM (as much as I hate that term) for my entire career.

Becoming an Officer is not a matter of putting up different rank insignia when you feel like it - then taking them off again when you get tired of that game.  It is not a revolving door - which you appear to want it to be.

I'm curious as to why you would want to pursue this, to say the least, unusual career path?

I have close to 30 years of service and I have "never" seen a person give up their commission to go to the ranks as an NCM.

On the other hand being truthfull I once had a student in POET who had his degree in engineering and was an excellent individual. In this case he had joined up as a private. I don't know what happened to him but I believe he was posted to Greenwood.

Your release section should have all the ppwk you'll need for this, so bring it up with them during processing.

volition said:
What's the process in going to the reserve from the reg. force?


Check section 10, especially 10.7.

You may also want to check DAOD 5002-3: http://www.admfincs.forces.gc.ca/admfincs/subjects/DAOD/5002/3_e.asp

Hope this helps
MedTech said:
just know this... if you resign your commission, the chances of you ever commissioning again are slim to none. Just a word of advice.... I don't understand why you would want to do that either... but... I wouldn't do it. I went from NCM ---> Officer its not really something that you take lightly. Think about it more. My advice is against it... but that's just me.

Thanks I appreciate your opinion but I'm not looking for advice on this one.  I only wanted to know if it was possible.  I'm not going to make a rash decision about it.  Basically I want to experience being an officer before I go regs and if I like it I'm going to go officer in the regs once my degree is finished.  Say for instance I don't like being an officer vs. NCM than I can just de-commission.  So yes I believe I can turn it on and off but I hear what you are saying about the whole thing.

Just because the path I want to take is unusual doesn't mean it is the wrong way to do things.  It's just different and if the army will allow me the option to do so than I will use it if necessary...
No one said it was the wrong way to do things. Opinions are shared here.

I think your question has been answered. Locking this one up with the usual caveats.
I have another question...What if your in a reserve unit, can you transfer to another reserve unit accross the country? Anyone knows how that works, if at all?
If it's without a change in trade, it's fairly easy...contact the gaining unit, make sure they have a position for you, find out if they're willing to transfer kit (this may have changed with the on-line clothing docs). 

If it involves a VOT then it's a bit more complicated, involves a BPSO interview (which you should get done BEFORE leaving the losing unit so you don't end up NES at your new home).

I've bounced between 4 different Res units (11 Med, 6 FES, 8 FER, and 12 Fd Amb), and it's always been fairly painless, but I've always stayed in the same trade.  Some units wanted kit back, others just transferred loan cards for unit-level issue.
