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Component Transfer ( CT ) - Reserve to Regular

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ParaMedTech>>What unit are you in now!! Do you you know what officer positions are available in the 11 med, 12 med, 11 service, 12 fd amb?? Thank you.
Maybe a bit off topic, but here goes...For infantry reserve officier, is Cap given one summer, then phase 3 the next summer, and so on. Or is there another way it can be done faster?? Thank you for all your help!

  CAP is run all year round at CTC Gagetown at the Infantry school. If infantry is what you want, and you have all the time in the world, you can finish your CAP during the year and hit Ph 3 when ever they hold it at the school. Now, I noticed that you've been asking about the position availabilities for 12 Fd Amb so here it goes. 12 Med Coy no longer exists, it hasnt existed in almost  4 years now, the new unit which replaced 12 Med Coy is 12 (vancouver) Field Ambulance. The next question is what kind of officer positions are you looking for? Here is a list of officer positions in 12 Fd Amb:

Officer MOC                                  Availability

Health Care Administrator                NIL
Nursing Officer                                NIL
Medical Officer                                  1
Logistic Officer                                NIL
Chaplain                                            1

12 Fd Amb currently has adequate officers and are not looking for anymore at the moment. I cant tell you about any of the other units, but 11 Med Coy is the same as 12 Med Coy, it no longer exists, you're looking at 11 (Victoria) Field Ambulance. You have to contact their recruiters directly if you want to know position avilabilities for 11 Fd Amb and 11 Svc Bn. They are two seperate units, so they will have two seperate recruiters as well.

Final question, what is your current MOC, and where are you going to be do you think? Because Vancouver and Victoria are mighty far apart.
Crantor said:
Generally what will happen is they will calculate your class A and Class B time and grant you an equivalent salary range.  An example was an infantry MCpl that transfered through ROTP.  Her total class b time and class A time as well as her current rate of pay and rank would have given her CPL IPC 4.  She's OCdt making essentially what's equivalent to that.

Is this the same procedure they do when you deploy overseas and voluntarily drop one rank. Like in my case, I was a MCpl but my position overseas was a Cpl. So I voluntarily dropped to Cpl rank. And then they calculated that my full time days in the Reserves was an equivalency of Cpl IPC 2. Is this on the CFAO ??? or any other pubs?

So here's my problem:

I put in my papers at the London Recruiting Centre back in April about CTing to the Regular Force.  My friend also did this in at the Kitchener Recruiting Centre on the same day.  By early August he had done his interview and medical, while I was still waiting for a word on what was happening so I decided to call the RC to get an update.  They told me my unit had not given some essential files they needed to action the CT, and that the clerk in charge of my file was on course until the last week of August, and my files would in by then, so to call again the first week of September. 
Fair enough I thought.  August went by and I called the day after Labour Day and they put me through to the voice mail of the clerk doing my files...who happened to away for a few days.  Only a little irked, I left a message about my situation and if he could call me back as soon as possible.  It was now the 10th and I had not heard any word, so I called again, only to be transferred to another Clerk voice mail, who was yet again not around, so I left a message explaining my situation and to call me back as soon as possible. 2 days passed without a word, so I called again early today, and was transferred to another clerk's voicemail stating that he was on the phone, and to leave a message.  I did that.
Meanwhile my friend who put in his papers the same day as me has been waiting in PAT platoon since last weekend, his SQ/DP1 course started on the 10th but was full, so he's loaded onto a course starting the 24th.  I have yet to have an interview.
Any suggestions?  I feel like I'm jerked around by the folks at the London RC who have a serious grudge against CTers...which I know is not the case.
Sounds like it is your Res unit that is holding up the process but I wonder what essential file the CFRC/D needs?  As the CT policy clearly states that the Res Unit has two weeks to respond to any file requests by the CFRC/D and if it doesn't then the CFRC/D starts the process anyway. Perhaps you need to head down to the CFRC/D for some face to face.
Like everyone else, the staff at Det London have too much work, and not enough time/people.

Keep trying.  Make sure you have any recent course reports and records of employment (Route Letters, assessment memos, etc), and work with your unit OR to ensure that the CFRC gets your Pers file  and Med file.  

If you still feel that you are being given the run-around, ask to talk to the Det Comd.  If that doesn't work, call the parent CFRC in Hamilton, and talk with the Production Officer or the CO.  I've found that when the Major starts asking questions a little more attention is paid to the file.  Obviously, this is not something done at the drop of the hat, but if you are feeling frustrated, take it up the chain.  Also, see if you current unit Chain of Command will call on your behalf.

kincanucks advise is more concise than what I've offered.  Follow it - often the staff are dealing with a number of issues, and aren't at their phone when you call, and for whatever reason, don't get to their voice mails in a timely way.  If you are at the CFRC then you should be able to find them, and get a chance to talk.
I recently completed a component transfer from the reserves to the regular force. It had some ups and downs.

Really, I started a couple of years ago, just before the new CT process was put into effect. That transfer was lost, and when found again, I cancelled it, opting to go on my QL5's instead. In the end, that was of benefit.

After finishing my ql5's, I restarted the process again. It took a long time for it to be processed. But after I got back from Afghanistan this summer, by the time I was off my post-deployment leave, I had an offer. I kept my trades courses, got bumped down in rank, but should have it back soon, and qualified myself for a nice skilled transfer signing bonus.

Only problems I really had were with Royal Lepage handling my posting travel and move of F&E (that's a different story, but you'd think I was the first CT they'd ever dealt with) and the fact that I didn't get paid today, but that's something the clerks are looking into.

My best advice is to get your Progress manager's contact information, and to check in with them once in a while. Not too often, but enough to check on your status, and if there's anything you should do yourself.

Best of luck.
Sig_Des said:
and the fact that I didn't get paid today, but that's something the clerks are looking into.

When I did my CT at the end of last year, I was paid by contingency payment for about 2 months.  This was until my file got completely transferred over.  The clerk looking into this in Esquimalt was great about it (it was mid Dec pay that was my first missed pay...great thing right before XMas!!) He ensured I had a cheque right then for mid AND end Dec, and then was right on top of things for Jan pay, even contacting me while I was on course to put me at ease that yes I was getting paid this month!  A heads-up for people doing a CT that this pay delay  will most likely effect you as well and to be prepared.  Check with your pay section a day or 2 before pay day to see if you are getting paid.  This will hopefully give you an even transition.  Leave yourself a bit of a cushion for money so you aren't completely broke.
Sig_Des said:
Only problems I really had were with Royal Lepage handling my posting travel and move of F&E (that's a different story, but you'd think I was the first CT they'd ever dealt with) and the fact that I didn't get paid today, but that's something the clerks are looking into.

Virtually the same two problems I had.  I arrived in St-Jean for SLT (BOTP by-pass)  on the 29th of the month, not expecting to get paid on the 31st, of course.  But I checked if I was to get paid on the 15th and was told "absolutely for sure" your pay will be processed by then.  No money on the 15th, of course.  I got little sympathy.  The assumption in St-Jean seems to be that all "new" recruits are young kids, on Basic, with no financial responsiblities and what's the difference if their pay is delayed a bit.  I was in my mid-30s, with a family, a mortgage, a car payment, etc.  This is fun, but not fun enough to do for free!

We moved as one of the last orderly room managed moves, since at that time (early 2006), RLRS only handled people who had already reached "career status."  I OT'd, so even though I had reached career status in my previous trade in the Reserves, I was treated as a "recruit" again.  What a disaster!  We're still trying to sort it out! 
airmich said:
This was until my file got completely transferred over.

Pretty much the reason is that while you may have cleared out of your reserve unit, while you may have signed your contract, and become a reg F member, the file route hasn't always caught up to you. You haven't been cleared out of the reserve Pay system, and therefore, your new unit OR doesn't can't activate your Reg F system.

as far as RLRS problems, they didn't want to start processing anything without a posting message. But the recruiting center doesn't send an ACTUAL message (as opposed to a draft) until you sign the paperwork, and that date is supposed to be the first date of travel (kind of a catch 22).

for myself, I didn't have a flight date booked by them until 4 days before I left, or 6 days for report for duty. On top of that, they couldn't book a move quickly, and my F&E was packed without me being there. Thankfully I had someone I trust that could watch over. fun fun.

duckman777 said:

So here's my problem:

I put in my papers at the London Recruiting Centre back in April about CTing to the Regular Force.  My friend also did this in at the Kitchener Recruiting Centre on the same day.  By early August he had done his interview and medical, while I was still waiting for a word on what was happening so I decided to call the RC to get an update.  They told me my unit had not given some essential files they needed to action the CT, and that the clerk in charge of my file was on course until the last week of August, and my files would in by then, so to call again the first week of September. 
Fair enough I thought.  August went by and I called the day after Labour Day and they put me through to the voice mail of the clerk doing my files...who happened to away for a few days.  Only a little irked, I left a message about my situation and if he could call me back as soon as possible.  It was now the 10th and I had not heard any word, so I called again, only to be transferred to another Clerk voice mail, who was yet again not around, so I left a message explaining my situation and to call me back as soon as possible. 2 days passed without a word, so I called again early today, and was transferred to another clerk's voicemail stating that he was on the phone, and to leave a message.  I did that.
Meanwhile my friend who put in his papers the same day as me has been waiting in PAT platoon since last weekend, his SQ/DP1 course started on the 10th but was full, so he's loaded onto a course starting the 24th.  I have yet to have an interview.
Any suggestions?  I feel like I'm jerked around by the folks at the London RC who have a serious grudge against CTers...which I know is not the case.

I'm not shocked in the least...Military administration is terrible at its best...
So after 6 months of waiting, the ball is finally rolling on my CT from the Res to Regs, as I have both my interview and medical done, and all that needs to be done is a look into my references until I'm on the waiting list.  Now I've been in the Reserves for over a year now, and have been on a number of exercises, however am only SQ qualified.  My friend was in the same boat, but his local RC got his transfer going quicker, and he was put directly onto a DP1 course, skipping the Reg BMQ.  Now, here's my problem.

The interviewer told me that my unit has not said anything about my qualifications, therefore I am apparently not qualified in anything, and will have to repeat BMQ.  So...is my unit giving me the shaft?  What should I do?  I'll redo BMQ, however I'd prefer not to.
This is a problem that should be dealt with between, you, your Chain of Command, your OR and the RC. Request a sit down with your Sergeants Major, through your MCpl. There's really nothing we can do for you here, on this particular problem.
The copies you've wisely retained of your course reports will help you.
I was told by my recruiter that I should be able to keep my BMQ/SQ qualifications - but I clarified that I wanted to do the Reg. BMQ instead of the Res. so there may be something up there. I myself am joining the Reserve Infantry and pretty much so I can have an assured acceptance into Reg. Force Infantry as well as an opportunity to finish off senior year and graduate. As recceguy said talk with CoC, OR and RC and once you get things sorted or figure out what happened post it up for us.
I am a member of the royal montreal regiment, reserves, and am in the process of transferring to the regs, hopefully RCR if i have a choice. I recently checked up on my file with the recruiting center and apparently i am going to bypass redoing my BMQ with the regs. This relives me in one way, as i will be able to move on with my career, but I am a bit concerned, my BMQ was only about 25 days long :-\ and i know that the reg force BMQ is much longer. Will I be terribly behind everyone else on my SQ,who I assume have completed their longer course much more recently.
during my course I got the impression that some of the instructors rushed class's, and i am completely clueless as to how to work the radio ??? just wondering if i'll get jacked up badly
your help is much appreciated.
You can always ask to do BMQ at St Jean >:D.  Since its only your BMQ and not your SQ or BIQ you are bypassing, I wouldn't stress to much, I am sure the folks in Meaford will brink you up to speed.

I am in the process of a CT to the reg force, and could use some advice, especially from any instructors out there or people who are in similar situations.

Basically, myself and several friends have started a CT but have been told that we do not have enough class B days to grant a RSBP. I have no issues with going through BMQ SQ (and obviously DP1 as it's a different trade) but was told that I could possibly go on tasking to somewhere like CMTC to do OPFOR stuff, to get the time in I need to skip basic.

Does anyone have any suggestions on what I should do and what will benefit me the most overall as a member of the reg force?

Thanks in advance.