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CMMA - replacing the CP140 Aurora

Real push from Ford and that Quebec guy to have an open competition to "replace the jets". I don't think they know what they're talking about or realize that Bombardier doesn't have a physical aircraft for a competition.
Real push from Ford and that Quebec guy to have an open competition to "replace the jets". I don't think they know what they're talking about or realize that Bombardier doesn't have a physical aircraft for a competition.
And to them it doesn't matter. In honestly they would not care I kind of understand that. Is it right? No, but they are retail politicians. It comes from the top we are not a serious country. We are an insurance plan and company masquerading as a country. For years I have heard the electorate doesn't want money spent on defence, and that is true. But more so they don't want to even think about defence. In the end they want defence to be like the fire dept. there when you need them but no more thought or energy put to it. This where leadership is needed, to make teh hard calls, tell and inform people that yes we would like spend everything on healthcare but there is a real world out there.

In the end spending more on defence will not get them one more vote but it won't lose them one either.
They absolutely are not thinking beyond the fact that Bombardier has employees in Toronto and Montreal.

It could be selling pineapples, for all they care.

And don't forget Ottawa at GD.

Putting aside that I think it's dumb not to buy the Boeing. Would there be any advantages from using the GD mission system upgraded and added to from Cyclone?

And don't forget Ottawa at GD.

Putting aside that I think it's dumb not to buy the Boeing. Would there be any advantages from using the GD mission system upgraded and added to from Cyclone?

The MH IMS isn’t suitable for LRP.

When I say IMS, I mean Integrated Mission System. The sensors, and softwares etc. the whole sha-bang.

The CH-148 IMS isn’t exactly the benchmark to aim for. No offense to the MH community.

I would also not want the Block 4 Aurora IMS et al installed into a P-8.

The MH IMS isn’t suitable for LRP.

When I say IMS, I mean Integrated Mission System. The sensors, and softwares etc. the whole sha-bang.

The CH-148 IMS isn’t exactly the benchmark to aim for. No offense to the MH community.

I would also not want the Block 4 Aurora IMS et al installed into a P-8.
None taken. I would not say it has been a raging success…
Real push from Ford and that Quebec guy to have an open competition to "replace the jets". I don't think they know what they're talking about or realize that Bombardier doesn't have a physical aircraft for a competition.
Is it a "real push", or politicians doing smart politics?

Ford and Legault will make enough noise to not appear bad in key ridings, but they won't push too hard. I suspect neither of them cares one way or the other who builds the new MPAs, they just don't want to be seen to be not looking out for local workers.
Is it a "real push", or politicians doing smart politics?

Ford and Legault will make enough noise to not appear bad in key ridings, but they won't push too hard. I suspect neither of them cares one way or the other who builds the new MPAs, they just don't want to be seen to be not looking out for local workers.
I would say the latter, at least in Ford's case. He's not due for re-election anytime soon.

After thinking about it a bit, I don't really begrudge the Premiers doing this. Of course they will want to push looking for their constituents - any Premier would if they had electorate affected.

But doing it now just looks like they're parroting Bombardier's lines.

The aircraft will host General Dynamics’ best-in-class integrated mission systems, drawing directly from Canada’s investment in the newly modernized CP140 Block IV and CH-148 Cyclone. This operationally proven Canadian design forms the basis for the iterative and low risk integration of modernized sensors and systems enabling Canada to leap even further ahead of peers and adversaries alike. This future-proof foundation will also ensure continued operational relevance, responding to Canada’s emergent needs through the middle of this century.
I think at this point, Bombardier is grasping at straws.

They didn't bid initially, the
P-8 is an actual plane and blows their concepts out of the water, and Bombardier banked on the "Canadian" aspect; in which the GoC didn't bite.

No amount of after the fact support from the provinces is going to change that Bombardier was the Grasshopper to Boeing's Ant.
I would say the latter, at least in Ford's case. He's not due for re-election anytime soon.

After thinking about it a bit, I don't really begrudge the Premiers doing this. Of course they will want to push looking for their constituents - any Premier would if they had electorate affected.

But doing it now just looks like they're parroting Bombardier's lines.
A smart politician (lol) would say "The P8 is the right platform to work with our allies, but the federal government business jet fleet is a climate change dinosaur and I recommend that the government initiate a process to replace the fleet with the modern and more climate friendly aircraft that Bombardier produces right here in Canada.

I think my meds have kicked in as I typed this.