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Chinese Military,Political and Social Superthread

So, for two years the PMO knew China was threatening a member of parliament because of how they voted on an issue…. And did nothing, not even expel the Chinese diplomat leading the threat campaign.

Trudeau should resign in disgrace and the rest of the LPC should be voted out so badly they lose party status. The entire deck needs to be swept clean. None of that will happen though, next election Trudeau will win a minority government with help from the CCP because Canada will do nothing but bend over and take it.

Nothing about how vast sections of the Team Trudeau party’s fundraising and candidate-selection base have become indistinguishable from the Canadian arms of Beijing’s United Front Work Department and its Overseas Chinese Affairs Office, but that’s not the sort of thing Trudeau’s Liberals will want to talk about openly.

The big story this week is about another report from the Canadian Security and Intelligence Service that Bob Fife and Steve Chase got a hold of over at the Globe: China views Canada as a ‘high priority’ for interference: CSIS report. It’s a damning indictment of the Trudeau Liberals’ purposeful indifference to Beijing’s palm-greasing and strong-arming operations in Canada (which, strangely, are almost always put to the benefit of the Trudeau government).

The bombshell in the Fife-Chase story involves the Conservative MP Michael Chong, a stalwart defender of Chinese pro-democracy activists and the Hong Kong diaspora in Canada who has also backed stern measures responding to Beijing’s industrial-scale persecution and internment of the minority Muslim Uyghur people of of Xinjiang.

The nine-page CSIS report, dated July 20, 2021, notes that a Chinese Ministry of State Security official credentialled as a Chinese diplomat in Canada had sought to put pressure on an unnamed Canadian MP’s relatives “who may be located in the PRC, for further potential sanctions.” The CSIS report said this was “almost certainly meant to make an example of this MP and deter others from taking anti-PRC positions.”

Chong has been sanctioned by Beijing, and Chong has family in Hong Kong, and a national security source confirmed that the unnamed MP in the report is indeed Michael Chong.

If the latest CSIS report in the Globe sounds familiar, here’s a piece I wrote three years ago: Who do Chinese diplomats think they are, threatening Canadians this way?And here’s Sam Cooper at Global News from 2019: Why CSIS thinks Canada is a ‘permissive target’ for China’s interference. That was about a report from National Intelligence and Security Committee of Parliamentarians (NISCOP) which found that Canada had become an “attractive and permissive target” for Beijing’s overseas operations, and that those operations target the “foundations of our fundamental institutions, including our system of democracy itself.”

Why such a “permissive” target? Because the Beijing regime had won the support of influential Canadians with carrots and sticks, and public attention to the crisis was “almost non-existent,” the NSICOP report asserted. The report was just one of several over five years that the Trudeau government totally ignored and didn’t even bother responding to, NSICOP complained last year (See: Changing the Subject, Burying the Story).

And of course it’s NISCOP Trudeau tells us will look into the recent revelations of Beijing’s election-interference operations. So good luck this time around, NISCOP! He’s handed all questions about the election-interference scandals to another old China hand, the former Governor-General David Johnston, who has spent a half-century helping Beijing in its efforts to pull Canada into its orbit.

And what of that Chinese Ministry of State Security official masquerading as a diplomat in the latest Globe story? It’s a spy by the name of Zhao Wei. Such friends in high places he has!

A variety of Team Trudeau bigshots have been enjoying Zhao’s company all this time, at all manner of banquets and luncheons and commemorations. As in International Trade Minister Mary Ng, Liberal MPs Geng Tan, Han Dong (now sitting it out as an independent MP while his back-channel liaisons with Beijing’s emissaries are explained away), Majid Jowhari, Shawn Chen, and even the hapless Ontario Conservative MPP Vincent Ke (also sitting it out as an independent for now, having been implicated in the same backstairs election-interference operation that has complicated things for Dong).

Anyway, this is all just gross. Chong is about as upstanding an MP as you’ll meet on the Hill, and he’s furious that the Trudeau government appears to have been sitting on this powder keg for two years and nobody bothered to tell him. The prime minister says he’ll have his “officials” look into it.

It just never ends. Beijing’s bullying and intimidation and strongarming in Canada have been researched and documented ad nauseum, to no noticeable effect. Here’s an exhaustive report, last updated three years ago: Harassment and Intimidation of Individuals in Canada Working on China-Related Human Rights Concerns. Here’s just one case I wrote about five years ago: How China's dictatorship reached a student in Vancouver.

Speaking of officials looking into things, Morris Rosenberg was assigned to look into foreign interference in the 2021 federal elections and gave the process a clean bill of health. This is the same Morris Rosenberg, a former Trudeau Foundation luminary, who is appearing before the House Ethics Committee today. Rosenberg will be answering questions about the $140,000 dirty-money donation from a Chinese billionaire and regime operative that was part of an influence operation aimed at Prime Minister Justin Trudeau himself.

And on Wednesday, the insufferable celebrity documentarist, China enthusiast and vanity memoirist Alexandre Trudeau, Justin’s brother, will appear before the same committee to explain why he arranged the donation. Perhaps he’ll have some insight into why almost everyone on the Pierre Elliott Trudeau Foundation board has resigned in embarrassment and disgust over the foundation’s conduct, which included monkeying around with tax receipts to hide who was really behind the money.

I am absolutely infuriated that no “diplomats” from the PRC have been turfed yet.
I’m still waiting for the band of Trudeau apologists who pick fly shit out of pepper to come running with gems like “but PP’s face is punchable” while ignoring Trudeau’s absolute malfeasance.
I’m still waiting for the band of Trudeau apologists who pick fly shit out of pepper to come running with gems like “but PP’s face is punchable” while ignoring Trudeau’s absolute malfeasance.
I and a lot of people sees JT and PP and the two different side of the same coin. That's what people not wanting to change anything. I and most people hates arrogant leader.
I and a lot of people sees JT and PP and the two different side of the same coin. That's what people not wanting to change anything. I and most people hates arrogant leader.

That is a very simple view. If you wanted to provide a basis for that view you would list the scandals and malfeasance from PP that mirrors JT's extensive list. This was asked before on this forum and seems to be an impossible task. "He's arrogant" is not remotely in the ballpark.
That is a very simple view. If you wanted to provide a basis for that view you would list the scandals and malfeasance from PP that mirrors JT's extensive list. This was asked before on this forum and seems to be an impossible task. "He's arrogant" is not remotely in the ballpark.
It's not about scandals. I'm 100% sure PP is unable to have 10% of JT scandals even if he tries, really really hard.

It's all about the way he is communicating. After the JT era, we don't need another incisive PM. I will admit that he's better now then he was 1 year ago. Still not looking as a PM yet. Being a conservative is hard enough in this country, a CPC leader must show another style and convince that there's other way to be a PM, so people can rally under him. Right now, I don't feel the love he needed.

I understand that he must show Canadian JT fault (that's easy), but we are in a minority government, technically, it can fall next week. What will do a CPC Government on any of those issue? We have an idea but we dont known yet.

So yes, for all different reasons, I think is Just noT ready. We all sees what happen when this is happening.
So now the PM denies knowing anything about a Conservative MP and his family being threatened by Chinese thugs - and thuggery is what this is.

IF I were the PM - to the heads of CSIS, RCMP and the CAF (support role only) - find out who is doing this and arrest them. My government will support you in this. AND if we break any ChiCom sensitivities - too effing bad.
I'm not sure if his brother did him any favours...

Trudeau Foundation not used for foreign interference, PM's brother tells MPs​

PM's brother testified to stop misinformation​

It sounds like when my older kids try to get the 5 year old to cover for them and they let slip their true intentions:

"Daddy, we definitely weren't eating ice cream sandwiches, but I was wondering if we could have ice cream sandwiches... because we definitely didn't eat them already... like my older brother told me to say..."