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Canadian AFG War "Resister"

tasop_999 said:
Kudos to everyone here for doing their due diligence.
Due diligence indeed. Funny how the Army.ca folks outted this poser right from the get go with their due diligence; and Ruxted.ca released an excellent article exposing this guy and stating the facts.

I really enjoy how his story is now evolving. Yet, isn't that what they say about telling lies? You find yourself getting tangled up on some little 'non-compliant' detail and end up embellishing your story even more trying to cover up that lie. In this case his insertion of more "facts" and embellishments straight from his own mouth, most certainly by giving the "before 2009" statement on the air, confirm exactly what we have been saying from the beginning. This guy is POSING as an Afghanistan War Resister, and he can't even get that right.
It ceratinly is amazing how resilient the guy is; he's been shown to be a poseur repeatedly and he's still milking his "war resister" status.  It doesn't reassure me that a mainstream network is still parading this guy out for interviews.  Then they wonder why viewership is declining >:(
HDE said:
Then they wonder why viewership is declining >:(

Main stream media's viewership is declining?  This is the first I've heard of it.  I know that a larger pool of viewers is being split between more and more news channels... that's why they are now so focused on what gets eyeballs in place of real news. A brief summary of the news then photo ops of celebs insted of a detailed explanation of the issues. I hate tabloid journalism,  I find it vexing. 

I don't think we can count on the National doing an hour long special on the guy,  outing him for giving misleading statements about his position and career path. So it is up to us to get the word out.  When he comes up in conversation,  listen politely and then rattel off the facts.  1) officer cadet is an untrained recruit, many officer cadets haven't done boot camp yet. 2) he joined after we had sent troops to Afghanistan. (I'm only 95% sure on that - If I am wrong correct me please) 3) As a reservist he would not only have to ask to go,  he would have to ask nicely to go and then he would only be sent if there was a spot available - and someone more qualified didn't want it. ... there are many more points,  those are usually the ones you need to use before people start looking closely at the guy.

Oh and since it has been a few pages since I've said this,  this guy rubs me the wrong way. (I have posed a few rather rough postings earlier in this thread)  I no longer actively dislike him.... I still question both his actions and the intentions behind them.  It want to see the good in him.  I'll leave it as a personal failing that I don't. ... Wait,  he has nice hair.  There he isn't all bad he has nice hair. Yes indeed,  a wonderfull hair cut.

I want hair like that,  but I think I'll stick with my "crew-cut" - it fits nicely under the beret.

(Yes the nice hair was a mocking reference to those who mocked Ambrose for her hair - I think it is the new fashion to belittle someone when you've run out of things to say by praising their hair http://www.canada.com/nationalpost/news/story.html?id=2a454c2d-7827-419f-a17a-85a4f026254e&k=68539 )
I'd like to think the media would apologe for misleading the public with false information but, you know, I'd also like to think monkeys MIGHT actually fly out of my butt one day....
OK...I'll try again to sum this up. In 13 pages, Francisco Juarez has been referred to as: shyster, scum, coward, spineless, gutless, full of crap, turd, and (a personal favourite), a fat, lying sack of shit.

His lies have been more rationally exposed:

Referrence has been made to a Ruxted Group commentary on him:

And we've heard:
the guy is a pos and we shouldn't even waste time talking about him.
His 15 minutes are over. Please give it up.
...drop this clown and stop wasting our time commenting on his activities
His 15 minutes were up 2 years ago

So why don't we all take a deep breath.....and back away from the keyboard. There is an overwhelming amount of evidence here should the media wish to correct their portrayal of Juarez as anything but what he truly is. That they choose not to will not be changed by dragging this thread out to a new army.ca record.

Let it go.

Oh, and Patrick,
Patrick H. said:
I'd also like to think monkeys MIGHT actually fly out of my butt one day....
[size=10pt] It's not nearly as much fun as it seems in the movies. Let that one go too.

Journeyman has an excellent point. +10

... you mean, the movies aren't real??  :'(
OK, so I was in Gagetown this summer on the same CAP serial as this guy this summer. I was in the other platoon and didn't know him except to see him wandering around looking confused once in a while. Funny thing, I didn't even hear about this until I got home. Maybe I'm slow or was just obsorbed with passing my course and focussing on helping those in my section/platoon pass. (like my friend who explained to the commandant, why she should get to stay on course despite her broken foot)

But anyways, I digress. Here are my two cents on this whole thread:

-He quits the army because he strongly opposes the war
-He was going to volunteer to go
-He refused to participate because he didn't want to go

So, if the decision maker surrounding his potential deployment was himself, is he then protesting.....wait for it.....himself?

I want to protest myself too. What don't I like about me? I've got to think hard about this...
Groomed to be an officer? His head must of hurt  if he was being groomed ! HTF do you groom an officer ?

To bad you can't shoot deserters  and cowards anymore. He should have been shot.
Dodger1967 said:
Groomed to be an officer? His head must of hurt  if he was being groomed ! HTF do you groom an officer ?

To bad you can't shoot deserters  and cowards anymore. He should have been shot.

He is (opr was) a reservist. He had no obligation to serve in Afghanistan or elsewhere outside of Canada without an order in council to call out the reserves and that has not happened since 1939

He was failing his course, he asked his instructors to give him a "return to mama" err unit......

There was no desertion, he has not done anything that warrants the term "coward" or do you know something we don't?

Dodger1967 said:
Groomed to be an officer? His head must of hurt  if he was being groomed ! HTF do you groom an officer ?

:rofl:  (This is a joke - I mean it as a joke, please take it as such ;D)

Grooming an officer. Well first you fix his damm poofy beret.  Get the lint off and form it right. then you show him how the sleeves are supposed to look when rolled up ... and then do it for him.  Do up the his buttons, and fix the pockets.  Show him how to hide those strings.... no just take the bottom one out altogether.  Make sure his belt isn't still its original 9 feet in length (cut it) and shoe him where to but his Gerber on his belt so he doesn't jab himself sitting down.  After showing him how to use those handy dandy boot bands and tuck in his sand traps into his boot (which you polished) you do the most important thing you have him repeat over and over "What do you think Sergent, What an insightfull idea Sergent."  (Of course replace with the appropriate rank for his situation)  You then of course give him a sugar cube or diet coke and say "Pretty officer,  goooood officer".

    You know that reminds me,  I need to fix my beret, roll down my sleeves, polish my boots and study for the course I'm on. (I'm going to go get a diet coke now)
A while ago, Phill Alt posted Mr. Juarez' speech on his blog.  I commented.  To Mr. Alt's credit, he posted my comment in its entirety and unedited.

Here is the link:
Captain Scarlet said:
A while ago, Phill Alt posted Mr. Juarez' speech on his blog.  I commented.  To Mr. Alt's credit, he posted my comment in its entirety and unedited.

Here is the link:

SPLAT!!!  ;D

sliced, diced and dumped!
Captain Scarlet said:
A while ago, Phill Alt posted Mr. Juarez' speech on his blog.  I commented.  To Mr. Alt's credit, he posted my comment in its entirety and unedited.

Here is the link:

And I see it seemed to put an end to the discussion.  We will have to keep an eye on it to see if some of Mr Juarez' sympathizers attempt a response.
Excellent reply....kinda shoots all kinds of holes in his arguements...nice  ;D
Thanks :D

I knew that my philosophy classes would come in handy one day (not the "why are we here" crap classes, but the critical thinking, etc).  My intent was to use his own words against him, some of which came just a few sentences prior.  It was blatantly obvious to me that most of what he said didn't make sense.  So, I just illustrated, allowing him but three strikes :D
I think the greatest flaw in his argument is the fact that he was a reservist.  Reservists are not required to go on tour unless they volunteer for it, so we have to ask, was this guy even part of the army at all.  He seems rather clueless.
Journeyman: Link!


he was "REG" navy.  Don't try to pin this POS on the Res