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CAF Combat boots policy 2005-2018

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Loachman said:
Unsatisfactory. How do they expect one to open one's wine without losing half of the contents of the bottle with the corkscrew in that location? Are we supposed to become contortionists now?

Haha!! Spoken like a TRUE air force officer!

Maybe we should commission a committee for some research initiative on the merits of moving said corkscrew to a more amicable area. Or change the way wine bottles are corked... we could all get together at the Marriott in Jamaica for a week of round-table discussion and break-out problem solving... should only take 12 days or so...

We will emerge victorious with a shiny, new redesigned... tac vest?
Tcm621 said:
Maybe I'm just getting old but what is wrong with black?

Black doesn't conform to the AR (tan) combats we wear... one of the reasons we are supposed to be moving to a tan boot was to alleviate the need for another issued set to go overseas with - one boot all occasions (in theory)... Count your lucky stars we never rolled out that silly CADPAT boot!
Loachman said:
I am SO not that.

Do you think that they are the only ones who drink?

The only ones who drink like girls! Hey Loach - tell me... have you ever been "iced"?
Iced? Like a cake?

That's a bit of a personal question, methinks.
BinRat55 said:
Black doesn't conform to the AR (tan) combats we wear... one of the reasons we are supposed to be moving to a tan boot was to alleviate the need for another issued set to go overseas with - one boot all occasions (in theory)... Count your lucky stars we never rolled out that silly CADPAT boot!
The AR combats are worn a fraction of the time. And aren't we getting brown and tan boots?

Regardless, it is probably just me getting old and wanting the "good" old days.
Loachman said:
Iced? Like a cake?

That's a bit of a personal question, methinks.

Lol!! Iced is when you are handed a Smirnov Ice. As an officer AND a gentleman, you HAVE to drink it. Iced.

Cake. Now THAT'S a true AF Officer thing!!
Tcm621 said:
The AR combats are worn a fraction of the time. And aren't we getting brown and tan boots?

Regardless, it is probably just me getting old and wanting the "good" old days.

Nope. No brown boots. Well, I guess they do look kinda brown.... but the premis remains. We don't have to get yet another type of boot JUST for operations. One man one boot!
BinRat55 said:
Lol!! Iced is when you are handed a Smirnov Ice. As an officer AND a gentleman, you HAVE to drink it. Iced.

I have no idea what a Smirnoff Ice is, but I do not care for diluted drinks.

And fucking stop fucking calling me fucking a** f**ce fuck.
BinRat55 said:
Lol!! Iced is when you are handed a Smirnov Ice. As an officer AND a gentleman, you HAVE to drink it. Iced.

Cake. Now THAT'S a true AF Officer thing!!

As a Naval Officer, I take offence. Cake (i.e. "duff"), is most definitely a Navy thing.
Loachman said:
I have no idea what a Smirnoff Ice is, but I do not care for diluted drinks.

This is why "Icing" an officer is so much fun. I actually had the privilege of sending a bottle of the stuff to a certain Col VIA Griffon supply drop on an ex one time. The caveat is once you have been iced, you have to snap a selfie while downing the sludge - proof for all the other officers involved in the prank!

Loachman said:
And ******* stop ******* calling me ******* a** f**ce frig.

If it walks like a duck, talks like a duck and checks into a hotel on ex and complains about room service, it MUST be an Air Force officer!!

Loach you're fun to play with. We should have a Smirnoff sometime!!
Lumber said:
As a Naval Officer, I take offence. Cake (i.e. "duff"), is most definitely a Navy thing.

Yes it is. I think Loachman is in the closet about which element he actually is!
Lumber said:
As a Naval Officer, I take offence. Cake (i.e. "duff"), is most definitely a Navy thing.

Would that be where us Brown Jobs came up with the term "NO DUFF" due to having to lift some heavy duff eating member of the Senior Service up after they had fallen and could not get up?    >:D

Were I you, I would be very careful about pushing Loachman much further.

Might I remind you that nowadays, both Griffons and Chinooks are packing ... and he knows where you live! Just sayin'  ::)
Harris said:
Received my first pair of LOTB Thur.  Refused the zippered version and received the other style.

I just threw out a pair of Rocky S2Vs. I've had them since 2009 and worn them pretty much consistently, including over some really shitty terrain.

I haven't got the LOTB issued yet but speaking to soldiers that have they're having their boots rip and blow out after 2 weeks of garrison use. 
Oldgateboatdriver said:

Were I you, I would be very careful about pushing Loachman much further.

Might I remind you that nowadays, both Griffons and Chinooks are packing ... and he knows where you live! Just sayin'  ::)

I would hope by now he knows my dry ARMY sense of humor. Not to dispair - I give ALL officers a hard time regardless of element (some are just easier than others..) That's what we crusty old WOs do!

Now about those Griffons and Chinooks... does he happen to have my old address? Where my ex lives? Curious...
I don't, but I'd still meet you for drinks. Nothing diluted, and no selfies - I have a very low opinion of the self-important twits addicted to that ridiculosity.
Loachman said:
I don't, but I'd still meet you for drinks. Nothing diluted, and no selfies - I have a very low opinion of the self-important twits addicted to that ridiculosity.

So nothing like a long, steep bank over the Parliament buildings with duck lips out?

I'd definitely meet you for drinks. I'm a Jack guy. Just Jack. Hold the pouty self love in perpetuity.
Tequila.  8)

Back to boots ... because this thread (yet another boot thread) really could be merged with the "The Stuff the Army Issues is Useless" thread ...
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