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Battlestar Galactica (Beware....Possible SPOILERS! read at your own risk)

Who is most likely a Cylon ?

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BYT Driver said:
But to Frakking wait until next january is... is... distrubing.


That's not disturbing! Look at the link below to see something REALLY DISTURBING!!! (Best Quark Voice)


Another one for you, Hu-Mon!

"Damn it feels good to be a Cylon... there aint no earth anyways motherfrackers, peace"  ::)
Moderator Warning

I do not frequent this thread, and it may indeed be located in Radio Chatter, but keep the crap out of it...lest it be locked.

The Librarian
Army.ca Staff

Edited to add...ie the crap I just deleted from it.
Oh c'mon! Those were comments directly related to the topic, and quotes taken directly from BSG bloopers.
Even the blooper links were removed  ???
I wonder if BSG's military technical advisors were ex-CF or ex-US military? Someone pointed out the use of old CF equipment at the beginning of the 2nd half of the 3rd season, which began last January (2007).  ???

And, correct me if I'm wrong, but aren't the greenish work uniforms of some of the enlisted servicemen/"NCMs"/noncoms on the ship similar to the old No.4 Base or Garrison Dress used by the Canadian Army that were phased out before CADPATs were introduced?

Well many of the terms they use such as "CAG" (Commander, Air Group) and  "Gunny" are obviously taken from US military usage.

Then, in the episode where Starbuck "dies" in the gas planet's atmosphere, Admiral Adama said "stop the UNREP" when they told the Tylium refuelling ship to cut its link to Galactica; I suppose that's a reference to the "Refuel At Sea" both Marcom and the USN use.

Maybe they borrowed some of the advisors from the "Stargate SG-1" series set? Hehehe...after all, aren't both filmed in Vancouver?

Oh well...why am I even exploring these details? Never mind... the geek goes back in his lane...

sober_ruski said:
Oh c'mon! Those were comments directly related to the topic, and quotes taken directly from BSG bloopers.
Even the blooper links were removed  ???

Yes, even the blooper links were removed.

Gentlemen, I don't frequent this thread but 12 and 13 year old cadets do; it is the Battle Star Galactica thread after all. Your BSG porn reference Bloopers don't bother me at all...but face it, what we don't need is 12 and 13 year old (even if it is radio chatter) hearing refs to RJ et al from us here at this site.

If you don't understand that reasoning (which is mine), take it up with the site owner at army@army.ca

The Librarian
Army.ca Staff
Librarian, all you need to do is watch the show and many references are made to "free use and will".  In many scenes, the charactor Baltar is seen in bed with two naked Cylons, Six (or Caprica) and De'anna.  Many times throughout the show, crewmembers {officers and NCMS's} are shown sneaking off into a "tool locker" for a little bit of private time. 
I can see you point about any "pornographic" references and the comments being made here, but all any 13-14 year old has to do is watch tv.
And no, it's not right for us to propagate tv.
Regards, BYTD
BYT Driver said:
Librarian, all you need to do is watch the show and many references are made to "free use and will".  In many scenes, the charactor Baltar is seen in bed with two naked Cylons, Six (or Caprica) and De'anna.  Many times throughout the show, crewmembers {officers and NCMS's} are shown sneaking off into a "tool locker" for a little bit of private time. 
I can see you point about any "pornographic" references and the comments being made here, but all any 13-14 year old has to do is watch tv.
And no, it's not right for us to propagate tv.
Regards, BYTD

Hmmm interesting,

While some refs are made in the TV show itself that 12 - 13 year olds are privvy to...

Remember that the ones I've deleted were considered "porn bloopers" for a reason and thus were not aired on the show...for a reason. The producers chose to remove them from the show that ended up being aired before those 12 - 13 year olds.

I'm not a prude, don't mistake me for one.

Problems with me removing them from this thread?

Like I said below:

Site Owner:

The Librarian said:
Hmmm interesting,

While some refs are made in the TV show itself that 12 - 13 year olds are privvy to...

Remember that the ones I've deleted were considered "porn bloopers" for a reason and thus were not aired on the show...for a reason. The producers chose to remove them from the show that ended up being aired before those 12 - 13 year olds.

I'm not a prude, don't mistake me for one.

Problems with me removing them from this thread?

Like I said below:

Site Owner:

Vern on the warpath  ;D

CougarShark said:
I wonder if BSG's military technical advisors were ex-CF or ex-US military? Someone pointed out the use of old CF equipment at the beginning of the 2nd half of the 3rd season, which began last January (2007).   ???

And, correct me if I'm wrong, but aren't the greenish work uniforms of some of the enlisted servicemen/"NCMs"/noncoms on the ship similar to the old No.4 Base or Garrison Dress used by the Canadian Army that were phased out before CADPATs were introduced?

Well many of the terms they use such as "CAG" (Commander, Air Group) and  "Gunny" are obviously taken from US military usage.

Then, in the episode where Starbuck "dies" in the gas planet's atmosphere, Admiral Adama said "stop the UNREP" when they told the Tylium refuelling ship to cut its link to Galactica; I suppose that's a reference to the "Refuel At Sea" both Marcom and the USN use.

Maybe they borrowed some of the advisors from the "Stargate SG-1" series set? Hehehe...after all, aren't both filmed in Vancouver?

Oh well...why am I even exploring these details? Never mind... the geek goes back in his lane...

You will notice the space marines from the other battle star were carrying Berreta Storms for awhile. I guess all the P90's were in use by SG1
Nfld Sapper said:
Vern on the warpath  ;D

Just an aside note, Vern has some supporters in her opinions on this.  Kids DO frequent this thread.  I have kids.  I'd be very uncomfortable knowing they were reading what has been said here.

That being said, maybe we don't have to turn this into a "Leave it to Beaver" (no puns please!) discussion, but it might be smarter if we all thought about what we post before we post it.  It's the internet - it's public - and even though this is unofficial, stupid stuff is going to reflect badly on the CF.

But those are only my two cubits.  Back to the regularly scheduled geekness.  ;D
Ok not to turn this into a mod dogpile, nor does my fellow D/S need me to watch her six, but my two cents worth.

I do lurk in this thread because I like the show (sue me I’m a middle aed geek, it’s one if the few vices left o me).

Yeah the show is a bit risqué, and yeah the average 13 year old that’s the least bit computer literate has access to a lot more graphic material than the innuendos that were deleted.

However this site decided a long time ago on a certain content standard and that is what is being enforced here, plain and simple. Yes you can access all sorts of wild and wonderful things in cyber space, however just not from army.ca. The site’s name is that army.ca not eroticfanfictionforgeeks,ca. Those who have issues with that have been given an option as noted above. There is also anotehr option open to you...go somewhere else if you're not happy here.

Here endeth the lesson.
I shall stand corrected and in future watch what I post.
This show, and many others, reflects how steadily creeping over some lines our overall social values are becoming.  Whereas "Leave it to Beaver" was a great example of family values to the networks.
My 0.02 worth.
Thanks Mods for keeping us on the striaght and decent.
To get back on topic, I am suffering a bit of confusion about Tigh being a Cylon.  I thought anyone who had fought in the first Cylon war could not be a Cylon and Tigh fought in that war, he even referenced it in this episode
xena said:
Just an aside note, Vern has some supporters in her opinions on this.  Kids DO frequent this thread.  I have kids.  I'd be very uncomfortable knowing they were reading what has been said here.

That being said, maybe we don't have to turn this into a "Leave it to Beaver" (no puns please!) discussion, but it might be smarter if we all thought about what we post before we post it.  It's the internet - it's public - and even though this is unofficial, stupid stuff is going to reflect badly on the CF.

But those are only my two cubits.  Back to the regularly scheduled geekness.  ;D

Xena I was supporting Vern, I guess you missed my big grining teeth smile ;D
Yes, I did notice that, and I was in perfect agreement with both of you.  I just thought I might chime in with my two bits.  I was quoting you WRT some of the more questionable posts, not in opposition

Sorry if you thought I disagreed with you.  Timmy's hasn't kicked in fully yet - I might have phrased things wrong.

Tyrol only mentioned said "that's it then, we're Cylons"  Giving everyone the inkling that they are.  They probably are not, just some Jedi Mind Trick on the Resistors. The story went one way and the actual story will go the other.  I don't THINK they are, the writers only want YOU to think they are and come back next season.

They are Fracking with our minds to make us watch more...more...more...Battlestar Galactica is # 1...repeat after me...Batt....