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Battlestar Galactica (Beware....Possible SPOILERS! read at your own risk)

Who is most likely a Cylon ?

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xena said:
Yes, I did notice that, and I was in perfect agreement with both of you.  I just thought I might chime in with my two bits.  I was quoting you WRT some of the more questionable posts, not in opposition

Sorry if you thought I disagreed with you.  Timmy's hasn't kicked in fully yet - I might have phrased things wrong.


LOL no problem

No... they're cylons....

Just GOOD cylons.  Apparently some sites are
saying some cylons broke away from the others.

I guess these are the five good ones.

Just to completely throw a wrench into this, lets look back at the pic of the final five from earlier in the season.  The one on the left I would say is definately the chief but there isn't one that remotely looks like Tigh and certainly now black female
Colin P said:
Maybe the writers are on crack and don't know what's happening next....
+1, agreed!
davidhmd said:
I would say red herrings all of them... quite possibly crew members who had to throw on white robes for the shot.
Storylines and plots of misdirection.  Do you feel that hook in your cheek yet?    8)

Pinky--soon, we will have ALL the sci-fi fans and take over the world!
rmacqueen said:
Just to completely throw a wrench into this, lets look back at the pic of the final five from earlier in the season.  The one on the left I would say is definately the chief but there isn't one that remotely looks like Tigh and certainly now black female

Actually the director only told the four of them (new cylons) that they were going to be cylons just before the episode was shot. Everyone was pretty accepting except the Cheif....

Has anyone made the link with Mr Lahey and Col Tigh yet....seperated at birth or what.....

Rejoice my fellow geeks and nerds!
resurection (of a thread) .... for a lil' stripe...

I think we've all agreed that Captain Kirk's ego alone could destroy the Galactica and the Star Destroyer without one phaser volley.

Or maybe they would be destroyed by what happens when he takes off the girdle, I don't know.
The only way Captain Kirk could outdo the Galactica or a Star Destroyer is to...
It almost worked on you, didn't it?
Assimulating Earth, one Idiot at a time.  
Captain Kirk would do well, of course, but consider that Mr. T and Chuck Norris once both walked into a bar at the same time and it was instantly vapourised by the overwhelming presence of awesome.  Add Captain Kirk to the mix, and the Borg could align with the Cylons and they still wouldn't have a chance!
Nah.  I think I'll sell out to the Cylons like Baltar did.  Seemed to work out just fine for him.
Captain Kirk would do well, of course, but consider that Mr. T and Chuck Norris once both walked into a bar at the same time and it was instantly vapourised by the overwhelming presence of awesome.  Add Captain Kirk to the mix, and the Borg could align with the Cylons and they still wouldn't have a chance!

I almost wet myself, when i read this, i'm still laughing so hard i can't catch my breath and my dog is staring at me like i'm retarded;D ;D

"Capatin S", you do have a way with words ;D
'Battlestar' ending after next season


LOS ANGELES, California (Hollywood Reporter) -- The upcoming fourth season of Sci Fi Channel's "Battlestar Galactica"
will be its final one after all.

After months of speculation, the show's producers are set to make the announcement at a press conference Friday.

Ending "Battlestar" with the upcoming 22-episode fourth season was a creative decision made by the hit show's executive producers
Ronald Moore and David Eick.

"This show was always meant to have a beginning, a middle and, finally, an end," Eick and Moore said in a statement Thursday.
"Over the course of the last year, the story and the characters have been moving strongly toward that end, and we've decided
to listen to those internal voices and conclude the show on our own terms. And while we know our fans will be saddened to know
the end is coming, they should brace themselves for a wild ride getting there -- we're going out with a bang."

The fourth and final season of "Galactica" will kick off in November with "Razor," an extended two-hour episode, with the rest
of the season slated to run beginning in early 2008.
Why do all the shows I watch (That are new) seem to be canceled every time? Oh well, I hope they do it right.
zipperhead_cop said:
Nah.  I think I'll sell out to the Cylons like Baltar did.  Seemed to work out just fine for him.

With offers like that to come to the "dark side"..."resistance is futile"..    :D
Remember Space: Above and Beyond

Did we see the wrap up of the series....?  NO!
It got canceled. 

I'd rather they finish a series then drag it on until.. whoops
not enough viewers.... Cancel.

I think they're making a good decision here.

AND there is a Cylon spin off right? So it's not that
we are without our fix.
As long as they don't end it with Ewoks Jar Jars and a really whiny main character.

Anyone see Robot Chicken when they did the Empire Strikes Back Scene.
