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Battlestar Galactica (Beware....Possible SPOILERS! read at your own risk)

Who is most likely a Cylon ?

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It was also announced that the finale will run an additional 5 mins in length, so set your recording devices to reflect the extra time.  http://forums.scifi.com/index.php?s=b16cdc0286dab5b88d36d1d661abc596&showtopic=2266869

Trinity said:
OMG.... you mean  BENDER is one of the five?


I'm guessing Hotdog is one of the five. Hehehe...

Or we'll be really surprised and see Dubya Bush pull down his hood in the FINAL FINAL EPISODE...


Or maybe even Michael Moore...then he explodes as he did in the "Team America" movie and thousands of hotdogs rain down on Earth...

On another note, perhaps BSG should have a "Musical Episode" like "Buffy the Vampire Slayer" the series had once...

I'd be nice to see thousands of Number Sixes and Boomers go boogie in the Galactica's hangar deck...

And speaking of freaking on a carrier flight deck...


Hmmm, Hotdog as a Cylon??!!
Why not, he's Almos' son in real life.  We'll never know in one episode who's the 5.  I can see Saul, and Calen, maybe Kara {she's too freaky for my books} maybe Hotdog and Sam's new squeeze {forgot her name, you know, that one -->}
Oh, and Cougarking, I think you've been watching too many late night adult channels.  pffft....Six and Athena doing rockette dancing...hold it, that's not a bad idea...it would certainly get the ratings up with the male-14 crowd   :D

:cheers: Oh and welcome to day 14.  I am not an addict!!!    :o
BYT Driver said:
:cheers: Oh and welcome to day 14.  I am not an addict!!!    :o


What addiction are you talking about? If you're about a BSG addiction (Hehe), you'll NEVER BE CURED!!!



Just watched the finale tonight!

Whoa! To those who guessed Starbuck, the Chief, Col. Tigh, Enders and that girl who was the President's assistant as the FINAL FIVE, MY HAT's OFF TO YOU! YOU WON THE BET!!!!!!!!!!!  :o

Now, hopefully the Earth they find won't be filled with people in togas or won't be dancing to 80s songs- hopefully the Earth they'll find is much more advanced.
Judging by the song, I bet Earth will be more advanced. Remix of "All Along the Watch Tower" FOR THE WIN!
That episode was fracked, can't wait to see the next season.

Hope we don't here anymore of that danged music though.

Toaster frakkin' daggit! Alright, who's with me?! Baltar? Good, you're in. Anyone else? That chick who's husband died? Right.
We sympathize with the Cylons. All three of us. I might be one, you might be one, anyone could be one. Cylons are everywhere, and unfortunately, unlike bunnies and flowers, they aren't nice.  :rage:

So they are about... 50 light years from Earth? Is that thing Kara crashed into was some sort of a portal thingy or something?

ARGH!!!!! I want more!!!!! I hate them so much!
Qu'est-ce que frack?

So who's the fifth cylon of the lost five?  Or has that not been revealed yet?
I was thinking about how many kids those 4 had already had...didn't the Chief have a kid recently?

And is Pres Roslyn hearing the music due to the cylon transfusion she got, a halucination from the drugs, or is she the fifth?

Nice plot twist, if both presidents were cylons.

Inquiring minds want to know!
Ah I like a good drama, the chief, Col, the ball player and the presidents aid are all cylons, who would have thought. Great script!! As for the fifth cylon, it may be baltars lawyer, or?????

As for Kira, I think she may have stumbled onto a shortcut to earth, a wormhole or something. Problem is now with 3 baseships coming up on their butts, Adama can't fight all three, will he have to sacrifice the Galactica in order to allow the rest of the fleet to escape? The Galactic can't take much more punishment and with 3 baseships to contend with, it won't stand much of a chance.

Oh so juicy! I used to watch the original in the 70's, but it doesn't begin to due justice to this new series.  
Get everyone to the civvy ships, go on the collision course while firing nukes at the toaster ships?
Next season will start off with a big faceoff battle, but just as the shooting starts the Col will override Adamas  order and request a cease fire. These cylons are friends and  the music was a message to the final five in order to let the galactica know they were friendly.

Starbuck will only be a phantom of lee's imagination. We shall call this the Snuffolufogus affect.

We will get into the Cylon culture and how there are two camps. Extremist Cylon and moderate cylon. The moderate cylons are just making their appearance now and are actually the galactica allies. Albeit with great mistrust etc etc.

Thus opens up another chapter..... lots of back story little or no action by episode 5 we will all be bored silly again.

This is just a theory on how the next season will start off. 
retiredgrunt45 said:
Ah I like a good drama, the chief, Col, the ball player and the presidents aid are all cylons, who would have thought. Great script!! As for the fifth cylon, it may be baltars lawyer, or?????

Actually, I think Starbuck is the fifth cylon. I agree that it is a great script, I mean just when you think you have the show all figured out they throw in a great plot twist.
mover1 said:
Next season will start off with a big faceoff battle, but just as the shooting starts the Col will override Adamas  order and request a cease fire. These cylons are friends and  the music was a message to the final five in order to let the galactica know they were friendly.

Starbuck will only be a phantom of lee's imagination. We shall call this the Snuffolufogus affect.

We will get into the Cylon culture and how there are two camps. Extremist Cylon and moderate cylon. The moderate cylons are just making their appearance now and are actually the galactica allies. Albeit with great mistrust etc etc.

Thus opens up another chapter..... lots of back story little or no action by episode 5 we will all be bored silly again.

This is just a theory on how the next season will start off.   

I don't think it is extremist and moderate.  I think it is going to explore how the 5 (4?) seem to have some level of free will, while the 7 only have programming.