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Battlestar Galactica (Beware....Possible SPOILERS! read at your own risk)

Who is most likely a Cylon ?

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RWA said:
Actually, I think Starbuck is the fifth cylon. I agree that it is a great script, I mean just when you think you have the show all figured out they throw in a great plot twist.

Then why are Baltar and the President both showing up in and having shared dreams with Number Six and Sharon?
mover1 said:
Next season will start off with a big faceoff battle, but just as the shooting starts the Col will override Adamas  order and request a cease fire.

Why doesn't the battle just start off with the Galactica keeping Cylon Fleet basestars at bay while the civvy fleet jumps recharges for a jump, but suddenly, an Earth Fleet arrives out of nowhere to investigate this new instrusion they detected on their territory.

Hopefully, the flagship of this fleet will be the USS Saratoga from the "Space, Above and Beyond" Series.

If it's Star Trek ships or Stargate's USAF Daedalus, I'LL EAT MY SHIRT!!!!!  ;D
Oh yeah, like finding Earth would be a good thing for the series.  How well did that turn out in Galactica 1980?  Hmmm...?  :boring: The search for Earth has to be never ending.

Something about the journey being at least as important as the destination springs to mind.

Just my two cubits.
CougarShark said:
Why doesn't the battle just start off with the Galactica keeping Cylon Fleet basestars at bay while the civvy fleet jumps recharges for a jump, but suddenly, an Earth Fleet arrives out of nowhere to investigate this new instrusion they detected on their territory.

Hopefully, the flagship of this fleet will be the USS Saratoga from the "Space, Above and Beyond" Series.

If it's Star Trek ships or Stargate's USAF Daedalus, I'LL EAT MY SHIRT!!!!!  ;D

7 of 9 and Starbuck in a shower scene ? :P
Daedalus was destroyed!  ::) Gosh, get your facts together :)

The original must really have no clue who the final 5 are since old Sharon was screwing Chief and did not have a bloody clue. Given that she didnt have a clue she was a cylon either, it is kinda understandable. BUT, Athena aka New Sharon has memories of the old one. Sooo... argh, brain frack.
George Wallace said:
Then why are Baltar and the President both showing up in and having shared dreams with Number Six and Sharon?

The cylon blood used to cure the presidents cancer, as for Baltar being in the dreams. Who knows......Maybe some cylon blood mixed whith his whne the war started. Or he could have caught cylon aids in on of his threeway love sessions. .....
Dodger1967 said:
7 of 9 and Starbuck in a shower scene ? :P
Stop it!...Stop it!!...bad boy...been lonely too long?? Naah, how 'bout 7 of 9 AND 6?  Let's keep the number thing going.
I think you watch a bit too much Sci-fi!?

Now, we know the Four THINK they are Cylons. Only the Chief made mention of it and the rest followed along.  They don't believe it and will carry on in good order as Hu-mons. {best Quard voice}  I think the fifth one is one of Baltar's new followers, the young woman who said " we're here to save you" or something like that, when the ship went black. 
IMHO, it's just a plot varience to get in more watchers and keep the fans they already have. Kara looked a little funny when she came back, really out there.  Maybe she had been to Earth and got the WOW look.  50 or so light years away???  Come on , the series will be over by then?!
Later, BYTD
sober_ruski said:
Daedalus was destroyed!  ::) Gosh, get your facts together :)

Don't you mean the USAF Prometheus? Oh never mind...I gave up on watching the Stargate series... (Yawnn...)  ::)

Perhaps they'll post some small webisodes about Starbuck's hidden journey on the SciFi Channel website, as they did last summer about the New Caprica Resistance. Or perhaps on the Space Channel website as well? Hmm...

CougarShark said:
Don't you mean the USAF Prometheus? Oh never mind...I gave up on watching the Stargate series... (Yawnn...)  ::)

Perhaps they'll post some small webisodes about Starbuck's hidden journey on the SciFi Channel website, as they did last summer about the New Caprica Resistance. Or perhaps on the Space Channel website as well? Hmm...

I didnt finish watching the last episode... so they did manage to escape that blast thingy somehow?

Oh, and about Kara being "out there"... maybe she visited Earth, landed here in BC and discovered the BC's best? :D
Just a thought, didn't that one cylon who was constantly killer herself see who the final five were? I even remember her apologizing to one, whom I suspect to be the Colonel now.  Perhaps she will play a role on the Cylon's side now that she knows who they all are.  Just a thought.
I hate to post in this thread and be lumped in the same crowd as you space nuts but...

...in the final scene of the 3rd series ending episode, you see the zoom out from the
fleet to a region just above the galaxy, then we zoom in slightly off to the side and
we see what appears to be Earth.  Given the galaxy is about 100,000 light years in
diameter, I estimate the distance between Earth and the fleet to be around
5,000-10,000 light years.

The theory that Col Tigh, the President's Assistant, Enders, the Chief, and Starbuck are
the "5 cylons" may hold some water.  The President herself has some connection.  One of
the other cyclon models told Starbuck that "this will happen or would happen again" and has
an abstract meaning.

Good stuff.  Can't wait for season four.

They heard music from about 40-50 years ago? Since radio signal travels at the speed of light, they are apprx 50 light years away.
Assuming the music is from Earth, it was transmitted from Earth 40/50 years ago, and BSG
is set in "present day". 

Point taken that 5,000 to 10,000 years doesn't make sense compared to the story line of
3,000 years when the 12 Colonies first arose and the journey of the 13th.

You'll note at the end of the episode the galaxy zoom scenes.  The distance traveled appears to
be much further than 50 light years.  I can't find any references of nebulas at or within 100
light years of Earth.  This would suggest that Earth is more advanced in time than present
day, assuming of course BSG is 'receiving' Earth music at a nebula.  Might be a Cylon
local broadcast and not sourced from Earth.  Gotta wait for season four.

I refuse to post here again.   ;D

Bert said:
You'll note at the end of the episode the galaxy zoom scenes.  The distance traveled appears to
be much further than 50 light years.

  I can't find any references of nebulas at or within 100
light years of Earth. 

.  Might be a Cylon
local broadcast and not sourced from Earth.  Gotta wait for season four.

I refuse to post here again.   ;D

Yeah right
your geek colors are showing through  ;)

Hey can we get a mod to add CYLON to the spell check dictionary
This comes from Bear McCreary's web blog.  He's the composer for BSG.  This is just a paragraph clip from his blog explaining the origin of the song All Along The Watch Tower, and how it isn't necessarily Bob Dylan's OR Hendrix' version.

I happened to catch Ron Moore in the hallway at Universal and, in a brief conversation, got everything I needed to know. I learned that the idea was not that Bob Dylan necessarily exists in the characters' universe, but that an artist on one of the colonies may have recorded a song with the exact same melody and lyrics. Perhaps this unknown performer and Dylan pulled inspiration from a common, ethereal source. Therefore, I was told to make no musical references to any "Earthly" versions, Hendrix, Dylan or any others. The arrangement needed to sound like a pop song that belonged in the Galactica universe, not our own.

Just thought I'd toss THIS in there.  That way, we're not trying to measure distance to Earth based on the time it takes for a song to get from point A to point B.

Link to his blog: http://www.bearmccreary.com/


From another blog.......and I read it somewhere that the signal may or may not have come from earth. In fact the directors and the writes haven't even nailed down in which year the fleet will arrive or exactly what year it is on earth.


The key to the episode was "All Along the Watchtower".  Every bit of dialogue in this show has a purpose...but when the characters in the show are actually saying the lyrics of the background music as dialogue...it's kinda freaking obvious there is "something" to it.  Specifically, the lines "there's too much confusion", "No reason to get excited" and "I can't get no relief" are all spoken as dialogue by the new "cylons"...if they actually are cylons....which I doubt.  Therefore, it makes sense to identify WHY the writers chose that song (who cares how good the rendition was).

The lyrics are listed below.  Please note this song is essentially, about class warfare which was an underlining message throughout season 3.  The song references a Joker and Thief vs. the Princes in the Tower.  Jokers are members of a society that support the ruling class.  It's important to point out that all four people who believe they are cylons are essentially the servant class or work/support someone in a ruling position.  Thieves sneak into things to take something away in the same manner in which the cylons snuck into the human society to steal the planet and the human way of life.  The song tells of the Joker and Thief working together to challenge the princes in the watchtower who represent the "establishment".  Throughout the season there were references to the "elite" and "ruling class".  Could this be foreshadowing a collaboration between the Joker (servant class of human society) and Thief (cylons) to over though the current ruling class (Adama, Roslyn, et al?)

Additionally, the song also ends with a reference to the "wind began to howl" which is representing a change in the weather.  To make the connection to the song even more obvious, Helo specifically states "There is a change in the weather" about to occur.

Either way...damn good stuff.  It makes me wish I had paid more attention in Literature classes in college!


"There must be some way out of here," said the joker to the thief,

"There's too much confusion, I can't get no relief.

Businessmen, they drink my wine, plowmen dig my earth,

None of them along the line know what any of it is worth."

"No reason to get excited," the thief, he kindly spoke,

"There are many here among us who feel that life is but a joke.

But you and I, we've been through that, and this is not our fate,

So let us not talk falsely now, the hour is getting late."

All along the watchtower, princes kept the view

While all the women came and went, barefoot servants, too.

Outside in the distance a wildcat did growl,

Two riders were approaching, the wind began to howl
The wait between season 2 and 3 was bad enough...  but for season 4 not before 2008?  AaaAAaAarrggGGgG :blotto:
mover1 said:
  Specifically, the lines "there's too much confusion", "No reason to get excited" and "I can't get no relief" are all spoken as dialogue by the new "cylons"...if they actually are cylons....which I doubt. 

Ron Moore confirmed in an interview that they are cylons.
That's deep man.  }puufftt{ {best Chong voice}
I can dig what you're saying, it all makes sense now, for some reason.  Underlying storylines and social nuances.
Far out.
The music represents a "dawning awareness" by the four new Cylons. <  {{music}} This is the Dawning of the Age of Aquarius>

But to Frakking wait until next january is... is... distrubing.