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Battlestar Galactica (Beware....Possible SPOILERS! read at your own risk)

Who is most likely a Cylon ?

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CougarKing said:
Damn! Just saw the episode tonight- I can't believe they killed Starbuck off before they reached Earth!.

Maybe they were experimenting with female hormones. She did seem pretty P.Oed most of the time  ;D
That shocked me as much as when  the Doctor in Star Gate Atlantis was killed off! :salute:

I think she was downloaded also,  or she is floating in space somewhere due to some unknown reason that the writers must still come up with.
My guess is that Starbuck has been downloaded. The story of her birth has not been told. I would bet it will involve her war heroe mother being a Cylon captive. She was impregnated with Cylon material and voila, the super pilot is born.

If this is not how it turns out it should be. The writers should give me a call!
Sounds highly feasible seeing as Starbuck came home one day flying a Cylon fighter.. :D
BYT Driver said:
Sounds highly feasible seeing as Starbuck came home one day flying a Cylon fighter.. :D
So did that other dude, whats his face, you know the one I'm talking about?

Yes I know who you're talking about- BULLDOG-that other Viper pilot/Stealth Star pilot from Adama's last command, the Battlestar Valkyrie, who came back piloting a Cylon Raider. :)

Like I said, I don't think we've seen the last of Starbuck.
Probably in about 4 or 5 episodes we'll see Starbuck come back as a side story of somesort.  We haven't seen hide nor hair of Caprica since she came aboard  BSG.  Hmmm, makes you wonder if that'll be a few episodes with her and Baltar on trail?  Starbuck may be one of the missing five, and they're just gearing us up.  I figured she was one some time ago, the Ring of Jupiter and the photo of the 5 only enhanced my guess.  But, then agian, I'm probably wrong as per usual. 


Hasn't it been years since anyone was on Caprica? I bet they go back and kick some radioactive-mutant zombie ***.
Imbeault said:
Hasn't it been years since anyone was on Caprica? I bet they go back and kick some radioactive-mutant zombie ***.

Umm...Imbeault...I think BYT Driver was talking about Caprica 6, not the planet Caprica in his question...

Oh well..BSG vs. Resident Evil!  hehehehe :threat:
Sometime last season, Starbuck, Helo, and Sharon (now Athena) were on Caprica to get some artifact (Diana's Arrow or something). 
That's where Starbuck meet Sam.  They faught the cylons, that's where we started to see all the copies of each model.  Totally frakked me up when they showed one Sharon with Helo and another getting bitchslapped by Six. 
Two Canadian girls going at it....sounds like a typical saturday night at the hug and slug?!!?


hug and slug

;D  ;D LOL! LOL!...haven't heard that in years! Is that place still open!?
Great...a terrorist bomb blows up on a Raptor, then we have more of this character buildling with Apollo arguing with Dad as usual...oh well...YAWNNNNNNN......

Why they don't have a Kangaroo court and chuck Baltar OUT the airlock to get it over with! SHEESH!

At least the preview for the upcoming season finale looks interesting so far...hopefully that Cylon basestar I saw in the preview will jump right beside the fleet during the trial...hehehe  >:D

Nah, something tells me that they'll try Baltar, get ready to space him (and maybe Six with him  :crybaby:) When out of the blue, a base star will pop out of nowhere and rescue them both.  Hmm, I 've seen that storyline somewhere before??  Cheesy writing. 
Almost about to give up on the show. >:(
It just feels like Law & Order BSG now.  Not giving up just yet but NBC who ultimatly runs the show has a tendancy to take really cool stuff and make them fail.  For example Fire Fly  :crybaby:  I hope they can pull this together.
Finally some action (more like just a drop)...a Cylon almost hits a Raptor...oh well... :boring:

Anyways, it's an interesting plot twist that the President has Cancer again and visions again...

though I don't see the point of conflict the new Apollo versus Admiral Adama again with "the son sticking it to his Dad" as Baltar's lawyer aptly put it...

Then they gotta have Colonel Tigh have hallucinations and HEARING THINGS from Galactica's hull?? SHEESH, I wish the screenwriters would just give the man a BREAK!!!!
