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Army.ca Status- The History of Outages & Dark Days

Thanks Occam, that might just be it. oldmtler, does it look any better now?
Attempted humour aside, thank yiou Mr Bobbit and Occam.

John Davis
Fantastic, thanks Occam! And, not to sound too much like I strolled out of a cheap WW II film, but I believe I've also permanently fixed 'the German problem'.
You're very welcome.

And here all along I thought "the German problem" was "two steins, only one mouth"  :cheers:
I've been having periodic, fairly short outages, too. Both my Linux and Vista boxes fail to even "find" the site for five minutes then all is OK again.
Ping doesn't normally work, so it's not a good gauge of the site's availability. (It's ignored by the firewall)

The outage last night was caused by the ongoing house reno... we accidentally knocked the Internet connection down.
Things happen.
What I find refreshing on this site is the honesty.
Are you having fun with your reno?  We just finished putting in a suite over the garage for daughter #1.  It was a learning experience my wife kept telling me.  ( dealing with the city was)
The reno is fun mostly because it's a new (to us) house, so there's lots to learn. All the old, well understood but unfinished problems are gone, and we're on to a whole new set. It's a journey of discovery. :)

Right now, the cable connecting us to the Internet runs about 80 feet and has 3 splices in it. Every once in a while I talk to someone who envisions Army.ca running out of a high-tech temperature controlled data centre somewhere under bright white lights... and I have to laugh.

It used to be on my office which doubled as a spare bedroom; I always pitied my guests because the combined noise of the server and the UPS are enough to drive most people crazy... That's why a I always recommend a good stiff drink before bed. :)
I work in a high-tech temperature controlled enviroment for an electronics sompany.  People imagine that we must work in a stress free atmosphere in regards to our IT system.  I can only dream that it was true. 
Thank God that I spend a fair amount of time offsite and working from home.
Mike Bobbitt said:
Every once in a while I talk to someone who envisions Army.ca running out of a high-tech temperature controlled data centre somewhere under bright white lights... and I have to laugh.

Actually, I envisioned Milnet H.Q. as something like the Diefenbunker!
Mike Bobbitt said:
OK. I blocked a spider that was crawling the site; it was a marketing site, not a useful search engine. I was hoping that might have made a difference, but maybe not...

Have we got another spider?

I'm getting similar symptoms: painfully slow page loading with random periods of "normal" (quick) performance.

Once again the Linux box seems to work better than the Microsoft box.

I agree, I have the same issue here with drag as well.
Unfortunately not... nothing obvious from the logs at this point...
Pages are loading like spagettie (some long and some short) at the moment.
Glad to hear it... I have been tinkering in the background but may end up causing more damage than good. ;)