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Anxiety/OCD/meds (merged)

  • Thread starter Thread starter nate1982
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I'm gonna bust my butt off, Rev!

Quick question to who ever knows the answer. Selection Boards... My file is being mailed to Halifax for selection. Apparently my google/army.ca search for this showed there are multiple selection boards or they only do x trades x time of year. I scored fairly good merit wise apparently, I'm just interested more in when do they look at my trades per se? Some people have toyed around with dates back in the posts I read from 2007, but this side of the recruitment process has me a little lost.
I think everyone's selection board is different.  Mine was in Otttawa, and I was told I should be getting a call sometime in April, but my call actually came sometime in May.  The recruiters can't say for certain when you'll get the call, but don't let that get you down.  IMHO if it takes the selection board 2 months or 5 months, as long as the outcome is the same for you, why fight it?

I think you have the proper mindset to do this, and I wish you the best of luck.  My only PT advice is to practice the beep test as much as you can.  I know there is a link to a download for the beep test here on this site, but I always ended up with the Austrailian version.  Finally, one of the guys taking BMQ with me in July found a better version and downloaded it for us.  It's available on our facebook group for July 2011 BMQ, but I'll email it to any of those people who are interested.  If you want or need it, PM me or email me at chris-richards@live.com.

Good luck to you, and I hope to get the chance to meet you at some point in our careers.

Thanks Rev.

I was more curious on the process than dates I could get in. I've waited 8months already, a few more won't hurt so I'm sitting down here, hurryng up and waiting.

It would be interesting if we got posted relatively near. Comox and Shearwater are relatively close to Naval posts so you never know.
POST 109​
Hey all who have been following my posts, giving me encouragement, and kicking me in the a$$ when I need it (thanks mods and mentors).

I had received some worry when I called the National Recruitment Contact Center to check into the status of my file as they informed me something didn't look right- to call my CFRC. CFRC Moncton is closed as it is moving for a week or so, so I panicked. I heard from a good source that there were a dozen or so positions left for ATIS Tech, and selections were on June 15. I called CFRC St. John, and they made me extremely extremely happy. My name was on the 'selected' list and that I will recieve the call by the end of the week for my job offer.

I'm very excited to possibly meet some of you out in the world!!! I would also like to again thank all the moderaters who have patiently coddled me and taken the time to answer my questions and some of you who during your work day, looked into the information available to let me know what was going on.

To all of you who are still in the recruitment process: To those of you who have had histories of 'anxiety': To those of you who believe you can't possibly make it for some reason or another: Read my thread. I've been diagnosed with an X number of things that wasn't true, just medical opinion, I've been medicated, I've been injured. I pretty much got hit by the Life truck and I struggled to find my own. The strength is in YOU to persevere. YOU can take the reins of your life and steer it in whichever direction YOU choose. I grew a lot since my first post in October 2010. I learned from George Wallace, Occam, CDNAviator, numerous other mods (I just forgot your names, not what you gave me) and I also learned from people in the process like myself such as NavyHopeful, Motox, and others. I started in 2010 ignorant of everything the Forces has to offer and the different processes to get to where I want to be. With help from those listed above (and others) I learned why the process is in place, why HURRY UP AND WAIT means so much, and most importantly, not to give up. The Forces want you in as much as you want to be in.

My recommendation to all of you: Don't give up. Read every thread here and ask the questions you can't find answers to. We're here for you as we're sure you will be to new people who join this site when you know the answers. And George Wallace isn't mean, he's a highly intelligent being trying to teach you to search for the answers, because in the Forces, no ones going to do it for you.

Thank you all again, for helping me climb into the Canadian Forces Family. I won't let myself down, and I won't let you down.

Kory O.
Congratulations! Your process was an inspiring read - helps with the whole "hurry up and wait" process.  ;D
I would like to offer my congrats as well, bud.  Great mindset, and great attitude for this opportunity!!!  Some of us do visit the chat room from time to time, so if you drop by, and you see a few names you recognize, drop us a line.

I would also like to ask the powers that be to possibly sticky this thread for people who are asking alot of the same questions you did.  I know I see about 5 or 6 different threads with some of the same questions, and I see the answer "Have you searched?"  In my honest opinion, I think new users to this forum would benefit from your story, and the inspirational words that you have for people coming in behind you.

I look forward to serving this country with you, my friend and brother-in-arms.  :salute:


Thank you for the kind words.

Ayrsayle, I am more than gracious to hear that you found my corner of milnet inspriring. I was initially hesitant and embarassed when I posted my 'life story' but the tune soon changed with similar words of support from my peers here.

Rev, I hope at some point we're posted in the same vicinity but since its beginning to sound like we'll be in BMQ for at least a few weeks, we could hook up for a chat or a beer on the weekend.

A lot of you guys have followed me since my turn in for my application. You have all been with me during a very integral part of my career in the CF. I want to say Thanks, and that you will all be remembered in one form or another since without your support, its more than possible that I would have given up.

Congrats dude!!

I'm sitting here on eggshells waiting to hear, maybe I should call like you did. 

I came across your thread first and it's what got on reading these forums, our stories shared a lot of parallels even being from the same Province, hopefully I can draw from your excitement and make the wait easier.

It's a great day here in Freddy Beach, hopefully it is for you too in Moncton.

Hope to see you at CFLRS!
Thanks Craisome,

I suck at waiting. I was also told by a recruiter once "we are super busy at times, it doesn't hurt for you to call in for updates as we can't be looking at an individuals file 24/7".

It's cr@p weather here in Moncton... go figure... lol

I just have to wait and see when my RC is open or whats going on with that. I didn't want to step on my RC's toes by calling for an update from another Center, but I just don't want to 'miss the boat'.
Hey all,

Just got back in from CFRC Moncton.

I just signed my offer, and yes, of course, I took it.

Got my CFLRS St-Jean booklet on what not to do and what not to bring.

Forgive my MSN lingo here but "OMG"

Looking forward to September 3rd!

(Posting a portion of this in the BMQ September section)
Congratulations!  Now it's official eh!  Good luck at BMQ.    :D
This thread was so inspiring to read. I'm glad you stuck with it while you were waiting, not to mention you didn't get discouraged. Congratulations!
threemosphere said:
This thread was so inspiring to read. I'm glad you stuck with it while you were waiting, not to mention you didn't get discouraged. Congratulations!

I'm happy your found it inspiring. I hope that in the future people find this thread and read it through- it shows that no matter what your history is, the Forces aren't here to discriminate you. They may make the process a little more difficult, but you can't blame them. They have to make sure that you remain safe and the safety of those you serve with.

If any of the 11000 people who have looked at this thread decided not to give up if they were thinking of it because of what they read, I'd be happy.
Hi I am very interested in joining the forces, been a dream of mine since I was very young. I only have one issue that may disqualify me from enrollment. For the past year or so I have been taking anxiety medication for a general anxiety issue. It is now under control and I am going to be stopping usage of the pills soon. My question is will this somehow cause problems in signing up? My doctors are aware the anxiety is no longer an issue but advised finishing the current cycle of pills before discontinuing usage. If anyone can offer any advice it would be greatly appreciated.
Chris80x said:
Hi I am very interested in joining the forces, been a dream of mine since I was very young. I only have one issue that may disqualify me from enrollment. For the past year or so I have been taking anxiety medication for a general anxiety issue. It is now under control and I am going to be stopping usage of the pills soon. My question is will this somehow cause problems in signing up? My doctors are aware the anxiety is no longer an issue but advised finishing the current cycle of pills before discontinuing usage. If anyone can offer any advice it would be greatly appreciated.

I'm not sure if anyone can give you a definite answer. I did a quick search and found a couple previous threads that may get you started.


Your best bet would be to head down to the recruiting centre and discuss this with a recruiter. They will guide you down the right path.
As DanKnee said, and as we have advised here countless times, go and talk to a recruiter. Nobody here can tell you anything of any value.
As mentioned, nobody here can give you a definitive answer. I had to do anger management counseling from when I was 14-17 as part of conditions, which usually requires you to have to do a separate psychological evaluation during the application process,which slows down your application quite a bit as you can imagine. However, after talking to me, during my medical, they noted that I seem like a very well adjusted individual and that it will not be needed, so it seems to be judged on a case by case basis.
(sarcasm) Just don't go in there all twitchy and nervous. (sarcasm)
Thank you for the replies, I've been advised to speak with a medical officer monday morning and will do so. The issue isn't an issue anymore and I'm a normal guy so I hope it won't be an issue. Cheers all.
Hey Chris,

read my thread too, you may find some similarities.  There may even be a few answers in there for you.

<a href="http://forums.army.ca/forums/threads/97095.0.html">Mudshuvel's Story</a>

