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Anxiety/OCD/meds (merged)

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I suggest you wait for the response from Ottawa before going further.  They may give you a green light.  You won't spend your money on something they won't ask anyway.  If the give you the red light, you will always have time to do the psy evaluation and appeal the decision. Don't worry to much a about the whole case review process by Ottawa.  You don't control  that part and every case is different, so you can't draw conclusions from others.  Good luck.
Thanks Senf. It wasn't so much looking for a path to follow, but more of an opinion to sway me either way. I'll wait to see what Ottawa says first. Thanks.

Now to fix my cholesterol...
For your cholesterol, change your eating habits, there is a lot of info on internet about that.  They are not testing that at medical unless you have been asked to do a blood test.  You should be good, unless it is a declared medical problem.  In that case, they may ask another paper form your doctor.
Yea, I have to do a blood test for my trade and cholesterol is one of those tests. I don't eat garbage foods by any mean nor do I 'believe' I have horrible cholesterol. I just worry about the little things here, lol.
So my file is on its way to Ottawa. According to my medical file, I'm an H-2 for hearing, V-1 despite the fact my left eye is a little weak so I wear glasses. CV-1... Blood work came back clean, urine is good, but the only thing I may have failed is my cholesterol.
Mind you, my overall cholesterol is good, my bad cholesterol is low, also good, but my good cholesterol is a little low which means my trigycerides are a little high. Haven't seen my doctor yet, but my mother is a nurse who run blood work and she told me that it could have been as little as something I ate the day before that its easy to bring those two to normal. She also stated that its the 'bad' cholesterol people normally look for.
Has anyone experienced this? Could it hinder my application?
Will put another update up when I get the results next week. Keep safe everyone.
I recently had to do the blood tests for my Navy application as well.  Everything came back as normal with the only exception being my bilirubin was a 2 or 3 points higher than normal.  My doctor said it was likely because I was fasting for the other blood tests.  If you check your cholesterol levels (I kept a copy of mine for my file) your numbers should be in these areas:  Total Cholesterol: 3.20 - 5.20; Triglycerides: 0.30 - 1.70; HDL: 1.03 - 1.80; LDL: 2.90 - 4.20; Non-HDL: 3.90 - 4.90; (I'm in Quebec, so this one's in French... Sorry) Indice d'artherogenicit: 1.0 - 5.0.

I don't know if this helps you to quit worrying (I know I've been doing my fair share over the past while too ;D ), but the medic I had during my medical told me that he thought the cut-off for the cholesterol levels was a 6.0 for the total number, but don't take my word for it.  See if you can get the actual number from your recruiter or medic that did your medical.  At the absolute worst, you can call the Medical section of the CFRC in Ottawa.  You can google their number, or if you can't find it, PM me and I'll send it to you.

Good luck with your app, and maybe we'll see each other in BMQ (if we gewt called at the same time!!! :camo: ) :camo:

Hey how come you fellas seem to have your qualification numbers?
I asked the med officer and all he would tell me is I'm perfect and I did just fine? So not fair!
I have some additional paper work to return and hopefully be ready for BMQ as well.
I asked the recruiting officer and I qualified for my trades.

So Good Luck To Everyone Hope We All Get Through!
We got our numbers because when we asked our medic, he/she gave us our numbers.  Also, if you know how to research on the internet, you can find the requirements for your medical regarding your trades.

For example, my numbers needed to be 4, 2, 3, 2, 2, 5.  My actual numbers were 1, 2, 1, 2, 2, 5 (the only reason I got a 5 is because I don't have my pilot's licence.  Apparently, that number is changed depending on if and how long you've had your pilot's licence, or if you've ever worked on an airline)

Ask your CFRC staff to see your actual numbers.  They'll tell you if you have the right to see your file or not.
NavyHopeful said:
(the only reason I got a 5 is because I don't have my pilot's licence. Apparently, that number is changed depending on if and how long you've had your pilot's licence, or if you've ever worked on an airline)

This is rubbish.

5 = fit to be a passenger on CF aircraft.

1-4 are for personel whos work directly relates to flying operations, depending on exactly what it is they do. It relates to medical fitness and not any sort of level of training/qualification/experience.

I am an AES Op and my air factor ( the last number) is 2.

From CFP 154 - Medical Standards

A1 - assigned to pilots who are medically fit for unrestricted duty in all CF aircraft;

A2 - assigned to navigators, flight engineers, observers and helicopter reconnaissance observers who are medically fit for unrestricted duty in all CF aircraft where such positions are required;

A3 - assigned to those aircrew members for whom a medical restriction has been identified. An A3 classification will always clearly stipulate the specific limitations to be imposed;

A4 - assigned to all aircrew who are medically fit for unrestricted airborne duty but whose duties do not entail actual operation of the aircraft to which they are assigned. If such individuals were to become incapacitated they would not create a hazard to aircraft operation nor impede the safe return of the aircraft to the ground. An A4 classification may be annotated "While So Employed" (WSE) when it is assigned to members of MOCs which are not normally associated with flying. Air Traffic Control and Air Weapons Control personnel must also maintain an A4 category for unrestricted employment;

A5 - assigned to all non-aircrew members of the CF who are medically fit to fly as passengers in CF aircraft;

A6 - this grade is assigned to all CF members who are considered medically unfit to fly in any capacity; and

A7 - this grade is assigned to all aircrew personnel who are medically unfit for any flight duty in CF aircraft but who may still fly as passengers.
Thanks for the replies and PMs people!

@CDN Aviator, you're in a trade close (I believe) to AC OP. Do you have any idea how they look at cholesterol levels for Aircrew trades?  Another source of information told me "The cut off point for total cholesterol is 6", mine is 4.7. Only my trigycerides are high and my HDL is a bit low, perfect is anything over 1, I'm at .80. My mother being a nurse practitioner said that trigycerides and HDL can go up and down on a weekly basis and not to worry about it, but you know how it goes with some people, it doesn't matter what anyone says unless its the 'right' person. I'm just at a loss to see how exactly the score cholesterol. If they only look at bad and overall and make sure everything else isn't too much off. So its not so much wanting to hear a 'you're fine to join' or what have you, I'm more interested to see the scoring methodology.

Mudshuvel said:
Do you have any idea how they look at cholesterol levels for Aircrew trades?

I cant speak for AC OP in that regards as they are held to a different standard than us ( note the wording of the A4 category, they must maintain an A4 for unrestricted employment but are not an aircrew trade.). How the medical system views cholesterol for aerospace control personel could be different and i do not wish to lead you down the wrong path. Based on what i have seen ( for my trade only) high cholesterol has kept at least 2 people i know from transfering over to AES Op.
Thanks CDN Aviator, thats somewhat the answer I was looking for. I finally got a hold of my local Med Tech, she had been training for the last few weeks, and she informed me quite similar to what you said. She did say that there shouldn't be a problem since my cholesterol isn't high, just two of the numbers that can be easily manipulated were off. I'm too much at risk of stroking.

I wish that Aircrew Medical Standards were published in a manner that says, this is the margin 'this' should be in (eg: HDL .80-1.30) or something to that detriment. But hey, if life was that simple, forums wouldn't be needed.

Thanks again!
And to add to my progression, to what I somewhat touched base on the last post:

My local Med Tech was away at training so she has yet to receive my file in her hands. She travels between Moncton and Bathurst (3hour drive) week to week, so if she does not receive it in Bathurst and she comes to Moncton, well it will be shipped to her from Bathurst and she will Purolator it to Ottawa. Thats an extra 2 weeks, but its the system, and hopefully if I respect it, it will pass me in return (kidding). I just hope the waiting pays off.
@ CDNAviator:  I double checked the info I was given regarding the "5" I got.  Thank you for clarifying the info I had posted.  You are correct is your information, and my source had given me only an assumption.  So I told him what happens when you "assume"...

Thanks for clarifying that point, because I didn't see how having a pilot's licence would change my numbers for a medical.  I was only going on what my buddy told me (he's ex-Army, transferred to Air Force a few years ago, but he's an RMS Clk so I don't see why he'd want to get his Pilot's licence)

Good luck to anyone else who has an open file.  Hope we all get accepted.

Cheers everyone.

So. My medical is in Ottawa awaiting review. This is the most tumultuous portion of my application as you have probably read before. What's the worst that could happen? Right? I'm hoping that it goes fine. I passed in all the necessary paperwork, my doc doesn't think I'm crazy, my vision and hearing are good. My cholesterol is meh. Well, I'm sure I'll hear something soon. I'll call Friday to see what's up. Again, all of your words of encouragement have been well-received. Hopefully I can soon write on my application process sample that I'm merit listed. Phew, I know some of you have been waiting a lot longer than me, but this has been a long 6 months.
Looking for an opinion here. I'm not wanting to bug my local RC, so since my medical (and aircrew medical) are in Ottawa, what would be an appropriate time frame to call to check it's status. It's been there about a week now b
There are 2 piles of files in Ottawa - those that are reccomended immediate enrollment and those with Family Doctor Letters.  The latter pile is thicker and gets more scrutiny, so takes longer to get through.  I'd wait at least 1-2 weeks before getting on anyone's case, as it sounds like you're in the thicker pile.


Thanks MM,

I figured that was the case.  So hopefully they don't spend too much time scrutinizung, haha.

So would they give me a call from my local RC or should I just bite the bullet and call next week?
You may want to wait a bit longer than just a few weeks for your air crew medical.

When mine was submitted in August it took until almost the end of September before the recruiting centre received my status. My file did spend almost three weeks in Ottawa before being forwarded to Toronto.

I know that it can feel like forever but you will have to just be patient and it will get through the system.
Thanks for the tip OkanaganHeat.

Its not so much the aircrew medical I'm curious about, but just the general Medical that is being eval'd. If I failed the AC Medical then I at least still have by secondary and tertiary choices left. I'm just curious if the overall Medical would pass since I highly doubt they would send my file to Toronto if it doesn't pass. I would just like to find out if I can before the note gets sent so I could book the appointments with whoever I have to for either additional info or to dispute it.

Thanks again for your information it did answer a few questions.