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Anxiety/OCD/meds (merged)

  • Thread starter Thread starter nate1982
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Hey guys,

touching base here. Still nothing as to Medical, but my 'official diagnoses' from my mental breaks in the past now have an official name. Rather than the multitudes of random 'labels' threw at me, my GP suggests that in the past my bout was with adjustment disorder. She informed me that it is quite common and mine had to do with family situations, mental abuse, stuff like that. She said the people reviewing my file should have no problem realizing that it was 100% situational as in the five years since 'having it', I've managed to have a job for that 5 years, got married, had kids with no reoccurance other than the 'I have a crappy job' stress that most people experience.

This makes the wait for my medical in Ottawa a little more bearable.
Hey all,

Called for an update on my medical, just to ensure that I passed the initial medical prior to ac medical. Come to find out, my medical may have gotten lost in the mail.

I'm taking Canada Post off my Christmas card list...

Here we go again.


EDIT: Med Tech was sick, she's mailing them out tomorrow.
Medical Passed!!! HOOO WAH!

Aircrew Medical is still pending. Any ideas on length it takes?
Congratulations mudshuvel! Great to hear after following this thread. Your success has given me some new hope I think too. Good luck in the military.
I still have a little ways to go Smitty, still have my air crew medical, interview, and merit listing. Here's to hoping.
Hey all,

I was told by my local CFRC to call in this week to find out my Air Factor (was informed it should be in). After that, my interview and then you never know.

I want to say thanks to Army.ca/Milnet for everything this site has offered. By no means am I intending on leaving, but this site has given me the inspiration to continue. I'm not suggesting I would not have gone through with my application, but with the 'depression' cloud that has been following me for the better part of a decade, some of the users of this site have given words of wisdom and encouragement that gave me an extra burst of willpower. Passing my medical (was decided in Ottawa) really ramped up my happiness emotion.

I try to be as helpful to this site as the people who have helped me, including George who on occasion gives me a well-deserved kick in the wallet when my posts don't go as planned.

Even if I do not join the ranks in my chosen trades- or not in any capacity at all, I want to have the opportunity to still kick back and read post after post not only to better understand the minds under the berets but also to keep in contact with a few of you I have befriended. I hope I do get to join up, obviously I wouldn't have put up an application if that wasn't the fact, but as stated, even if I don't I'm very happy with myself that I tried.

So thank you ARMY.CA and MILNET. Thank you George Wallace, CDN Aviator, Occam, and all the other people from where who have PM'd me with support or replied to my posts. If this is the comaderie I could expect in the Forces, I can't wait. I'll tell you all this week what happens.

Mudshuvel said:
Hey all,

I was told by my local CFRC to call in this week to find out my Air Factor (was informed it should be in). After that, my interview and then you never know.

I want to say thanks to Army.ca/Milnet for everything this site has offered. By no means am I intending on leaving, but this site has given me the inspiration to continue. I'm not suggesting I would not have gone through with my application, but with the 'depression' cloud that has been following me for the better part of a decade, some of the users of this site have given words of wisdom and encouragement that gave me an extra burst of willpower. Passing my medical (was decided in Ottawa) really ramped up my happiness emotion.

I try to be as helpful to this site as the people who have helped me, including George who on occasion gives me a well-deserved kick in the wallet when my posts don't go as planned.

Even if I do not join the ranks in my chosen trades- or not in any capacity at all, I want to have the opportunity to still kick back and read post after post not only to better understand the minds under the berets but also to keep in contact with a few of you I have befriended. I hope I do get to join up, obviously I wouldn't have put up an application if that wasn't the fact, but as stated, even if I don't I'm very happy with myself that I tried.

So thank you ARMY.CA and MILNET. Thank you George Wallace, CDN Aviator, Occam, and all the other people from where who have PM'd me with support or replied to my posts. If this is the comaderie I could expect in the Forces, I can't wait. I'll tell you all this week what happens.


This post should be stickied. Glad the forum was able to help, good luck with the rest of your process.
Wow, that's all great to hear...and so opposed to this load of bollocks.

Nice to know that the community is doing something right and is not just a bunch of big meanies.

You can have my Care Bear if you ever need it.

I'm glad I was able to help out; thanks very much for the tip of the hat, Mudshuvel.
Yea, I had read brizzy's post.

I had written in another post a few months back that patience is the ultimate test when it comes to military applications. I was ridiculously impatient upon first applying, but seeing many people here on Army.ca going through the same thing puts it into perspective. I'm not sure if brizzy believed that the Halifax CFRC is just messing with him, or whatever his rationale is, but what's closed is closed. We're about to go through elections where we have no idea how the budget allocation for Defence is going to be, on top of that we're looking at the open recruitment dwindling. Peacekeeping (from Canada) is mostly handled abroad by civilian police (ie RCMP in Haiti) and Canada has become a much valued military member of NATO.

Its really hard to see where Canada ends up after the elections let alone 5 years from now in terms of recruitment. If I could pass on any words to new applicants who are at the point of handing in their application or people in Brizzy's shoes, if you are that serious about joining or you are undoubtedly sure that you want to join the ranks, patience. With all due respect, your application is not really any different than anyone else's and if there was a way to make it go faster, we all would be using that method now which in turn would cause the same backlog now. And be freakin' patient with your recruiters, some of the RCs are operating with half the staff they should have.
Hey guys,

still waiting for my air factor- month 2. I'd be lying if I said I wasn't anxious.
Failed my air crew:(
Not saying I'm surprised, I did have that wonked out Cholesterol level at the time.
Trade Choices now:
1)ATIS Tech
2)AVN Tech
3)AVS Tech
Well, bud, sorry to hear about the failure.  My suggestion to you, however, is that if any of those trades seem interesting to you, I would see if you can redirect your application to them.  Once you have been in for a while, and if you really want your original trade, I'm sure you would be able to (numbers and policy permitting, of course) remuster into that trade.

Of course, my thought was to look at the trades in demand, and see which ones most interest me.  I got lucky with the Weapons Engineering Technician.  Who knows, maybe one of these trades is better suited to your specific skills and talents.

Good luck, chum.  Please feel free to PM me if you need any help or words of encouragement.  I hope I can speak for us all when I say that we are all here for you.

I may have flunked my Air Factor, but I'm down and not out.

Recruiting Centre: CFRC Moncton
Regular/Reserve: Regular
Officer/NCM: NCM
Trade Choice 1: ATIS Tech
Trade Choice 2: AVN Tech
Trade Choice 3: AVS Tech
Application Date: December 1st, 2010
First Contacted: January 14th, 2011 (for Medical, early October 2010 for CFAT)
CFAT Completed : October 13th, 2010
References Contacted: Mid-May, 2011
BackCheck Completed: Early January
Medical Completed: March 30th, 2011/ Passed
Interview Completed: May 26th, 2011
Merit Listed:
Position Offered:
Sworn in:
Basic Training Begins:
Mudshuvel said:
I may have flunked my Air Factor, but I'm down and not out.

Pretty good attitude. I know a few guys whos attempt at becoming aircrew has failed and it turned out to be a blessing in disguise for them. Some got different opportunities and others saw how i live my life ( more like a lack thereof.....) and said "thank god i dodged that bullet !!"

One door closes, one door opens.......
Mudshuvel said:
I may have flunked my Air Factor, but I'm down and not out.

Atta boy!!!  There is no such thing as "NO."  If you really want something bad enough, find a way to turn that "NO" into a "YES" and use it to your advantage.

"No, I can't do that?  Fine.  What can I do?"

It'll work all the time, mark my words.

Good on ya bud, and good luck with your app.

I won't lie, I was a little freakin' discouraged.

All in all, I kept researching my preferred trades and came to realize that maybe AC Op may not have been for me. It certainly looks as if I would have enjoyed it, but you're rignt CdnA, could be a blessing in disguise.

Time will tell, interview tomorrow.
Hey everyone. My interview went good and the recruiter informed me that I am now merit listed for all three trades. He also mentioned that my file is very competitive and will now be sent to Halifax for the selection process. A wise man once said, when one door closes another opens. So last stretch people!
Awesome news, bud!!!  Now don't do what I've done.  I've been sitting around too long, and I swear in next friday...  I leave for BMQ in a little over a month, and my PT is struggling at the moment...

My advice to you, in this stage of your application, is get off of the couch and get moving.  If you have something like P90X, or even some Richard Simmons - Sweatin' to the Oldies... DO IT!!!

I spent all that time waiting for my call, and I should have been doubling up my workouts... now I'm worried about my stats for the CF Expres Test.

Good luck, and keep us in the loop...

And by the way...  Good on ya for sticking with it.  If you want it bad enough, it will come to you.  You just have to go and get it.

Welcome to the gang, Mudshuvel.

