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Anxiety/OCD/meds (merged)

  • Thread starter Thread starter nate1982
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Its been a while!

I had loose access to technology (capable of posting here, anyways) except for now since I'm on LTA.

Here's my story up-to-date.

Got into BMQ, Sept 3rd. Hurt myself doing the EXPRES Test (go figure) and my running still blew a bit. Ended up on WFT for a little under a month and ended up hitting up the next available platoon.

NOW, I am on Week 9, completed the firing range and 13k ruck as well as blowing the Week 8 EXPRES out of the water. Met a lot of cool people in BMQ inc. NavyHopeful, Stacked, motox (who unfortunately VR'd when he got injured) and others.

When I have more time to type, I'll be back.
Thanks for the update Mud!

If I may ask ? What did you have trouble with during the first EXPRES test?
Drive the body. That is all.

Edit: So you're coping just fine without 24 hour access to technology? It sure seems like it...funny that.

Thanks Stacked.

Hey Scott. I have no problem with the tech issues. Our staff is pretty lenient on allowing us to have our cells (performance allowing for them), etc, and when we didn't have that I could use the payphones to call my wife and kids. I could cope well with or without.
I thought I'd sneak on here and be the first to offer my congrats to you, Pte. Owen.  Good job in staying the course. I know that you had your good times and your bad times, but you managed to see this place through to the end.  Good luck and god speed with the rest of your career.

And so you know...  It kills me to see my old platoon graduating (again) while I'm riding the "pine pony" due to stupid injuries, but I am EXTREMELY PROUD to call you a friend.

Don't be a stranger, and keep in touch either on here or on Facebook to let me know how you're doing.

Best regards to you and the family.

Your buddy,

OS(R) Richards

I was born to be in the military, ever since i was 8 I have wanted to join. I'm now 18.
I am currently on ODSP, (Ontario Disability Support Program). I have a few mental illnesses, that being; depression, anxiety, panic disorder, OCD.
I have only obtained 10 credits and i'm currently working towards my diploma. I have never had a job. Must i mention that i'm currently getting counselling. about 3 weeks ago i attempted suicide due the medication i was on. I used to use opiates because of my mental illnesses. I am currently on lorazapam (ativan) and have been for 2 years, i will be slowly tappering off this medication as it is addictive. I would like to set a step by step program to get into the military.  Thanks!
There's no other way to say this but plainly:

Re-evaluate your goal. Your history is not compatible with military service. That being said, if you want a definitive answer, approach a Recruiting Cener.
are you required to allow the cf access to your medical records? or do you just submit them in yourself? Also i dont know why my previous thread was closed i had alot more information to mention. I have been to london and told them just what i told you and they said I can get a doctors note for the mental illnesses. Thanks for the quick respone by the way
Just because they tell you to get a doctors note, doesn't mean you'd be cleared for entry.
what do you think abou the past opiate use? it wasnt major by all means. i smoked pot back in grade 9 and thats it. i never did meth or anything.
Set The Bar said:
what do you think abou the past opiate use? it wasnt major by all means. i smoked pot back in grade 9 and thats it. i never did meth or anything.

Don't lie about using drugs at all. If you don't get in because of it, well you learned a valuable life lesson that actions have consequences.
Set The Bar,......Personaly I think you are a troll so, prove me wrong....... do some reading, and if you still have questions, then try asking again. This should take you a few days.
Otherwise I will delete yours posts on sight.
Thank you,
army.ca staff
So about 9 months ago I was declined due to not being in line with the "universality of deployment" policy, because I take medicine for OCD.

I was told I could appeal it but have not done so, because for the first few months I was quite angry and disappointed that they declined me even though my doctor gave a letter clearly stating I am completely sound, and pose no danger to myself or anyone else. They gave me a form to have filled out by my doctor that asked questions like if I'm depressed, or if I can bare stressful scenarios, etc. And my doctor filled everything out. I don't see what the point of having people fill out this form (at a cost of about $30 that any doctor would charge) if they are still going to decline you.

Anyways, I'm making this thread as I am confused about the options from here. I have heard here and there something about waiting 1 year or something like that, if someone can shed more light on this. Also, is there any use of appealing the decision? Or do you have to be off the medicine before you can ask them to reopen your file?
Anxiety and OCD have been discussed.

Anxiety and the military

"Hi can you join the Canadian forces with mild ocd controled by meds thanks"

Seize said:
Also, is there any use of appealing the decision?

Challenging a medical decision/Requesting second review 

As always, best to contact Recruiting.
They said you could appeal, and you decided not to.  That seems pretty clear as to your options no?

You need to take into consideration the opinion of your civilian doctor doesn't mean a military doctor will agree just because a civie doctor says so.  Civie doctors don't necessarily understand the nature of military service and the realities that come with our lifestyle.  It isn't always pleasant and the military doctors screen people accordingly. 
What happens when you run out of anxiety meds in a strong point overseas and start flipping out because your ocd tells you the bunker isn't designed right?
mariomike said:
Anxiety and OCD have been discussed.

Anxiety and the military

"Hi can you join the Canadian forces with mild ocd controled by meds thanks"
And merged ....
Seize said:
So about 9 months ago I was declined due to not being in line with the "universality of deployment" policy, because I take medicine for OCD.

I was told I could appeal it but have not done so, because for the first few months I was quite angry and disappointed that they declined me even though my doctor gave a letter clearly stating I am completely sound, and pose no danger to myself or anyone else. They gave me a form to have filled out by my doctor that asked questions like if I'm depressed, or if I can bare stressful scenarios, etc. And my doctor filled everything out. I don't see what the point of having people fill out this form (at a cost of about $30 that any doctor would charge) if they are still going to decline you.

Anyways, I'm making this thread as I am confused about the options from here.[/color] I have heard here and there something about waiting 1 year or something like that, if someone can shed more light on this. Also, is there any use of appealing the decision? Or do you have to be off the medicine before you can ask them to reopen your file?


Option 1: Appeal. The chances of successfully appealing is slim to none. Trust me- I appealed my medical condition (Vision) and it wasn't overturned. However, I just missed the cut off for V3 vision while I was getting my second opinion. So, my vision wasn't as bad as they (CFRC) initially thought, but that's how it is. What's that saying......"close only counts in horseshoes and hand-grenades". But enough about me.

Lets say you successfully appealed your Medical condition, the CFRC will then mail your Medical docs to Ottawa Medical Review Board, which they will make a decision on you. They may go through scenarios similar to the post that PuckChaser made and that won't help you out. I was also told at the recruiting center that Ottawa usually rejects the appeal even if you win. So, at the end of the day you may "win" the battle, but loose the war. :facepalm:

Option 2: Pick another trade. (Unless the CF says you're Medically unfit for all trades)

Option 3: Choose another career path.

My advice: I'm not one of the experts on this forum, but I gave you my personal experience with the Medical process. Having said that, I would say go for the appeal if you truly want to be in the Canadian Forces; You have nothing to loose.

Forgive me for my ignorance, but what would happen if you discontinued with your meds? Did the Medical examiner say you can't choose any trade?

Take care and I hope you can get in.
