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Another Candidate for the Darwin Awards

What year end review would be complete without those nominations? I voted for the couple who fell off the building and the gals taking the shortcut across the freeway....BRILLIANT!
Unfortunate Husband II in "Urban Legends" sounds disturbingly like an incident in Calgary during the early 1980's.

It seems a guy had either cleaned his bike with gasoline or simply stored it with a full tank inside his PMQ (not sure what the circumstances were). Fumes leaked out and eventually reached the pilot light of the furnace or water heater in the basement (gasoline vapour being heavier than air) with the predictable result of an explosion and fire which pretty much demolished the PMQ.

I am pretty sure no one was hurt in the incident, but perhaps someone out there remembers more details.
Thucydides said:
Unfortunate Husband II in "Urban Legends" sounds disturbingly like an incident in Calgary during the early 1980's.

It seems a guy had either cleaned his bike with gasoline or simply stored it with a full tank inside his PMQ (not sure what the circumstances were). Fumes leaked out and eventually reached the pilot light of the furnace or water heater in the basement (gasoline vapour being heavier than air) with the predictable result of an explosion and fire which pretty much demolished the PMQ.

I am pretty sure no one was hurt in the incident, but perhaps someone out there remembers more details.

Are you sure that it was Calgary? One of the guys on my jet course in 1981 or 1982 (most likely the latter) was working on some of his motor bike parts in the basement of his PMQ and spilled some residual fuel from the tank. He'd started wiping it up when he heard the furnace start up and barely had time to think "uh-oh" before it went bang. No serious injury, but the flames burnt a small hole through the basement ceiling and into the front entranceway floor.
And a Canadian one for 2008: A cotton swab in the ear can kill.

Article Link

This also falls under those funny warning labels.  For example, on a rectal thermometer:  Do not use orally.  :-X
When I saw the logo on the truck , I was hoping that what I saw wouldn't happen...

Oh, well...  :-X
WTF happened there?

Did I see this right? Did he just light a lighter inside the tank to check the level? Seriously?
Dissident said:
WTF happened there?

Did I see this right? Did he just light a lighter inside the tank to check the level? Seriously?

Is that what he did?  It happened so fast, I didn't get a chance to see it!
Dissident said:
WTF happened there?

Did I see this right? Did he just light a lighter inside the tank to check the level? Seriously?

Yupper, that's what he did.....
And goes to show that unlike the movies, entire tankers do not always explode and take out every house for a 500m radiius...
I had a flashback to that old British first aid film we use to have to watch as part of fire safety...

"Roll around Bill, roll around!" (or words to that effect)
Greymatters said:
I had a flashback to that old British first aid film we use to have to watch as part of fire safety...

"Roll around Bill, roll around!" (or words to that effect)

Wasn't that the same one where there was a person fueling a generator or some such, and the other person lighting the stove in the gully went up in flames?
Reminds me of the fire safety video they showed us in St-Jean where buddy was filling the stove with NAPHTA (or however you spell it) and he caught himself on fire.
I've seen this video elsewhere on the internets. The concensus seems to be that he had a cell phone on in his pocket and got a call.  He wasn't smoking or anything so it seems possible, and you can see him look at his pocket like he got a call just before the big event. But it could have been something else he did or something off camera too.
I read about a guy in the official Darwin Awards book, it was the same accident. Guy lights a lighter to check the level, and the truck explodes. Though this guy was still rolling around whereas the guy in the book was killed.